Would you Retire your pool

Where the heck are you from, anyway!?!?

Gotta remember that one. Classic, whatever its origin.
To all my merry forum buddies.....

It's not about where I'm from,
it's about what I have become.
I never knew I'd be a poet,
but by gosh, right now, I'll confess I know it. :flowers:

A somewhat similar question

We have a pool we keep open from mid-May to October 1. We are in the Chicago area. We use it a lot when we are there, but we are away for 8-10 weeks, so we have to pay to maintain it, keep the pump on, etc.

Especially down the road when we might stay away longer, 12-13 weeks, I'm thinking of looking into a modified close/open. Turn off pump and cleaner, cover, but do not drop the water level or do anything else. When time comes to use again, add water, balance chemicals, and turn it on.

The only downside to this idea I can see is that the guy we pay to watch the house brings his family to use the pool and we would probably have to increase the amount we pay him since it is part of the deal.

Has anyone ever tried this? Any advice?
I wanna pool....and a pony. :'(

I want a pony, too! Actually, I was a very lucky girl as I had a pony when I was growing up. Outgrew that phase, but did some some horseback riding again as an adult.

About a year or so ago, I started thinking how nice it would be to have a horse. Then I thought, "sure, if I want to go back to work full-time, I could afford one". That put a quick end to that thought!
My next house I'm going with the community pool .
I think this is the smart money move

We have the big resort pool with Tiki bar and all that a 10 minute walk away, but the block shares a residential sized pool which is in the middle of the block out the back door. Shuffle there at 4 pm with a martini and shuffle back looking like prune at 6 oclock after solving the problems of the world with the nieghbours.

I used to go swimming on my pony in our big pond at the place I boarded him.

We also swam at the "dirt pits" nearby that had really deep pools with sand bottoms. Fun to swim on a horse, but you better make sure to grab a hunk of mane before going in!
I love cattle too...maybe I could get one of these.....
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Awww, I've always wanted a cow, until we went to Mongolia...now I want a YAK! But we have to move to Colorado for that, it is just too hot for them here.
We have a pool we keep open from mid-May to October 1. We are in the Chicago area. We use it a lot when we are there, but we are away for 8-10 weeks, so we have to pay to maintain it, keep the pump on, etc.

Especially down the road when we might stay away longer, 12-13 weeks, I'm thinking of looking into a modified close/open. Turn off pump and cleaner, cover, but do not drop the water level or do anything else. When time comes to use again, add water, balance chemicals, and turn it on.

The only downside to this idea I can see is that the guy we pay to watch the house brings his family to use the pool and we would probably have to increase the amount we pay him since it is part of the deal.

Has anyone ever tried this? Any advice?
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