Robotic vacuums

Interesting. I have both the Eufy 30C Max and the Wyze. The Wyze is nice because it has LIDAR and so it can map out a room and navigate in neat rows. But it’s much louder than the Eufy and it gets confused if you try to use it on more than one floor. I feel like the Wyze will get better as they update the software but for now it feels like a V1 product.

I agree the Wyze is a great value at $200. But for now it’s sold out and will likely go up to $249 once they start selling it again.

According to Wyze, multiple floors are not supported:

Wyze Robot Vacuum only records one floor map at a time. You can move your vacuum to another floor and start a cleaning, but it may try to follow the previous path, and get lost trying to find its way back to the charging station.
I bought a Roomba i6+ on Amazon and it just finished its first "vacuum everywhere" command. The i6+ is essentially the same as the i7+ but is unique to Amazon. I think the differences are that it's gray instead of black on top, and it doesn't come with spare parts, bags, filters or brushes. The "plus" in the name refers to the charging base that includes a vacuum that sucks the dirt out of the robot into a disposable bag. It was $550 on sale instead of $800 for the i7+ at Best Buy. Blow that dough!

Anyway, I was pretty impressed. It automagically maps up to 10 floor plans so that should work just fine as I only have two floors. The first day after I did the initial mapping run when it worked hard exploring the house and raising clouds of dust I customized the map by adjusting the room dividers it had guessed at (which were sorta OK) and named each room. I also figured out that while it can eventually manage to get around dining chairs it did a lot of bumping and twirling so next time I put the chairs up on the table restaurant-style.

It vacuums each room in a rational pattern, "mowing the lawn," and the pattern is supposed to get better as it learns the house. It worked on one room at a time and as it finished each room it ran around the walls of that room for its final pass. It even did the same thing around the edges of furniture within the room.

The main floor of our house is around 1700 sf (the robot reported exactly how much it cleaned but for the life of me I can't find it again in the app). It took 5 hours and 12 minutes total, including stopping for two recharging sessions of about 1.5 hours each, and going back to empty itself at least 3 or 4 times in addition to that. It's fun to watch it march back home, futz around trying to find exactly where the charging station is, and dock itself. I'm glad I don't have to bend over and manually dump it so often.

Anyway, so far I'm glad I bought it. While not overly loud, the constant whirring got a bit tiresome so I think from now on I'll tell it to do a handful of rooms in any one day. Tomorrow I'll take it downstairs and have it map those rooms. Supposedly, all I have to do is set it down anywhere in the room and hit the "go" button and it will recognize it's in a new space and map it in a separate floor plan.
I've got 2 older Eufys, Dirty Dan and Dirty Harry. Have a couple of Deebots as well, Sally and Lulu. They are leftovers from a friend who named them.
Been following a reddit forum called r/roomba for Roomba & Other Robotic Vacs.

There seem to be a lot of complaints for Roomba models that can map, with worsening problems after a firmware update (gets forced on you). It takes a support call to get them to roll things back.

I'd dig much deeper if getting an advanced model of anything robotic. It turns out my Roomba i3+ is much simpler and isn't subject to many bugs in software since it lacks advanced features.

In the Roomba software, the default is for double-sweep of an area. Once you get dust under control you can increase battery run time (depends on model batttery) by going to single sweep. There is also an in-between setting called "Adaptive" but I found that justs wastes battery.
Last week we had our wood floors refinished. On Wednesday the guy who's doing the work came with a roomba story. While he was at our house working, his dog got sick and dumped diarrhea at both the front door and the back door. His roomba sucked as much of it up as it could while tracking the rest all over the house.
Last week we had our wood floors refinished. On Wednesday the guy who's doing the work came with a roomba story. While he was at our house working, his dog got sick and dumped diarrhea at both the front door and the back door. His roomba sucked as much of it up as it could while tracking the rest all over the house.
Good story. I read a similar cat story on reddit.
It's also fun if the robot knocks over a box of powder and starts sucking. I've heard.
I’ve purchased three different robot vacuums now. A Eufy 30C MAx ($199), an Ecovacs T8 AIVI ($850), and a Wyze Robotic Vacuum ($199).

I ended up returning the Eufy because it stopped working after a few months. I returned the Ecovacs because while it had some nice features it simply wasn’t worth the money, and the software was really buggy.

I still think the Wyze vacuum is the one to beat. They just raised the price to $249 so it’s not quite as good of a deal, but it’s still the cheapest vacuum you can buy with LIDAR, and it does almost everything the more expensive vacuums do for a fraction of the price.

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