what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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I have to put together a resume for a job I'm not seeking. Very annoying...I'm glad to almost be done with this government crap.

What will they do if you don't? Fire you?

Otherwise, write one for "beach bum", "trash collector" "Ebay seller" "Playboy photographer" or any other silly thing that comes to mind.

Maximum length: 1 page, double-spaced.
All turned out well, they found the blockage and put a stent in it. Doc says full recovery in 3 - 4 weeks.:dance::dance:

I'm in ICU only because I have a recent cath hole in my femoral artery and if that starts to leaks it gets real serious real fast. They've been checking it every 15 minutes all day. They wouldn't let me sit up for four hours or stand for eight. I feel fine, most likely I will get out tomorrow.

I'm told not to lift anything heavier than a gallon of milk so I'm gonna milk that for all it's worth. Dunno how long that's good for though.

Thank you all for the kind messages and posts. I won't be posting much tonight as it's hard to write with an oxygen sensor on your finger - almost back to hunt 'n peck with one hand.

Good news, Walt. Take care!

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I just finish converting the last of my CDs into MP3. I have been working for 5 days to convert about 350 CDs, using a PC that has 2 CD drives and keeping both of them going at about 10X speed.

What makes it more time consuming and labor intensive is that I also use a scanner to digitize the CD artworks, both front and back, and also the CDs themselves. Next, I will have to do some editing on the MP3 files to include the cover art. I use the bit rate of 320K/s, which is plenty good for me.

In the process of rounding up all the CDs, I discovered some that I forgot I have. Now, I get to listen to them again.

All turned out well, they found the blockage and put a stent in it. Doc says full recovery in 3 - 4 weeks.:dance::dance:

Congrats on finding and fixing the problem early. You are probably out of ICU by now. Yes, even trim and fit people may still have coronary artery blockage. And modern medicine is wonderful.
Walt, hope you're home and resting comfortably by now. You'll have to get one of those bells to summon DW.

I am back home and thanks for all the good wishes.

Decades ago DW bought me a joke beer mug with a bell on it, the kind one sees on a child's tricycle. I wouldn't dare use that to summon her. If she didn't simply ignore it she'd likely smash the thing over my head.:hide:

She loves me but there is such a thing as "pushing the envelope".:LOL:

I am limited to lifting no more than ten pounds for two weeks and some walking such as around the block, and after that can go to light exercise, defined as half weights at the gym and half or so on the treadmill. At four weeks I can go back to full bore.

This part is interesting. I got pictures! I was awake but given some "I don't care" drugs, as they were described to me. I did ask that they be generous with those, as to say that I was stressed is gross understatement. I mean, some guy I met yesterday is going to be poking around in my heart. But I did have the presence of mind to ask if that screen was being recorded and could I have a cd with the files and they gave it to me.

The dark blood vessels you see are not really the vessels themselves, but the dye used to make them visible. This makes the blockage very visible but wow, it takes some doing to recognize that because everything moves in and out of focus as the heart beats and the dye passes through the veins. Whatever the fee turns out to be he earned it because you have to be quick and really know what to look for. And I have little doubt that without this, with in a year, two at most, I'd be dead.

The "after" image is the one I think is the right one, but it may not be. He showed me but I was a bit woozy so may not remember correctly and there's a lot to go through on the cd. So I guess regard it as a best guess for now.


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I am back home and thanks for all the good wishes.

Decades ago DW bought me a joke beer mug with a bell on it, the kind one sees on a child's tricycle. I wouldn't dare use that to summon her. If she didn't simply ignore it she'd likely smash the thing over my head.:hide:

She loves me but there is such a thing as "pushing the envelope".:LOL:

I am limited to lifting no more than ten pounds for two weeks and some walking such as around the block, and after that can go to light exercise, defined as half weights at the gym and half or so on the treadmill. At four weeks I can go back to full bore.

This part is interesting. I got pictures! I was awake but given some "I don't care" drugs, as they were described to me. I did ask that they be generous with those, as to say that I was stressed is gross understatement. I mean, some guy I met yesterday is going to be poking around in my heart. But I did have the presence of mind to ask if that screen was being recorded and could I have a cd with the files and they gave it to me.

The dark blood vessels you see are not really the vessels themselves, but the dye used to make them visible. This makes the blockage very visible but wow, it takes some doing to recognize that because everything moves in and out of focus as the heart beats and the dye passes through the veins. Whatever the fee turns out to be he earned it because you have to be quick and really know what to look for. And I have little doubt that without this, with in a year, two at most, I'd be dead.

The "after" image is the one I think is the right one, but it may not be. He showed me but I was a bit woozy so may not remember correctly and there's a lot to go through on the cd. So I guess regard it as a best guess for now.

I'm happy that you are home and recovering. The 4 weeks of limitations are minor compared to what could have been. You were right on top of this to seek out the medical help before anything more serious could happen. Relax and take it easy. Maybe your DW will spoil you a bit as you recover!
Great news, Walt!

MBAustin, I lost almost the whole month of June between an infection and root canal. My face blew up late Friday night after the dentist and endodontist were closed. Couldn't get any meds until Saturday. First antibiotic didn't do anything so on Tuesday they added a second antibiotic that made me sick to my stomach and other nasty side effects. Didn't know it was the antibiotic because I've never had a problem with any medication. They took me off that and added a different antibiotic to the first antibiotic. Took almost 3 1/2 weeks to clear everything up for the root canal. Root canal is complete and no problems now.

Thanks for the encouragement, splitwdw. I don't usually have problems with meds either, but I think this antibiotic isn't suiting me too well. Not sick to my stomach (yet) but definitely got the blahs. Hope it works, guess I'll find out on Monday.

And glad to hear you're doing better, Walt!
Great photos Walt! You need to frame those when the wooziness subsides.

It's great that you and the medical staff acted quickly to avoid bigger problems.
Great photos Walt! You need to frame those when the wooziness subsides.

It's great that you and the medical staff acted quickly to avoid bigger problems.

I don't know about framing them, but I do feel lucky to have dodged a heart attack. But then again, it's like I posted a while back when one of the nurses said I was "unusual".

I heard another one today - because of this I'll be on Plavix for a while if not the rest of my life and she was giving me some info on which places sell it cheapest, ~$15.00. She has had people say, "I can't afford that because then I wouldn't be able to buy pot".:facepalm::facepalm:

Some people's priorities I'll never figure out.
Today I made my 1024th post. Next stop, 2048, hehe!
The man whose story of a close call I told earlier also carried a photo of his blocked artery with him, and showed it to everybody. It was a quite clear picture that his blocked section looked somewhat like an hourglass, with the "pinched" portion about 1/2" long. They told him it was 98% blocked.

It made a good impression on me that the difference between life and death may not be that much.
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WXPN Festival. Having an Abbey Dubbel with that!
I just finish converting the last of my CDs into MP3. I have been working for 5 days to convert about 350 CDs, using a PC that has 2 CD drives and keeping both of them going at about 10X speed.

What makes it more time consuming and labor intensive is that I also use a scanner to digitize the CD artworks, both front and back, and also the CDs themselves. Next, I will have to do some editing on the MP3 files to include the cover art. I use the bit rate of 320K/s, which is plenty good for me.

In the process of rounding up all the CDs, I discovered some that I forgot I have. Now, I get to listen to them again.

I've been doing this for the last week myself... Once converted to MP3's I'm moving them to the cloud and will get rid of the CD's... Trying to lighten up the load for when I go expat...
Installed a propane grill on the back of a pontoon boat... trying to learn how to read the Lowrance sonar/fish finder... it is amazing what the new ones do....
Framed a train poster that was DW's grandfather's. He was an Army Major in WWII and worked in logistics stuff, earning several awards for improving railroad safety for troops being transported. After the war he worked for Dept. of Commerce on railroad issues. This poster hung in his office for decades and was framed with cardboard behind it and the acid from that damaged the poster. Along the way the backboard at least had also been wet.

Yesterday I sprayed it with Krylon Make it Acid-Free Spray which supposedly neutralizes any acids in paper and then mounted, matted and framed it this morning. Later we'll hang it in the basement family room but we have to move a couch first.


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I haven't checked into this thread in a awhile, so Walt34 I am a bit belated in posting but I am glad to hear you are on the road to recovery and back to your hobbies.
I had the pleasure of cooking at Eggfest today. Ate a ton of really good food, met others who share the same passion for cooking and shared tips with others just getting started. All in all a very good day! Now I have to complete a two hour workout tomorrow to burn it off!

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