Medigap Questions


Yes, I used 65 but it may not be correct. I got this quote from their online form not from a rep. I'm is South Carolina
UHC being issue aged looks like it proves to be more stable but the numbers I'm seeing for it are so much higher that it seems like it would take years for the other premiums to catch up.

FWIW UHC is community rated with a discount for < 77 years

Ok, I was wrong. I thought the 39% discount only applied to the 1st payment. It was actually $124.75.
This brings up other questions though. So does the payment stay at this rate through age 68 or does it still go up annually based on the community rate increase? Also what do you typically see for annual increases on a community based plan, 3-5%?
It’s going to go up 3% a year just from the discount reducing each year.

Then there are other annual increases.

Last years increase for DH UHC Plan G went from May 2020 $115.73, to $120.61 in Nov 2020 to $125.18 in July 2021. I can’t explain the timing of rate changes.
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