Wow, it’s getting really scary in Texas - and everywhere else!

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More "unwarranted" good news:

That's pretty impressive actually. Roughly a 50% reduction in deaths.

Also, take it when you first get sick, don't wait until you are really sick. Other studies show that it's much less effective then.

Yes, saw that. Very good news. Treatments continue to move forward.
FWIW, I give my Guv a grade of 'C'. He has taken action in emergency situations that required it, but his follow through has been very poorly executed.

+1 Also WA--So Sound. Very inconsistent and almost no direction to Agencies--eg $600mm loss in ESD (unemployment)
The school issue is interesting some have been saying all along that schools might not be a big infection vector

They did half class size alternating days for a while, but returned to full schedule a couple of weeks ago.
Gov. Kemp says if we don't wear masks there may not be college football this year, which may be as good as mandating them for a lot of anti-mask folks. :)

The University of North Carolina Football Coach sent out a tweet that said if you want there to be a college football season this Fall everyone has to start wearing masks. I bet his tweet has more effect in our state than all the politicians.
100,000,000 doses by the end of this year. That's one company. There are many companies working on similar strategies.

Some 17 vaccines are in human testing, and more than 130 are in development by researchers and companies, according to the World Health Organization.

Is it possible that people would need some combination of 3 or 4 different vaccinations every 6 months? I'm not a medical person, so I'm just wondering.
Visit to Houston Postponed!

My family is in Houston and Corpus Christi (both being hammered by Covid right now). I retired with the hopes that I could go down (from Minnesota where I was employed until 3 days ago) for an extended visit. Unfortunately, we still have to divide things from our fairly recently deceased Mom's estate, but I just really wanted to spend time with family. I guess it isn't going to happen for a while. Houston has no more hospital beds and I am just crossing my fingers for my sisters (one of whom is on prograf.) I shudder every time I hear that she has gone to the store or had to be out among other people!
I'm thinking there is way too much hope on a vaccine getting rid of the pestilence quickly for a simple reason. A lot of people (myself included) will be reluctant to get the vaccine until there is a good track history of both effectiveness and safety. It will take at least 6 months to a year after it is first administered to a mass population to establish those parameters. Until then, inoculation will probably be at 50% of the population at best - way too low to drive the pestilence to anything resembling extinction. And that is assuming that immunity actually lasts for a significant period of time. With my compromised immune system (as well as age) its a good thing am an introvert living out in a rural area. Works for me.
For those who read the Wall Street Journal, they released a story titled:

Inside Moderna: The Covid Vaccine Front-Runner With No Track Record and an Unsparing CEO

The linked video is a discussion with the author of this article on CNBC. Moderna was almost out of business before coronavirus came along. They issued press releases about the success of the vaccine in trials without publishing any data. People should not be surprised if it turns out that Moderna is perpetrating a hoax and cashing in on government and investor funding with insiders selling an over inflated stock.

Drove into town at noon to pick up a pizza. At 12:00 noon got the blaring Alert Alarm on my phone and this message:


  • Covoid Alert.jpg
    Covoid Alert.jpg
    378.2 KB · Views: 65
Is it possible that people would need some combination of 3 or 4 different vaccinations every 6 months? I'm not a medical person, so I'm just wondering.
It is "possible." After all, we have a yearly flu shot due to strain drift.

Requiring multiple vaccinations for Covid may be for different reasons such as antibody effectiveness.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves on this though. It is playing out. Nothing is a given.
Drove into town at noon to pick up a pizza. At 12:00 noon got the blaring Alert Alarm on my phone and this message:

Hope that gets some traction and puts a brake on the spread of COVID. Enjoy the pizza

No such state wide mandate here in Florida. Our local county mandated masks a few days ago (which led to a viral video) and did close the beaches today, and neighboring Broward had mandated closure of all restaurants between midnight and 5 am. They must have research showing that to be a “peak contagious time”.
We got a similar phone message during the initial stay at home alert. We didn't get one when the governor required masks last week.

BTW, my state (NC) is starting to drift to exponential. The people of the county near the coast that I visited last week were in denial. Yesterday, they had 10 cases. That's 10% of their total count since March 1. In one day, they got 10% of their cases. They'll be out of denial soon.
New Mexico has issued a 14 day quarantine for out of state travelers. My guess is bordered by TX and AZ gave the gov a right to be careful. Living 3 miles from NM will make travel difficult. Heck a trip to I-10 would add 45 min to my already 3 hour drive to Tucson only traveling through AZ. Luckley I have to plans to go to Tucson until August.
New Mexico has issued a 14 day quarantine for out of state travelers. My guess is bordered by TX and AZ gave the gov a right to be careful. Living 3 miles from NM will make travel difficult. Heck a trip to I-10 would add 45 min to my already 3 hour drive to Tucson only traveling through AZ. Luckley I have to plans to go to Tucson until August.

How is this going to work? Are they literally setting up check points at the state border and stopping all traffic? My neighbor's parents drove to TX from Los Angeles last week - through AZ and NM and stayed one night in a hotel in NM - I'm assuming that they won't be able to return the same way unless things calm down.
Amsterdam had kids back to school over a month ago.

FWIW, a Swiss study indicates that children under 10 don't pass Covid on to others. But, This is controversial. Please don't get reckless before this is verified by others.

NEW MEDICAL research carried out by Swiss scientists suggests that children under the age of 10 cannot pass on the coronavirus to others, because they don't have "receptors" targeted by the killer virus.

At a press conference in Bern, the head of infectious disease unit at the Federal Department of Public Health explained the science behind the decision to allow the family visits.

Dr Daniel Koch told journalists: “Children are very rarely infected and do not pass on the virus.

“That is why small children pose no risk to high-risk patients or grandparents."

Note: This is controversial. Please don't get reckless before this is verified by others.

How is this going to work? Are they literally setting up check points at the state border and stopping all traffic? My neighbor's parents drove to TX from Los Angeles last week - through AZ and NM and stayed one night in a hotel in NM - I'm assuming that they won't be able to return the same way unless things calm down.
When TX had the LA quarantine there were troopers at the border stopping out of town non-commercial vehicles.

I think if your destination was in TX you were told to self-quarantine and had to disclose where you would be.
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When TX had the LA quarantine there were troopers at the border stopping out of town vehicles.

When Utah was a bit locked up earlier this year they required all out-of-state people to answer a travel declaration text message. I don't know anybody who was actually stopped and had to show proof they they had responded to the text.

Below is what they were doing in early May. If you click on the survey, you will find it is now closed.

Starting Friday, people entering the state of Utah will be asked to sign a travel declaration including travel history and health status Gov. Gary Herbert announced Wednesday.

In light of the expected increased travel to happen during Easter weekend, Herbert made the declaration in conjunction with the Utah Department of Transportation. People entering the state via freeways and the Salt Lake International Airport will get a text message with a survey asking about their travel history and health status.
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How is this going to work? Are they literally setting up check points at the state border and stopping all traffic? My neighbor's parents drove to TX from Los Angeles last week - through AZ and NM and stayed one night in a hotel in NM - I'm assuming that they won't be able to return the same way unless things calm down.

Here is the official site

"Effective July 1, New Mexico is enforcing mandatory self-quarantine for all out-of-state travelers to New Mexico, whether by air or vehicle. The mandatory self-quarantine is to last 14 days or the length of stay in New Mexico, whichever is shorter. The June 1 exemptions to the travel quarantine are still in effect, which can be reviewed below.

On June 1 the public health order was amended to provide the following exemptions to the 14-day self-quarantine requirement:

  • airline employees on travel for work
  • individuals performing public safety or public health functions
  • emergency first responders
  • health care workers
  • military personnel
  • individuals employed by a federal agency or a national defense contractor
  • individuals arriving to New Mexico pursuant to a court order
  • individuals traveling to New Mexico to conduct business activities"
Even if a safe, effective vaccine were discovered by year-end 2020, we're still at least another year away from the vaccine being affordably, widely available (much less administered). (And probably much longer than that.)

We're consistently under-reacting to this reality because most of us can't imagine staggering along in this state for another 18+ months.

I think of myself as a person who's unafraid to face hard reality, but what you said above is true - my brain has taken more time than usual to realize what life will be like if we don't have a vaccine within a year. It's almost as if I was unable to see cause and effect (rare for my fairly logical mind). I can only conclude that it's because the humans living on earth right now have not dealt with a disease they couldn't vanquish. There's no template for this outcome, unless you're a science fiction writer (or epidemiologist).
I think of myself as a person who's unafraid to face hard reality, but what you said above is true - my brain has taken more time than usual to realize what life will be like if we don't have a vaccine within a year. It's almost as if I was unable to see cause and effect (rare for my fairly logical mind). I can only conclude that it's because the humans living on earth right now have not dealt with a disease they couldn't vanquish. There's no template for this outcome, unless you're a science fiction writer (or epidemiologist).

Or a history buff. The history of the Spanish flu pandemic is quite helpful to me in navigating this current mess.
Florida and Texas have officially passed New Jersey in total cases according to Worldometer but their total deaths are much lower.

I also think that Arizona and Georgia will pass PA in a couple of days.

"In a peer-reviewed study of 2,541 patients hospitalized at Michigan’s six Henry Ford hospitals during the coronavirus peak, scientists found that hydroxychloroquine “cut the death rate significantly” without “heart-related side-effects.”

It's no wonder deaths have dropped: Med professionals are figuring out things that work for them.
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