Worst Retirement Mistakes You Can Make?? or Not?

...AND more spas than any city in America I think (and we ain't talking about Elizabeth Arden's Red Door either, kids)...
I took care of that for you. Wiped out most of them as one of my last official acts before walking out the door in '04. They've been trying to come back in the last couple of years, but nothing like before.
Well, Leonidas, have you wiped the smile off your face yet from what you must have seen and experienced doing that?:LOL::LOL::LOL:
I am going to be 62 next month and don't want to retire if my boyfriend wants to retire at the same time unless we move. He will want me to go fishing with him, camping and doing other things I might not always want to do. Not sure what I want to do with my days but I don't want to go places everyday or have him underfoot.

He likes to start days early and is done early ready for quitting the chores and settling down by 3-4 PM. I like to sleep in and have coffee until about 1-2 PM then start chores or shopping or going places. If I invite him he will say it is too late to start that today. It is after midnight now and he has been in bed for hours, when I wake up he will have finished most of a pot of coffee. He was repairing my truck before I woke up this morning.

I will go with the no travel, some fishing and camping and mostly doing nothing for retirement and spend my time procrastinating. Right now I am procrastinating retirement, I earn over a thousand dollars a week and have nothing better to do with my time.

Might be fun to buy lake front property with a dock, he could fish before I get up in the mornings.
The points on that list are valid and should be given much thought to avoid what I see as emotional problems of retirement that could be avoided.

My first thought is one person's heaven may be another persons hell quite literally.

I am 53 single and semi-retired working 4 hours a day, I live in my hometown, my family except my daughter has died off but I do have an extensive network of friends. I like to target shoot, hunt, go out to eat, go to movies etc with friends. In addition to working I volunteer my time as a member of the BOD with committee work for a local non profit health agency.

My neighbor is 55, single, he is fully retired. He is utterly and completely happy to live a life I consider borders being a recluse. He lives with cat, likes to read and has the best self done landscaping flower gardens in the neighborhood. He watches cable tv but doesn't have a computer. His parents are still alive and in town and he tends more and more to their affairs. Nice guy but I could not live like he does. He is from all outward appearances and discussions quite content.

It seems I need more social interaction and stimulation than he does to be content.

I do believe anyone contemplating going into semi or full retirement read and heed the points in the first message. There are people who love to work and full time, and there are people quite content to live a very frugal almost reclusive lifestyle. I don't fit either category and maybe that is what makes it hard?
My first thought is one person's heaven may be another persons hell quite literally.

Prior to retiring we went to see a financial adviser just to see if there was anything financial we didn't know about and should. He told the story of a couple who came in for the same reason and in conversation he asked what their plans were.

Her: "I want to buy an RV and travel all over the country, take cruises, and see Alaska."

Him: "I have a case of beer, the TV remote, and a Lazy Boy chair. I'm all set."

Adviser: "Um, I think maybe you guys need to talk a little more about this..."
- Retiring to an area where the politics or religion is not a good fit for you.

Boy! I made this mistake myself when I moved first to an outlying area of Houston, and it really affected my stay there. Never again....it's more important than you think.:blush:
I should have left when within the first months I was asked to a church service on a Saturday night that included a gay priest in rainbow vestments and folks talking in tongues.
It was the talking in tongues that blew me away as I had always heard about it but never seen it in real life, so when the congregants started speaking--as if on cue--I was at a loss for words. In fact, all I could think of was if the spirit had moved them, why did they all start speaking in tongues when the priest did as if on cue? Wierd....and fake to me.
Just not my thang I guess.

Another reason to avoid TX.

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