Words You Hate To Hear

after a long winded story about some trivial "woe" that can easily be solved with a little common sense...

"So what do you think I should do? "

my response is usually "Do you really want an answer?" :cool:
"Don't worry, after awhile you learn to block out the screaming."
"We're having a two-hour staff meeting to discuss the new CEO's vision/five-year plan. We can expect a lot of changes in the next few months."
Dentist: "We will not be needing Novocaine on that tooth today. I'm sure he'll let us know if that's a wrong call"

Dentist, dental asst, me: All laugh at that funny one.

Me: "Hey wait a minute. Why am I laughing?" (More laughing by all)
"DD's school principal called today ...."

"I just have a quick question." (Translates as - "I want some free legal advice.")

"It is only fair that ...." (Translates as - "you will have to pay more")
"You don't have kids. You don't know what you're talking about."

And if someone else "reaches out" to me, I might have to scream.

And, when did "So ... " become the first word of every sentence? Followed by
"kind of" and "sort of" interjected along the way. GAH.
"Here you go young fella. " Spoken to me at a ballpark beer stand this weekend. Might as well have called me old-timer.
"It's just common sense."

[meaning "I can't think of any coherent argument for it, so just accept it like I do."]
Mr. A. and I hear this gem at the gym: "Hope I can still work out like that when I'm your age." And I get, "I wish I could get my mother to work out."

(Why the heck can't they just tell us "Whoo-ee! You're animals!" and leave it at that? :LOL:)

"Would you step into my office, please. Oh, and shut the door"
Please step out of the vehicle sir........

This may sting a little.............
So, mine would be (sorry, Accidental Retiree, I've a very bad habit for that word...I'll work on it):

a) Do you know the Lord?
b) why don't you....?
c) You are just lucky!
"I've been thinking...." I never know what will come next when my daughter says those words.
"You have about a year to live" certainly got my attention.

That was about 10 years ago.
Number 1 in my hit parade:

"Honey, I've been thinking....", which is almost ALWAYS followed by something I'm not going to enjoy.....
HH, I used to love watching 60 minutes and thinking...boy, I'd hate to look out the window and see the 60 Minutes van parked out front!

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