Clothing Optional?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Nov 14, 2016
Washington State
This sort of came up on the neighbors thread, but it made me wonder how folks feel about going clothing free? How much exposed skin is too much? Do you let it all hang out, keep it behind closed doors with the lights off, or somewhere in between?

I've always had an open mind about the human body. We're all born naked and come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Each beautiful in our own way with scars, rolls, and sags that tell the story of our lives. Perfect in our imperfections. I have no issues with people running around in a bikini, topless, or even fully nude. As long as you're not performing a sex act in a public space, or pushing yourself onto someone else, I see nothing wrong with going clothing free in designated areas or in your own back yard. If you want to garden in the buff, more power to you.

Years ago we would often hike to natural hot springs in the mountains. Obviously, no one brings a swimsuit with them, so clothing optional was the norm. It was never weird, everyone was always accepting, regardless of what you looked like. Admittedly, undressing in front of strangers for the first time was embarrassing, but that feeling quickly disappears. Being free in nature more than makes up for any momentary social discomfort.

We have even visited a few nude beaches and clothing optional resorts over the years. Once you get over that initial embarrassment, it's really no different than clothed gatherings, except people are more accepting and better behaved. After being free of clothing, having to wear a clingy wet swimsuit is a real downer.

Of course, I know many folks aren't as open as I am, so I would never undress in situations I knew it wasn't accepted. I'll never participate in the world naked bike ride, or walk down main street in my birthday suit. :) I'll also admit it's a lot easier to go clothing optional with strangers than it would be with friends or coworkers you interact with daily in the textile world.
We did St. Martin/ Orient Beach for years (before the island was ravaged by Irma) and loved it. I never considered myself a naturist but that beach was a blast and the people were some of the most wonderful I have ever met. As i got older, i lost the desire to go nekkie in public.

Last time we were there, it was a bunch of overweight elderly people there.
Interesting. I see a post by erkevin quoted by Bamamam but that post by erkevin is no longer visible in this thread. Some interesting electronic juju going on.
at 76 years old, I don't even like to see me nude in the mirror

The last time we visited a nude resort there was an old couple in their 80's. He was hard of hearing, neither could walk very well, and both had the body's you might expect of people in their 80's. But they were happy, enjoying life, and a cute couple. Their inspiring confidence made me feel better about myself.

Then there was the 90 year old guy that was the caretaker at one of the other places we visited previously. Stark naked, except for tennis shoes, sawing up logs with a chainsaw. He looked better and got around better at 90 than I did in my early 50's. Going natural obviously worked for him.
Last time we were there, it was a bunch of overweight elderly people there.

When you're naked you quickly realize there's more of us than the perfect bodies our culture idealizes... Rather than feeling like the fat guy on the beach, you realize you're just another human enjoying life.
I wonder how long this thread will turn into___________.

1. HFCS discussion
2. Kieto diet
3. What your parents would have thought about nudity
4. Sex, sex toys, sex anything
5. Cheating couples, mixed couples, same sex couples, unidentified couples
6. Racially mixed marriage
7. What you got away with - your first car and first boy/girlfriend
8. Roth conversion questions
9 REWahoo one liners
10. The PIG

Forgot one: Google data stealing
Last edited:
No PPE? Or, if not careful, no PP...

Us? [emoji6]

There’s a reason our vision fades with age!
Kickback is cruel.
I wonder how long this thread will turn into___________.

1. HFCS discussion
2. Kieto diet
3. What your parents would have thought about nudity
4. Sex, sex toys, sex anything
5. Cheating couples, mixed couples, same sex couples, unidentified couples
6. Racially mixed marriage
7. What you got away with - your first car and first boy/girlfriend
8. Roth conversion questions
9 REWahoo one liners
10. The PIG

Forgot one: Google data stealing

11. Is my physique the result of hard work, or luck? [emoji12]
I wonder how long this thread will turn into___________.

1. HFCS discussion
2. Kieto diet
3. What your parents would have thought about nudity
4. Sex, sex toys, sex anything
5. Cheating couples, mixed couples, same sex couples, unidentified couples
6. Racially mixed marriage
7. What you got away with - your first car and first boy/girlfriend
8. Roth conversion questions
9 REWahoo one liners
10. The PIG

Forgot one: Google data stealing

No when to take SS?
I'm clearly on a different side of the spectrum than the OP, I have that occasional "naked in public" dream/nightmare. So, no, regardless of how I might feel about my physique at any time, I'm not naked outside my bedroom.

I also, however, try not to project my discomfort onto others. If you want to show far more, and it's in an appropriate setting for it - go for it.

I have no issues with people running around in a bikini, topless, or even fully nude. As long as you're not performing a sex act in a public space, or pushing yourself onto someone else, I see nothing wrong with going clothing free in designated areas or in your own back yard. If you want to garden in the buff, more power to you.


I'll take things one step further and say this should be a requirement :LOL:.

Kidding aside, I prefer to go about covered up. Even when retiring for the night.
I don't mind seeing others, but I would not shed my clothes in public.
Except there was one time, early 20's, camping, party with friends, we all "took a bath" in the ice cold river in the winter...... :)
..and because there's a seinfeld for everything, I'll just put this here:

My figure is Rubenesque because of too many Reuben sandwiches

I'm not good looking even when fully dressed.

Doctors and nurses frequently see me with nothing on, but at least they get paid to endure it.
Kidding aside, I prefer to go about covered up. Even when retiring for the night.

My wife and I have always slept nude. I hate having clothes clinging and wrapping around me when I'm trying to sleep. Not to mention the comfort of skin to skin contact with each other during the night. I do keep a tee shirt and pajama bottoms next to the bed for when I get up in the morning.
The first time you see a group of guys on the nude beach playing Volleyball, is the last time you will want to do the all natural.

I recall one time in my early 20s I went skinny dipping off the dock at a lake party...with a good looking gal. Problem was, friends at the party got jealous and took our clothes off the end of the dock.

That actually created more problems for me...I had a random girl chasing me around all night.
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