Netflix movie or show suggestion

I am half way through the reboot of Lost In Space.

All I can say is that I am giving it the boot out the door. I am very disappointed in the plots. I can't find one character I like except the robot and even it is rather bland. I was hoping it would be another BatttleStar Galactica. But, it's about the same level of quality as the original show, IMHO.

I doubt I will make it through the other half unless I watch it while doing my exercise routine. One doesn't have to watch it carefully to follow the plots.
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I am half way through the reboot of Lost In Space.

All I can say is that I am giving it the boot out the door. I am very disappointed in the plots. I can't find one character I like except the robot and even it is rather bland. I was hoping it would be another BatttleStar Galactica. But, it's about the same level of quality as the original show, IMHO.

I doubt I will make it through the other half unless I watch it while doing my exercise routine. One doesn't have to watch it carefully to follow the plots.

I was very disappointed in it. Molly Parker was better cast as a laudanum addict in Deadwood. The script writers have given her an impossible role: a protective and dedicated mother willing to sacrifice her family at almost every turn.

But then, the writers seemed mainly concerned with writing their characters into dire peril and hoping they could write them back out again.

Parker Posey is good as the sociopathic “Dr. Smith,” and it was nice to see Billy Mumy, albeit briefly.

Not looking forward to a second season.
Janet king is not on Netflix. We get it at the library. Just finished season 3.
Have any of you watched a movie called Scent of a Woman? It's an old movie (1992) and long (2 hrs 37 min), and Al Pacino stars in it along with Chris O'Donnell. I watched it when it came out, and I was very moved by Al Pacino's performance. And I just loved the movie (one of those feel-good movies). I decided to watch it again when I found it on Netflix. Al Pacino is quite theatrical, but that's just perfect. A lot of movies lose their luster over the years, but it didn't happen to this film IMHO, and that may be why it's back on Netflix.
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Has any of you watched a movie called Scent of a Woman? It's an old movie (1992) and long (2 hrs 37 min), and Al Pacino stars in it along with Chris O'Donnell. I watched it when it came out, and I was very moved by Al Pacino's performance. And I just loved the movie (one of those feel-good movies). I decided to watch it again when I found it on Netflix. Al Pacino is quite theatrical, but that's just perfect. A lot of movies lose their luster over the years, but it didn't happen to this film IMHO, and that may be why it's back on Netflix.

I saw it when it was current and watched it again recently. Enjoyed it both times.
A friend who paid $1,300 to see it, said December 15 Bruce Springsteen on Broadway comes to Netflix. He said it was worth every penny.
Loudon Wainright III on Netflix. Don't miss it.
Watched the first three episodes of The Kominsky Method. Really enjoyed it. Lots of variety with surprising cameos.
Watched the first three episodes of The Kominsky Method. Really enjoyed it. Lots of variety with surprising cameos.

We've been watching this, hilarious. Little dark for the aged maybe, but hilarious. I don't think this is a spoiler, but casting Danny DiVito as a urologist? Priceless.
I stumbled upon "An Honorable Woman." Not the best suspenseful series ever, but intriguing. I still stand behind Babylon Berlin with subtitles. Could not stop watching.
We used to love Netflix but it has really changed over the last couple of years. It used to have a great catalog of movies including old classics. They seemed to have gotten rid of those. It has become the new TV - a lot of so-so schlock with the occasional gem. A huge chunk of their content is now recycled European TV series from what I can tell.

At any rate, last thing we watched was the final season of House of Cards. (spoiler alert!) We didn't really like it - too convoluted and too unbelievable, more so than previous seasons.
DOGS. Get the Kleenex before you start watching. Real life experiences (episode 2) that had me tear up. This is not a fluff doggy feel good experience. I had no idea people went the lengths they did for their dogs.
We used to love Netflix but it has really changed over the last couple of years. It used to have a great catalog of movies including old classics. They seemed to have gotten rid of those. It has become the new TV - a lot of so-so schlock with the occasional gem. A huge chunk of their content is now recycled European TV series from what I can tell.

At any rate, last thing we watched was the final season of House of Cards. (spoiler alert!) We didn't really like it - too convoluted and too unbelievable, more so than previous seasons.
Wow - we've had exactly the opposite experience over the past year or so. We're finding far more series of interest on Netflix than we used to. Especially the international content and original series. We feel like a whole new world has opened to us.
Finished Get Shorty - Not great but decent. Ray Romano is great (imagine a wayward Ray in Everyone Loves Raymond).

Started Narcos Mexico - So far like it alot.
I know those Narcos shows can be very very good, but I can't bring myself to watch them due to violence. The only one I watched was La Reina del Sur - the original production by Telemundo starring Kate Castillo. It was outstanding. Of course, it was based on a book by a very famous Spanish author (Arturo Perez Reverte).
The only one I watched was La Reina del Sur - the original production by Telemundo starring Kate Castillo. It was outstanding. Of course, it was based on a book by a very famous Spanish author (Arturo Perez Reverte).

Loved the book - (hey, we love all his books) - hope the movie version can somehow find its way to our library.
Watched the first three episodes of The Kominsky Method. Really enjoyed it. Lots of variety with surprising cameos.

Yep, truly enjoy this show. Very well done--clever writing, witty, good characters, interesting relationships. And, as a bonus (?) for me, the urologist played by Danny De Vito, has the same personality as my urologist.

As a side note, I was saying to the duchess of redduck, that I hope the show didn't get involved with "old man prostate problems" because that theme is usually gratuitous. And, sure enough, the prostate theme showed up the next week. The happy surprise was, they did a good job with it, making the theme non-gratuitous.
Wow - we've had exactly the opposite experience over the past year or so. We're finding far more series of interest on Netflix than we used to. Especially the international content and original series. We feel like a whole new world has opened to us.

The bolded part above is the operative phrase - yes, there are a lot of things now on Netflix "of interest", but not of high quality. At least not to us. One way for me to tell this is we will watch a series on Netflix and a week later I cannot even remember it. They go in one ear and out the other and nothing "sticks". That to me is a sure sign of TV-like schlock. I'd rather read a book. Or watch HBO.
We enjoyed season 1 of "Happy Valley" and are on to season 2. It is not at all what the title would suggest. It's about a female police sergeant in West Yorkshire, UK, and the story line is pretty good.

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