I woke up Wednesday morning


Recycles dryer sheets
Aug 5, 2018
I woke up Wednesday morning in a good mood and decided I had worked here long enough, 30 years to be exact. How can that have happened? It is as if a whole lifetime has gone by and I am still here. I have seen it all, the new enthusiastic managers come and go. The new sheriff rides into town on a brand new horse full of ideas on how the business will grow thanks to him of course. The same old cliché loaded speeches, the same miserable pay raises, the same old finger pointing for every perceived mistake. Reading the company annual report to see how many new options the management team awarded themselves this year.
Retirement is something I have been thinking about for some time but always said I will give it another while, maybe another year or two, another few thousand in the bank, and so on it went, until Wednesday…
I will continue at work for another few weeks to get most of the loose ends wrapped up and then leave. It is strange what a freeing feeling it is to have finally quit, all my anger and frustration have suddenly gone away leaving me with a strange empty, but very happy feeling. I am left wondering what on earth did I have to worry about? This work stuff is not really important at all, I should have done it ages ago.
I am 60 years old now. I hope I have enough money to get by, but I am confident I will pick up a lots of tips on this website. I only discovered it a few weeks ago and am very glad to be amongst you all.
welcome to the forum ,

i guess the tips on budgeting and saving will greatly interest you then

( and don't forget the humor threads to help put a smile on your faces some days )

but there is plenty to read and learn here , enjoy

PS maybe a full medical before you retire might be a great idea as well ( help you guesstimate future medical expenses )
Great first post, Humbooster.
Welcome to the group! Sounds like your BS bucket was full. It happened to a lot of us; I quit at age 61.

The people here are a great resource. We look forward to more of your posts.
Congrats Hum! I recently gave notice and the weight/stress was lifted from my shoulders. Good luck on the start of your new life. Live every day to its fullest!
Welcome to the world of "Mondays are the new Saturdays"!

Rule 1. throw away the alarm clock.
Rule 2. cargo shorts and T-shirts are the official uniform.
Rule 3. naps are mandatory.
Congratulations! That's a momentous decision!
This is a great place to hang out - I know that reading the posts here at the FIRE forums has really helped me work on framing my plans for the future. I stop by every single day, to dream and plan. I'm almost where you are...almost...
You might want to think about running your numbers through FireCalc, if you haven't already.
I woke up Wednesday morning in a good mood and decided I had worked here long enough...

Wonderful to hear that, Humbooster. Most people have said to me "You'll know when it's time" so I've often wondered if that meant I'd wake up one morning and suddenly know it with certainty, but this is the first time I've heard that really happened!

For many of us including me the process has been a drawn-out, tortured one. But we're getting there!

Look forward to reading your posts.
Welcome Humbuster. I can relate. I am 62 and one day last year I simply decided it was time. I agree that somehow you will know. Now Ive been RE'd for 7 months and it took me a good 6 months to come to fully know I made the right decision. Congrats for having the nerves to make the plunge. Don't look back!
Welcome to the world of "Mondays are the new Saturdays"!

Rule 1. throw away the alarm clock.
Rule 2. cargo shorts and T-shirts are the official uniform.
Rule 3. naps are mandatory.

Nailed it! As an official retiree and highly decorated slacker, I'm anointing brucethrbroker to the position of Retirement Rule Maker. Effective immediately, bruce will either issue or approve all retirement rules. That'll be all.

Welcome Humbooster! :greetings10:
Welcome to the world of "Mondays are the new Saturdays"!

Rule 1. throw away the alarm clock.
Rule 2. cargo shorts and T-shirts are the official uniform.
Rule 3. naps are mandatory.

Since retiring on June 1st I have worn long pants about 8 times total and that is counting Church.

Naps! Are! Awesome!

This thread has made me so happy, because it reminded me of how thrilling it was to be on the brink of retirement. Pretty terrific feeling. :D I was 61 when I retired.

Welcome to the world of "Mondays are the new Saturdays"!

Rule 1. throw away the alarm clock.
Rule 2. cargo shorts and T-shirts are the official uniform.
Rule 3. naps are mandatory.
Well, roughly so. Can I modify them slightly to fit my retirement better? In my case, every day's a Saturday, and:

Rule 1. I replaced my alarm clock with one that plays gentle bird songs that slowly awaken me. Personally I need to set an alarm or I start sleeping later and later, and going to bed later and later. I don't like this because I get out of synch with the rest of the world. Apparently this does not happen to most people.

Rule 2. Gym shorts and t-shirts are my official uniform. Sweatpants in January and February when it is too cold for gym shorts. Sandals in the summer, running shoes in the winter.

Rule 3. Naps are the greatest thing since sliced bread. Funny thing, I hated naps when I was a toddler! But love them now.

Welcome to the Early Retirement Forum and again, congratulations on your impending retirement!
Welcome and thirty years is enough for anyone on the rat tread wheel chasing the cheese.
Rule 1. I replaced my alarm clock with one that plays gentle bird songs that slowly awaken me. Personally I need to set an alarm or I start sleeping later and later, and going to bed later and later. I don't like this because I get out of synch with the rest of the world. Apparently this does not happen to most people.


I have this same issue...and same solution!!
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Welcome and congrats - you "put your time in" on the work treadmill and now it is time to enjoy life. Have fun!
Congrats my friend! As I type this, I have 6 days left to work.Yes I have planned for retirement for years however,the decision was made in 1 week. Walked into work one morning and realized my heart was no where to be found!
Looking forward to a few months of "nothing".After I will make some decisions on my day to day routine.
Congrats to you! I gave 5 months notice, which was NOT a good idea. You're doing it right.

My last day of employment is Thursday, provided I don't murder someone before I leave. Not having to make license plates is all that's keeping me from doing that. ;)

You've come to the right place - looking forward to seeing more posts from you.
I woke up Wednesday morning in a good mood and decided I had worked here long enough, 30 years to be exact. How can that have happened? It is as if a whole lifetime has gone by and I am still here. I have seen it all, the new enthusiastic managers come and go. The new sheriff rides into town on a brand new horse full of ideas on how the business will grow thanks to him of course. The same old cliché loaded speeches, the same miserable pay raises, the same old finger pointing for every perceived mistake. Reading the company annual report to see how many new options the management team awarded themselves this year.
Retirement is something I have been thinking about for some time but always said I will give it another while, maybe another year or two, another few thousand in the bank, and so on it went, until Wednesday…
I will continue at work for another few weeks to get most of the loose ends wrapped up and then leave. It is strange what a freeing feeling it is to have finally quit, all my anger and frustration have suddenly gone away leaving me with a strange empty, but very happy feeling. I am left wondering what on earth did I have to worry about? This work stuff is not really important at all, I should have done it ages ago.
I am 60 years old now. I hope I have enough money to get by, but I am confident I will pick up a lots of tips on this website. I only discovered it a few weeks ago and am very glad to be amongst you all.

Joy to the world! Happy you're here! Do not be shy to post and give your opinions on everything. Here, you will have power and your opinion matters.
Sounds like you were fed up. A friend gave his "younger than him, know nothing boss" a good piece of his mind a couple weeks ago. He had 3 months remaining - they paid him the 3 months and said stay home!
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