Besides this forum, what other forums are you active on?

A boat building forum, a reel repair forum, a Kia Niro subreddit, and here. Not much posting in any of those this year...too busy with hobbies and w*rk. I haven't been very good saying "No" when the consulting phone rings. :(

Now I just need to figure out "fish" vs "fishes".

And here I thought Fora was either a woman's name, or pertained to plants. ;)
I'm a regular on a couple fishing forums to get fishing reports. I also frequent a dyi home repair forum. I occasionally visit a couple others like an appliance repair site and an AV site. has forum boards with a broad range of cruising topics. Even though no one is cruising now, we console each other with thoughts of future trips!
There have been several I've been very active on over the years but now it's just this forum, a Facebook writing group that I kind of hate and have a history of leaving for a year at a time, and a Reddit group on teaching that I'm somewhat new to. I would probably be active on a certain writing forum but I got banned for the second time not too long ago. The first time was about 5 years ago. They didn't know it was me again, they just can't handle the likes of me.

FWIW, the jury is still out here. :D
I love FlightAware. Especially when traveling or looking up and wondering where some plane is going. I enjoy the shipping equivalent as well - Marine Traffic - as we live on the shores of The Great Lakes and see many ships coming and going.

Our son is a pilot so I love FlightAware also.

We were on an Alaska cruise a few years ago...I loved checking out the marine traffic apps to see what cruise ships we were seeing as we sailed along. It was also fascinating to check out the ships as they were relocating in March during the beginning of covid.

I also browse several travel forums and several auto forums.
I did a little Bogleheads but like the variety of subjects here better. Also did some UglyHedgehog for photography.

I've been a member of all of the above but I was banned from styleforum for being too into regular priced and normal styled clothes. Askandyaboutclothes was much friendlier.
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