Another annal in the Silent Service

Martha said:
So Nords, would you sail that thing?
I'd be more concerned about the watchstanders than the engineering!

A shipmate of mine was the Engineer of the USS LOS ANGELES when he had a "performance problem" with an engine room mechanic. Despite the best efforts of the chain of command they couldn't get the guy up to minimum standards. They eventually fired him and he left the Navy when his time was up.

A few months later the Eng was taking his family aboard Waikiki's Atlantis submarine. They went down the hatch, took their seats, and looked back at the pilot... guess who.

Those minisubs are pretty common these days-- Paul Allen even keeps one aboard his yacht-- and much more affordable, even if you're not running drugs. I think DEA should be more concerned about how many other submarines are getting through for every one or two that they manage to scoop up.
Nords said:
Those minisubs are pretty common these days-- Paul Allen even keeps one aboard his yacht-- and much more affordable, even if you're not running drugs.

But, then, what's the point of having one?
If we're having a pool, my guess is 11 posts.
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