Why Is Tide So Valuable?


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Jun 11, 2008
So, I was at a CVS pharmacy today and over at the laundry detergent section, I saw security devices attached to the handle of each Tide bottle. Only, Tide and not on any of the other brands on sale.

So, along with thinking that the security device looked a bit silly, the question that came to mind is "Why Tide?".

Then I start to wonder more. Maybe Tide can be used for an episode of "Breaking Bad"? :LOL: Nah, that can't be.
On Tuesday, Fox News quoted a handful of police officers and retailers who disputed that the thefts are widespread. “We are not experiencing a ‘wave’ of Tide thefts,” a CVS/pharmacy public relations director said. He did confirm that the retailer does have security devices on Tide bottles in a few markets but said the thefts are nothing new.

And the rest of the story...
But, why Tide and not the other brands? Is Tide really that much better than the other brands?
The article linked above is from 2 years ago... Is it still an issue?
Thieves like to keep their clothes colors crisp!

Say that 3 times fast.....:D
Tide, in some places, has become a trading commodity. It is stolen from a store and can be easily resold on the street or traded for drugs or other "services". It is something that everyone needs and has a "street value". I recently retired from the producer of Tide and those employed there where surprised with the product's new found value although it appears to be true in only a few cities.
Tide, in some places, has become a trading commodity. It is stolen from a store and can be easily resold on the street or traded for drugs or other "services". It is something that everyone needs and has a "street value". I recently retired from the producer of Tide and those employed there where surprised with the product's new found value although it appears to be true in only a few cities.

I guess this makes Tide the gold standard of detergent whether just by perception or for real. I understand about it being a trading commodity, but for me if I had a choice to buy a generic brand at generic prices or Tide, I'd get the cheap stuff :)
Two years ago when this was originally a news story, IIRC Tide was priced higher than almost all other laundry detergents. So if drug addicts could steal the tide and get it to people for the bargain brand price, they would have a steady income. Since then I empirically noticed that some other quality brands like ALL are making a point of being seen as less expensive than Tide. (I'm sure there are some facts that can refute my observations.) It seems to me that if Tide is priced higher than the purchasing power of most consumers, that makes it a target for criminal activity. Maybe that is the actual business model they are following.:confused:
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