What was Your Workout Today?

Ride bike doing hill work for about 8 to 12 miles-one day a week
Ride bike doing fast spin for 12 to 15 miles-one day a week
Ride bike steady effort 20-40 miles--two or three days a week
Core work-one day a week, fit in with a short biking day
Strength training--two days a week, usually on a biking day off. If doing a lot of riding I skip the lower body work.
One day a week of doing nothing

Once or twice a month do a long bike ride of 60 to 100 miles. This month it will be twice. I back off on other riding for the week before a ride of 100k or more.

When I am up north I walk two miles a day six days a week with friends and family.

Rain and travel is interfering with this schedule. :)
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Maybe this is the weight you were intended to be. Why do you want to gain weight?


Because I have very little muscle. At my age(32) I can get by ok but as I get older everything will get more difficult if I don't get stronger. You may not realize just how thin I am. Here's an example: Do you know what Kobe Bryant looks like. He's 6'6" like me but weighs at least 45 lbs more than me and has less fat and most everyone would say he's very thin. Since you're from Seattle maybe a Ray Allen reference would work better. He's an inch shorter than Kobe and I and the same weight as Kobe. So i'm around 50 pounds thinner than a "normal" thin person.
Finally, DW and I are on our way to better physical fitness. We joined the social membership at the country club where we live and today was our first meeting with the girl in charge of physical fitness. She is really a walking billboard for the fitness center and did a great job on our first visit. She has mapped out a routine and we are starting tomorrow. She demonstrated seven different machines and then put us on the machines to adjust the various seating positions and weights. This is all recorded on a chart that we can pull out of the file when we go up there to exercize and we will have all the starting positions on the various machines.

I can't beieve that at 76 I'm just now starting on some kind of regimented exercize program. They have different kinds of group classes lead by a member or you can have personal training for a dollar/hour fee with the director. She recommended we start out slowly and after two or three weeks increase our reps and weights and then check in with her for a review of progress.

We're excited to get going with this and hope we can maintain the routine.
Yesterday turned out to be some of that "vigorous yardwork": up on the roof with a 25' pole trimmer cutting down the palm nuts. We made our bi-weekly green waste quota in under 90 minutes. We also cleaned out the gutters, so now we're as ready for hurricane season as we ever are.

This morning was the longest sunlight day of the year, so I did dawn patrol. Even on standard time, the sunrise was already done by 6 AM.

It is getting a little easier but I'm not ready to increase the weights further quite yet. I'll know when the time is right.
If it's getting a little easier, then you're ready-- whether you know it or not!

One of the many Muhammed Ali stories is a reporter asking him how many pushups he could do. He said he didn't know, because he didn't start counting until they started hurting...
Yesterday turned out to be some of that "vigorous yardwork": up on the roof with a 25' pole trimmer cutting down the palm nuts. We made our bi-weekly green waste quota in under 90 minutes. We also cleaned out the gutters, so now we're as ready for hurricane season as we ever are.
OMG, times have changed. Back in the day, you could get a local to shinny up the coconut trees and do that so easily, and for cheap, even those with insurance. Kids these days. (curmudgeonly Clint Eastwood type scowl)

Nords said:
This morning was the longest sunlight day of the year, so I did dawn patrol. Even on standard time, the sunrise was already done by 6 AM.
Lightproof curtains or shades might help, if you have daylight getting into your bedroom.

Nords said:
If it's getting a little easier, then you're ready-- whether you know it or not!

One of the many Muhammed Ali stories is a reporter asking him how many pushups he could do. He said he didn't know, because he didn't start counting until they started hurting...

Well, I'll know. Got to be a little cautious with this 64-year-old body, not to overdo and injure something. Besides, there's no rush. I've got the rest of my life. :D
Finally, DW and I are on our way to better physical fitness. We joined the social membership at the country club where we live and today was our first meeting with the girl in charge of physical fitness. She is really a walking billboard for the fitness center and did a great job on our first visit. She has mapped out a routine and we are starting tomorrow. She demonstrated seven different machines and then put us on the machines to adjust the various seating positions and weights. This is all recorded on a chart that we can pull out of the file when we go up there to exercize and we will have all the starting positions on the various machines.

I can't beieve that at 76 I'm just now starting on some kind of regimented exercize program. They have different kinds of group classes lead by a member or you can have personal training for a dollar/hour fee with the director. She recommended we start out slowly and after two or three weeks increase our reps and weights and then check in with her for a review of progress.

We're excited to get going with this and hope we can maintain the routine.

Sounds like a great setup for you and your wife--keep us posted! It's never too late to start.
Ride bike doing hill work for about 8 to 12 miles-one day a week
Ride bike doing fast spin for 12 to 15 miles-one day a week
Ride bike steady effort 20-40 miles--two or three days a week
Core work-one day a week, fit in with a short biking day
Strength training--two days a week, usually on a biking day off. If doing a lot of riding I skip the lower body work.
One day a week of doing nothing

Once or twice a month do a long bike ride of 60 to 100 miles. This month it will be twice. I back off on other riding for the week before a ride of 100k or more.

When I am up north I walk two miles a day six days a week with friends and family.

Rain and travel is interfering with this schedule. :)

After reading your work out I felt guilty so I took a nap !:)
"Dawn patrol" just happens to be the time when I'm paddling out!

I've only missed a couple sunrises out of the last 4000+. My spouse the late sleeper is the one who needs the light-blocking shades. The light certainly doesn't keep me from taking my nap, either. Being a guy, if I lived alone I probably wouldn't even have shades on the windows...

OMG, times have changed. Back in the day, you could get a local to shinny up the coconut trees and do that so easily, and for cheap, even those with insurance. Kids these days. (curmudgeonly Clint Eastwood type scowl)
Yeah, no kidding!

These are the scrawny little date palms with the 3"-6" trunks and the giant bunches of nuts that attract bees and ants and other pests before they make a huge mess on your sidewalk/yard.

We like the "green fence" effect between our house and the neighbor, but the extra 20-foot trunk above that is probably overkill. I could cut them down (and keep just the younger, shorter ones) but that bears a suspicious resemblance to "work". However we usually end up cutting the tallest three or four that could reach across the property line to the neighbor's roof during a hurricane.

All of this landscaping must've looked really cute when the original owners put it in 20 years ago. Today, though, it's just mandatory exercise...
I can't beieve that at 76 I'm just now starting on some kind of regimented exercize program. They have different kinds of group classes lead by a member or you can have personal training for a dollar/hour fee with the director. She recommended we start out slowly and after two or three weeks increase our reps and weights and then check in with her for a review of progress.

We're excited to get going with this and hope we can maintain the routine.

Johnnie, Your never too old to work on getting in better shape. Persistance is everything with workouts and take her advice about taking it slow in the beginning. I am sure after several months you and DW will be feeling the benefits.:dance:
Johnnie, there are a lot of people your age and older at my gym, and they all seem to feel they are benefiting a lot from their workouts. Some just do a little, and others do a lot. I agree with your trainer and DFW_M5 that taking it easy at first is a good idea, and then after you get used to it pay attention to how you feel and go from there.

I hope you enjoy your new exercise routine!
My goal: 20 miles running per week in the hills here.

Generally I do this about 4 times per week, 5 to 8 miles per run. Yearly mileage is about 1000.

I've run for decades. Retirement gives me more time to enjoy those runs. In the middle of the run I'll stop and do some stretches and contemplate the scenery. Often I have nice conversations with people I meet in the park. So it can be a bit social too.

When my ASICs get 500 miles on them, I wash them up and they become walking shoes. Surprising what a little soap and water will do.

I've enjoyed reading about other people's workouts here.
My regular calisthenics, although I may have pushed a bit too hard. It doesn't seem to help get rid of the flu cough.

Surfing tomorrow!
Ran yesterday - now back up to 4 miles 3 days a week after a knee problem. Walking a mile after a run seems to help. Bike today around 15 miles.
I rode my "rain" bike for 19 miles, exploring the area after the big flood in northern Minnesota. Biking through 2 inches of water is a substantially different proposition than biking through 4 inches of water. I had to only turn around once to find a different route. Saw a mink chase a rabbit. Moved two turtles off the road.

Raining again.
You may have to invest in a pontoon bike...

That sounds easier than riding through 4" of water on a conventional bike.


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You may have to invest in a pontoon bike...

I have a friend here who had a pontoon boat float up into her flooded back yard. She has no idea whose boat it is.

I would get out the kayak but I am sick of water.
I ran 5 miles this morning with two friends. We ended our run right at the local farmer's market/crafts coop and had a good time walking around and shopping a bit. A very good local bakery had a table there, so I picked up a couple of decadent goodies for SO (nothing for me!). But, since I had run from home to meet my friends, it meant I had to run back home a mile or so carrying the baked goods. Probably looked pretty funny to see a runner carrying a bakery bag! :LOL:
I had to run back home a mile or so carrying the baked goods. Probably looked pretty funny to see a runner carrying a bakery bag! :LOL:

And you didn't even get stopped by the police:D
4 hr bike ride along the river, with mandatory chinup break. Started doing them then realized I had forgotten to take my bike helmet off. What a doofus.
Surfing. Forgot it was Saturday until I got to the parking lot. Almost got skegged by a guy who should've turned left... if he'd known how.

I eventually found a quiet spot and enjoyed the next couple hours.

I would get out the kayak but I am sick of water.
I'd hesitate to paddle through that mess of runoff. Leptospirosis would be the least of your medical challenges.
Today, nada zip. Yesterday felled a mostly rotted at the base 70 foot tall tree, and cut it up.
Did a 5 mile walk around 5 pm when the temp was around 94 degrees with high humidity. Some people are a glutton for punishment.

That which doesn't kill me makes me stronger.
I'm going to bring a bit of variation to my exercise routine next week. Whilst I enjoy jogging in the gym, outdoors and once a week in the pool (since I don't know how to swim), am starting my first swimming lesson next week. It would be fun to finally learn how to swim before I reach 52 years old in a few months!
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