What's Wrong With Too Much Internet?


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Jun 30, 2006
This is a sister thread for the "What's wrong with watching too much TV?" thread.

BTW I'm cutting down (again).
What's wrong with toom much internet? Internet addiction! I was an internet addict and had to go for counseling on how to deal with it. I don't watch TV in it's place I work out, read and do things that take me out of the house.
I don't have an issue with too much internet or too much TV in itself.

For me anything only becomes too much if I am performing those actions and neglecting things that need to be done ie. pay the bills, cook dinner.

How come no-one ever complains of too much sex?
As long as it's a bull market, the internet is fun. Bear market, it's time to do the gardening.
When I watch TV, I'm on the internet. When I'm on the internet, I watch TV.

Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

I just got back from a rigorous workout at the gym, after doing chores around the house. All this was followed by a pleasant drive and lunch with my dear friend and companion.

I think that if retirement is filled with a sufficient variety of enjoyable experiences to keep one mentally sharp and happy, then all is well. And who is to determine that? It seems to me that the individual (in other words, you or I) would have a better idea than some holier-than-thou columnist looking frantically for subject matter in time to meet a deadline. Not that such columnists exist, or post often on websites like Yahoo...
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This is a sister thread for the "What's wrong with watching too much TV?" thread.

BTW I'm cutting down (again).
So AL, since you are cutting down, how about you telling us what is wrong with the internet?

The internet may foster intellectual passivity. But if you initiate new threads on forums all the time, you know that's not a problem.
How come no-one ever complains of too much sex?

Maybe we should start another thread, "What's wrong with too much sex?"

I am on my computer a lot. On the internet probably 75% of that time. I should get off my butt and do other stuff, but there always seems to be something to research, look up or do on the computer. It has become my everything box. Count calories, I wrote a spreadsheet, plan a trip, travel sites and I wrote a spreadsheet, food shopping, I wrote two spreadsheets and I go online to look up specials, bored, read blogs, forums, etc., write blogs, play games, check Facebook, etc. Plus I do a little graphic arts, look up guitar music, use my astronomy programs, design stuff in Google sketchup, work on my books and a million other things.

I definitely don't just surf for the sake of surfing. At least not all the time.
I think it's much harder to multitask while online--not easy to work out, iron, knit, read, talk on the phone, follow a television program, at least for me. Watching television can also be a shared activity more easily than being online.

Hmmm, I also need to cut back. A lot.
I am addicted. Need to cut back, but I lack the motivation....
For me it's highly relative to the weather. If it's warm I'm going to be outside on the motorcycle, or take the boat out to the river.

Or later this year, do some painting on the outside that I should have done last year, but was playing instead. Acting like a responsible adult is such a pita sometimes.
I often spend several hours on the computer each day and much of that is internet related. This is much less than the time I spent on the computer each day while working so I rationalize that I've actually cut back since retiring. :LOL:
Thinking about the "too much TV", "too much internet", even the "too much sex" debate, I think I came to a realization.

Saying that someone does "too much" of something implies that as a result, this person's health, happiness, or personal fulfillment has suffered, or that this person's responsibilities are not being met, or that somehow this person is doing something immoral or unethical.

So I am thinking - - - if I am ecstatically happy and satisfied with my life and not lacking in personal fulfillment, if my health is not suffering as a consequence, and if I am meeting all of my responsibilities, and if I am abiding by the laws of the state and my own moral/ethical boundaries, then I can do whatever I d*** well please.

Of course, I could be wrong..... :whistle:
I am on my computer a lot. On the internet probably 75% of that time. I should get off my butt and do other stuff, but there always seems to be something to research, look up or do on the computer. It has become my everything box. Count calories, I wrote a spreadsheet, plan a trip, travel sites and I wrote a spreadsheet, food shopping, I wrote two spreadsheets and I go online to look up specials, bored, read blogs, forums, etc., write blogs, play games, check Facebook, etc. Plus I do a little graphic arts, look up guitar music, use my astronomy programs, design stuff in Google sketchup, work on my books and a million other things.

I remember going into a Radio Shack store as a teenager and seeing a computer (probably a TRS-80 or similar). I asked the salesman "What does it do?" to which he replied "What do you want it to do?"

Typical salesman line of course, but though the wide array of possibilities suggested by his words might have been an overstatement for those early personal computers, it doesn't seem too far off for the powerhouses we have in our homes nowadays.

I used to have the SETI@home screen-saver installed on my PC. Who'd have thought that one day you'd be able to use your home computer to help scientists search for life on other planets?
So AL, since you are cutting down, how about you telling us what is wrong with the internet?


I'm not sure, except that it keeps me from doing things that are more productive, such as practicing or making things.
Weather is bad?
Mr B is watching the TV or surfing for info for his Legion buddies?
I need to kill time before I have to go somewhere?
I'm usually in digital mode (on the internet).

Once the weather improves, I will be here only in the mornings to check email and this forum while I am having coffee. I wouldn't want to miss anything. :cool:

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