Unclemick - What's your view on interest rates

Another side argument re: martha...why havent the other white collar guys who have done worse been brought to trial?

I suspect there is some political motivation involved in some of them to drag things out. But they'll be charged and put in front of a jury eventually.

However heres the primary difference. In Enron/worldcom/adelphia/et al there are dozens of people involved, fine lines and shades of gray accounting and decision making, and a strong case needs to be built before charges are formally filed.

Marthas case was so painfully easy and involved such a small number of people (three), there was no extensive evidence gathering required and very little complexity. It was a slam dunk.

With regards to the 'attitude', friends and family all describe her as someone who has had a lifelong problem with acknowledging mistakes and guilt, a tendency to bully, along with a pathology of being financially petty.

Which is all swell as long as you make nice with the authorities when they come by to visit, or at least lawyer up and shut up.
Here is an interesting link on interest rate forecasts:

Scratching my head on this .... unless I'm reading it wrong, they were predicting, on Sept 21, that the 10yr treasury rate would be 3.57% in October. It's actually 4.11%, pretty much the same as it was when the 'prediction' was made.

I also note that they are predicting a sudden surge in the dollar-sterling exchange rate during November; up to 0.67 from about 0.55 now. I wonder ...

And they seem to expect people to *pay* for this fine information.

BTW, not getting at you, Brat, it's certainly an interesting site!

It is interesting to see predicted trends. I don't buy into the actual numbers. Frankly I would love to see the underlying assumptions. Over the last couple years their trend predictions have been not far off- but by no means spot on. The see-saw for equities is consistent with the last couple weeks. What is interesting to me is that they don't indicate that the market/economic activity will be stronger in the first quarter of next year.

Granny's crystal ball was broken years ago, only she could foretell the future (a family joke)!
I think putting their SWAGs in graphical form makes them look more credible than if you knew it was just some guy in TX with a random number generator.

I love their prediction for the Nikkei, though. They indicate it should double in the next month or so. That would be a big boon to my retirement :)

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