Robotic Vacuums...

steady saver

Recycles dryer sheets
Apr 10, 2013
I'm deciding I really don't like to vacuum. :LOL:

I was at Costco yesterday and noticed they have a Shark AI Ultra Smart Robotic Vacuum UR2500SR on sale from $399.99 to $319.99. So of course I go online to read reviews, see that Amazon has refurbished ones for less, etc. People love it. People hate it. It's amazing. The app stinks...

This is why I haven't gotten a robotic vacuum yet. I can go down a rabbit hole with stuff like this by starting the comparison research...


If you have a robotic vacuum, would you mind sharing your experience, especially if you found one you love?

Okay, in the meantime, I'm off to get some exercise with my current vacuum cleaner...

I like my Roomba. It's not perfect but does a good job of picking up my dog's hair. I run mine every other day.
I've had a robot vac, various models, for almost 15 years. Love it.
I have 3 of the midrange Roombas and I love them. I bought one almost new at goodwill for $25. They do a great job of maintenance vacuuming and we will go through with the stick vac on occasion when we feel like it. Sure they occasionally get stuck or do something dumb but in the end they are great.
okay so basically get a good enough one? They're all over the place in price. I'm just trying to be more mindful about wasting hours researching the perfect whatever...
I have a ten year old Roomba. It is on its third battery. A new battery works wonders, the machine is actually a bit quieter and once again will do several rooms before needing to be recharged. I use if for upstairs rooms.

The Roomba was replaced as my downstairs vacuum a few years ago by a Eufy. So far I like it a lot. It's certainly more quiet than the old Roomba and does about the same job. A few months ago I replaced the Eufy battery since the poor thing was running out of power before finishing the downstairs rooms. Like the Roomba, the new battery really perks it up.

Batteries cost about $25 to replace and are easily found on Amazon.

None of them are the smart ones that map the home, empty the dust bin automatically, make my morning coffee, etc.

I do have a traditional upright vacuum that I use occasionally for very messy spills and when I need a hose with an attachment to clean something. I clean my floors more frequently thanks to the robots. My 10 year old wood floors still have a nice gloss to them and I thank my robots for that along with taking off my shoes when I enter the house.
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We have a Shark (auto docking, auto charging, self cleaning) works okay for daily vacuuming. Still need to use a heavy duty upright vacuum once in a while. Had several Roomba's before. They worked okay too. Shark seems to be lasting longer..

The only issue is when we take a power hit (common here) the dang thing starts it's self cleaning cycle. Sounds like a jet engine cranking up. Only last about 10 seconds but it wakes me up when it happens at 3am.
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I have a Roomba. It works great except in my primary bedroom, which has a longer shag rug in it. It gets bogged down in the shag. So I just use it in other rooms. It works fine on rugs that don't have as much fur on them.
We have a Roomba that maps and self-empties. We've divided the downstairs into 3 sections and have the vacuum do different sections, depending on our activities. The family room is vacuumed the most and we have the Roomba do two passes. Upstairs, that's done once a week. It needs to recharge to finish the job. It works very well on hard floors and carpets.

It also goes completely under the beds, and some low shelves which no regular vacuum could get as thoroughly.

It has made a huge difference. I can't stand vacuuming.
I had an Eufy and didn’t care for it. I bought a Wyze and liked it enough buy another, one for each floor. It works well enough. The hard part is emptying the bin before it runs again. Not completely maintenance free.
Have maybe ten year old Roomba, original battery, works good. Unfortunately it does not do corners well.
Also have at camp one called Bobby. Works well, powerful enugh like Roomba to push light chairs etc. around. It needs new spinning brush, one of these day will get round to swapping it out.
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