Do you have more than one forum account?


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
May 15, 2008
Looking back at what I have posted, if any of my close co-workers or friends read my post, i have a feeling they can figure out it is me... I would like to keep myself anonymous and even if my cover is blown, i would like to keep certain things still out of their reach.

Because of that I am contemplating on creating another account for myself.

Has anybody done this?
Isn't that against the rules?
Yes, that would be against the community rules...

Participants may only have one account unless moderator permission for multiple accounts is granted. Moderators may consolidate or delete multiple accounts if permission is not obtained.
If my cover gets blown, as long as friends or ex co-w*rkers don't ask a w*rk related question, no harm, no foul. That was then, this is now :)
Nope, but it's a fair question. I participate in another non-financial forum where some members have taken on 2-3 account names, with different personalities/tones. It's allowed, but Mods routinely out them for all to see, as they should IMO...
On 1 board I have 3 accounts for just the reason the op discusses but that's the only place I do that. I'm careful what I post across the net so that no one can figure out it's me, never cutting and pasting posts from x to y. :greetings10:
On 1 board I have 3 accounts for just the reason the op discusses but that's the only place I do that. I'm careful what I post across the net so that no one can figure out it's me, never cutting and pasting posts from x to y. :greetings10:
Is that you Dave? :D
I've always had just one account on I like my username too much and it's nothing like my actual name.
I'm not sure it's all that likely that anyone would a) discover the linkage between the username and the real you, and b) do something harmful to you. Both would have to happen to make a difference. That being said, I have been 'found-out' in the real world, but I use the same username more than just here. But even with that, I never tried to 'hide' from my employer. I didn't want to 'tip my hand', but figured that if they did 'know it was me', it would still be only hearsay.
I use the same user name on about a 1/2 dozen forums I frequent. Really confuses the heck out of anybody. Plus, I can remember my username.
I did not realize that it was against the forum rules to have more than one account. I will just have to find some other place to get some of my more sensitive questions answered. Thank you all for your input.
I only use one forum name and normally the same for one for all forums. Reason being is I like the name and it's easier to remember should I need to log in (if not saved). I make sure that what ever I say in the open forum, I don't mind if any of my family and friends read, since after all, it's who I am.

In other words, if I post, "I have a problem with my neighbour", I don't mind if my neighbour reads it since I'll be addressing it with them in the end. All I'm doing is asking for advice in the open forum and I'm carefull with my wording in case my neighbour happens to read this forum.

My family also knows my forum name and they can check to see what I post at any time.
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