Why move when you can stop making payments and continue living in your home?

Interesting ideas. I could do this (I'm single) but still have the wreckage of a failed realtionship (including the house, the ex-'s cats and furniture). But still, the idea of being a house-sitter is attractive. It is a lifestyle sometimes recommended in the LBYM type books. For someone with few possessions, a truck maybe, and a cell phone, and a mail forwarding service, it might be a neat-o life style. Even to offer to just pay utilities and do basic maintenance might be a good offer to the owner ("bank"), but these alone can rival rent in many cases. An aggressive layman who knew local tenant law could probably milk the system very well....as said earlier, I bet we'll see more of this in coming years.
I'm reminded of the verse "When ya ain't got nothin, Ya got nothin to lose"
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