Why doesn't anybody care about retirement?

From workin4me's post on the other thread: "No real investments started YET just a simple 401K offered by my husband's work".


I'm having too much fun reading this to help this poster........:D

A case of do as I say, not as I do?

Here's my "advice":

Open a Roth IRA for you and your husband, and max it out.

Max out his Simple IRA at work.

Max out your 401K or whatever you have at work.

Put 6 months living expenses in a high-paying money market account.

Make extra principal payments on all your debt.

Then when someone asks what YOU'RE DOING to save for retirement, you don't have to lie.........;)
Anyone want to wager if we'll ever hear from young Mrs. workin4me again?

She logged out and disappeared right after I defended her as somebody simply motivated by her own agenda. Sheesh, I was just trying to help. ;)
Since you believe in a healthy, robust portfolio, what, as a financial adviser, would you suggest belongs in a healthy, robust portfolio?

I know! I know!

It depends...:cool:

that'll be $50 please... cash or paypal...
I just started working as a financial adviser and I was so excited to help people plan for retirement. It was something I always thought about. Finances have always been a passion for me (I started saving for college when I was 4 yrs old)

But all I get is rejection. "Not interested right now." WHEN will you be? When retirement is knocking on your door:confused:?

What do I do to put some fire in their bellies? Or is there nothing I can do to make my generation see that they shouldn't hang all their retirement plans on Social Security and one 401K--if they have one? :mad:

Just a thought...........there's more to being an FA than planning for retirement. Maybe you need to find out where they are financially. Are you prepared to help folks in other areas of thier finacial lives? Have you asked them what IS important to them NoW?

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