Workouts - 2021

Music Lover

Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Mar 7, 2015
the prairies
The recent threads on home gym equipment and workout plans for 2021 have inspired me to start one for workouts. Maye this will encourage me to be more consistent. Feel free to post your workouts!!

2020 was a bad year for working out. I undertook a huge home reno and my GF moved in so my gym was buried under storage and construction supplies and equipment. The gym has been uncovered and today was my first workout in several months so I'm taking it very easy at first.

Lunges - 10, 10 (no weight, done as warmup)
Squats - 15 x 40, 15 x 70, 15 x 90
Bench press - 15 x 40, 15 x 70, 15 x 90
One arm dumbbell rows - 15 x 30,x 15 x 40, 15 x 45
On a roll...worked out 2 days in a row :LOL:

Treadmill - 10 minutes at 4.6 mph. First time running since playing slow pitch in August so took it nice and easy. Forgot to check the distance but it was less than a mile.
I'm still continuing with the fitness bands. I'm up to the 50 pound band for most of the exercises. The device that attaches to a door hinge has caused some misalignment to the whole door, which now makes a loud scraping sound when it is closed. Oh well, I will fix it once a vaccine is in my body and I can return to the gym.
All weights are using adjustable Bowflex dumbbells every other day:

Combination dumbbell curl and overhead press 3 x 10 x 30
Goblet squat 3 X 15 x 52.5
Triceps pullover 3 x 15 x 52.5
One arm incline press 3 x 10 x 52.5
One arm tripod row 3 x 10 x 52.5

No more running in 2021, so cardio will be:
Hike 2-4 times a week 5-8 miles
Ebike 2-3 times a week 20-36 miles
Some walking on treadmill only in bad weather - 1 hr
Was going to work out yesterday but instead disassembled the power cage and moved it to the other side of the basement (it was too tall to fit under the bulkhead) along with several hundred pounds of weights and also moved the equipment from 2 bands out of the way....PA, drums, amps, etc.

Then framed the old workout area for a new bedroom which required several trips up and down the stairs to cut studs in the garage. Plus carried 8 sheets of drywall downstairs.

Lunges - 10, 10, 10
Squats - 2 warmup sets, 3 sets of 15 x 90
Bench press - 2 warmup sets, 3sets of 15 x 90,
One arm dumbbell rows - 2 warmup sets, 3 sets of 15 x 45

I'm still going light on the weights to ease back into it.
Just did a light run yesterday...12 minutes on the treadmill at 4.6 mph.
Twenty-minute boxing-cardio workout using FitXR installed on Oculus Quest.
It's great that you are starting out slow. Too many people try to jump right in and do too much. That doesn't last long.
Technique is most important. Always control the weight, don't let it control you.
If you start to rock your body (not the 80s version), you are going too heavy. Try to isolate the area you are working.
Great job to everyone working out and keep it up. Showing up is half the Battle :)
It's great that you are starting out slow. Too many people try to jump right in and do too much. That doesn't last long.

I'm not new to working out, I've been working out for most of 40 years but have had a few extended breaks during that time for various reasons. I know from experience that after a long break it's best to ease back into it rather than trying to pick up where I left off.
Try to isolate the area you are working.

I'm a convert to compound exercises vs. isolation. Movements in real life don't isolate. You don't pick up a heavy thing with just your bicep.

I do pretty much the same thing, 3 days a week, 5 sets of 5 as I'm loosely following the Stronglifts program since i'm still a beginner.

Squats (100), Lunges (95), Bench (70), Bar Rows (55), maybe some very weak OHP, then mix in some accessory work and lat pulls, finish with some abs. Then try to get in a good run/walk mix on 2 or 3 of my days off. And Deadlift once per week (105). Trying to add about 5lbs per month now to main lifts.
I'm a convert to compound exercises vs. isolation. Movements in real life don't isolate. You don't pick up a heavy thing with just your bicep.

I'm also a fan of compound movements. Not only is it more efficient working several muscles at once, it also promotes balance by ensuring that the your muscles develop together as a group and the smaller supporting muscles are worked.

I break it down into 4 different categories: upper body push, upper body pull, lower body push, and lower body pull. Then I try to balance an equal amount of work in each category.
I'm doing two virtual Zoom yoga classes, and one in person yoga class each week.

I have a pilates chair and a stretch trainer, along with bands, weights, a ballet bar and a pull-up bar in our workout room. I've long about 20 lbs., and hope to keep it off.
I'm not new to working out, I've been working out for most of 40 years but have had a few extended breaks during that time for various reasons. I know from experience that after a long break it's best to ease back into it rather than trying to pick up where I left off.

I didn’t mean to infer that you were just starting out. I can tell from your post as well as the previous posts that this wasn’t the case. I was just applauding returning to exercising slowLy when so many people do not.
I'm a convert to compound exercises vs. isolation. Movements in real life don't isolate. You don't pick up a heavy thing with just your bicep.

I do pretty much the same thing, 3 days a week, 5 sets of 5 as I'm loosely following the Stronglifts program since i'm still a beginner.

Squats (100), Lunges (95), Bench (70), Bar Rows (55), maybe some very weak OHP, then mix in some accessory work and lat pulls, finish with some abs. Then try to get in a good run/walk mix on 2 or 3 of my days off. And Deadlift once per week (105). Trying to add about 5lbs per month now to main lifts.

I totally agree with you that compound exercises are overall more beneficial. That particular piece of advice was just for anyone doing isolation resistance training. I’ve seen too many people with poor technique and not benefiting from their effort, or worse, about to hurt themselves.

I do a combination of resistance training, cardio and cross training. I’m a big fan of excercises that cover multiple muscle groups.

Keep up the great work :)
I'm doing two virtual Zoom yoga classes, and one in person yoga class each week.

I have a pilates chair and a stretch trainer, along with bands, weights, a ballet bar and a pull-up bar in our workout room. I've long about 20 lbs., and hope to keep it off.

Congrats on the weight lose. That’s not easy, so we’ll done :)
Someone on this site pointed to a you tube video that the did. It was a set of five that they were repeating every week. I looked them up and the site is team body project. You can get a few exercise series for free. So I tried it and have been using those videos since. Some weeks are better than others, but I’ve been doing pretty good in terms of consistency. They also ran a deal around Black Friday so I went ahead and paid for a year membership. It was $90, normally $120.

If your interested, here’s the link to their site. Look at some of the Real Start videos if you’re just getting started. They’re easy to modify to do at your own pace/level.
I've been doing zoom Pilates classes (although the studio has just opened up again, so I'll be in-person soon). I started HIIT classes for the first time two weeks ago. I've been sore, but really like the cardio and weights. Feeling pretty good keeping up (mostly) with HIIT at age 64!
Yesterday's workout:

Bodyweight lunges - 3 x 10
Squats - 2 warmup sets, 5 sets of 15 x 90
Bench press - 2 warmup sets, 5 sets of 15 x 90,
One arm dumbbell rows - 2 warmup sets, 5 sets of 15 x 45
My DW's Christmas present arrived-Nordic track 1750! Today she is jogging in Croatia ??. Love this machine it's awesome.
I will mask up and go to the gym, 20 min. Cardio, 30 min free weights
Scott Herman has great videos on proper form for weightlifting on YouTube for anybody interested. Of course there are others.

I mix weightlifting with dumbbells, Norditrack bike, elastic bands, and tennis, most weeks and occasionally some days!
I am hoping this thread will help me be consistent, almost 65, lost 20 lbs with intermittent fasting last year, although feel like loosing muscle & strength

I do yoga & walk about 4 days a week,
I am beginning few body weight workouts with perfect pushup, squats & dumbbells. I am prone to injury if I do anymore.

Thanks for starting this thread.
Walked for 2 1/2 miles today at a easy pace & earlier did breathing exercises this morning.

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