It's Wednesday weigh ins! 2007-2022

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Week 5. Doh a pound back on back to 6 total

Did have a good weekend and ate out a few times. so i got what i deserved.

Hopefully back on track again now and can get that pound off again.
First post in this thread... 52 years old

I was very overweight, was drinking WAY MORE than I should and over eating. I didn't get much exercise and my job requires me to sit around for 12 hours a day. The doctor said I had high blood pressure so I starting doing intermittent fasting and staying away from carbs. I've been working night shifts and after doing 16:8 I.F. for the first couple of weeks I switched to just eating once per day @ midnight. My goal is to lose 10 pounds the first month, 10 pounds the two months after that, 10 pounds the three months after that and 10 pounds the six months after that for a 40 pound loss (21% body mass) in 12 months. I've cheated a few times during social situations but I'm pretty far ahead of my goal at this point. I'm walking a little bit just about every day on the treadmill and do some very light weight lifting a couple of times per week.

Jan 1st = 186# (BMI = 30 - Obese)
Feb 7th = 167# (BMI = 27 - Overweight)
Just listened to a "People's Pharmacy" podcast about exercise and weight loss. This very large study used donated funds, something like $12M. No pharma, food, exercise machine contributions so it's considered a pure study. Nobody gains from it.
The study is not complete but the data is suggesting there is not a direct relationship with exercise and weight loss. Weight loss is dietary and fats, carbs, protein and dairy are all important. There is no cut out fat or cut out sugar completely. And calories in, calories out is all wrong. It's the kind of calories that count.

Avocados, nuts, seeds, (dark chocolate, 70% or more), even dairy fat help keep the hunger at bay. Apparently, according to Harvard endocrinologist leading the study, said exercise can hinder weight loss. You exercise hard, burn a bunch of calories and you're starving and psychologically it gives you carte blanche to eat more. Defeats the purpose. He did say exercise is good for heart, muscle, bone, blood flow health.

This is the show if you have an hour to listen:

Show 1149: Is Cutting Carbs More Important Than Cutting Calories?
I finished a “Whole 30” on 2/5, thirty days without alcohol (I often go 30 days without alcohol so no big deal for me), dairy, grains, sugars including zero-cal sweeteners, and legumes. A modest weight loss of 3 lbs and a constant low level headache and feeling deprived are my main takeaways, but at least I got bragging rights, I guess :LOL:
I finished a “Whole 30” on 2/5, thirty days without alcohol (I often go 30 days without alcohol so no big deal for me), dairy, grains, sugars including zero-cal sweeteners, and legumes. A modest weight loss of 3 lbs and a constant low level headache and feeling deprived are my main takeaways, but at least I got bragging rights, I guess :LOL:

That's a pretty rough regiment of work for 30 days. I've looked at that plan but never bit off on it. I did my best weight loss with just walking 10,000 steps per day and limiting carbs. I also recorded about 1800 calories per day during that period of losing 20 pounds in three months.
Missed logging last week, but lost the 1lb I gained the week before.

Then put it back again this week. hey ho.... had a very nice week. enjoyed some good food and drink but still kept the exercise

Total of 6lbs down so far it total this year. Hopefully back on track for the next few weeks now.
Dropped 3 pounds in a week, anxiety sucks.
Now down 3 more to 192. I’ll probably bottom out soon. Getting close to normal weight of 185. But I’ll keep up the low fat, no soda, seldom red meat, ice cream, pasta, alcohol diet as a “lifestyle modification”.
Congratulations, Ronstar!!! That's great progress and only 7 more pounds to goal.

I have not lost a thing since January, although I have maintained at 52-53 pounds lost.

No mystery to my lack of weight loss; I have not been keeping my calorie intake as low as it was. I still track everything on MFP. I guess I think it's OK to maintain at this weight for a while. I love being this much lighter than I was and eventually I'll get motivated to lose more.
Every time I travel, I gain 2 - 4 lb. Upon coming back, I adjust my intermittent diet timing (longer fasting, smaller window for eating meals). I had one meal yesterday and I am still 2 lbs over my normal weight. 138 lbs today.
I finished a “Whole 30” on 2/5, thirty days without alcohol (I often go 30 days without alcohol so no big deal for me), dairy, grains, sugars including zero-cal sweeteners, and legumes. A modest weight loss of 3 lbs and a constant low level headache and feeling deprived are my main takeaways, but at least I got bragging rights, I guess :LOL:

That's a bummer....well at least you tried it...
Went to a routine doctor appointment today, and what a nice surprise to find out that I lost 4 more pounds since December even though I have just been trying to maintain. All my lab test values were better too, and my doctor thinks I am in much better health than I was last year.

My goal lately has been to maintain my weight loss since I felt I needed a break from dieting. I still record calories and carbs every day, and weigh myself every day too.

Eventually I will "get my mojo back" and want to lose more weight, and when that happens I won't want to start at any higher weight than I am now.
I have lost 42 lbs since March 2018. Currently I have been the same for the last 6 weeks with no weight loss. I know it will eventually come off but I am at a plateau for now.

I have been on 1500 calories a day since last March. Does not come off at 2 lbs a week. More like a lb every other week. Eat what I want just count the calories and walk between 8000 and 10000 everyday.

I have 48 more to go. Not in a hurry just doing the 1500 calories a day.
Really surprised today, after a quick trip to Florida to visit BIL, I figured I would have gained 5# from all the rich (and wonderful) food....instead, I lost 2#.
Every time I travel, I gain 2 - 4 lb. Upon coming back, I adjust my intermittent diet timing (longer fasting, smaller window for eating meals). I had one meal yesterday and I am still 2 lbs over my normal weight. 128 [138 was a typo] lbs today.

Back from another short trip and weighing in at 129 (2 lbs over, conceding 1lb is an actual weight gain from previous 126 lb). Goal is to get down to 126 again.
It's not Wednesday and I rarely post here. But stepped on the scales this morning and I weighed 175..... down from my high of 192 just a few months ago. I've always said if I could stay between 175-180 I would be happy. Still have a little excess around the waist so another 5 off wouldn't hurt.

After having my racing heart issues from Oct last year, my cardiologist said no more caffeine, chocolate or alcohol. Actually no more mixed drinks as I still have an occasional beer. But cutting out chocolate and reducing my beer consumption has helped in my weight loss. Plus I just try to eat a little less.

So now I can get in my suits w/o looking fat. Good to know as I would hate having to buy a new suit when burial time rolls around. Is life great or what? :) Oh more racing heart after the diet adjustments. Knock on wood.
I weigh myself every morning. Jump out of bed to the scale. It never deviates more than 1 or 2 lbs. If I see my 133 weight one day and 134.2 the next, I analyze what I ate yesterday and cut back today. I can usually break it down to specific things, too much butter, a sweet roll, big pasta portion. Then I back off and hit the fiber hard, lose the sugar and fat. Always drink lots of water.
Down roughly 7 lbs to 193 since starting my latest attempt ~2 weeks ago to get back to a more healthy weight..

Seeing the first digit on the scale being a *2* at the Dr's office recently was motivation enough. Plus, the extra weight (170 is apparently where I need to be to be 'healthy' according to BMI numbers) has been very rough on my knees and hips.

Read today that every 1 pound lost takes 4 pounds of pressure off your knees, and 8 (I think but not sure on that one) off your hips. That might explain how I torched my knee over the past 6 months..hoping it gets better as I work off some more weight..of course, it's somewhat hard to exercise as vigorously as normal with a bum knee also..

Trying very hard to stay under 1,500 calories per day (I weigh EVERYTHING and log it in SparkPeople) and burn 500+ through exercise. That's worked before for me - sometimes roughly 2 lbs/week. (For the most part, it all just comes down to basic math..) Hopefully will work again as I have 23 lbs to go..
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I'll join up

Health is Wealth. My #1 quote, Decided to join. 37M.

5/8/19 Weight is 164.1 Not sure what BMI is but a guess is ~20?
Target weight for 5/29/19 is 159.9

Full body 3x a week, run 5mi most days, currently training for 15k around the lake I live on. ~10mi pacing at ~9min/mi right now with race 3 weeks away

I try to set 3 extreme fitness goals each season, so 3 summer and 3 winter goals.

This year, it's the 15k, Blading down to the river and back ~15mi and bike down to the river and back ~15mi. I stay fit with ski, run, blade, bike, climbing, sailing, tennis basketball and a few other activities.

It all starts in the kitchen. Nemisis is chocolate, sugar cereal, and salt on occasion. :LOL: Hey we are all human.
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Health is Wealth.

5/8/19 Weight is 164.1 Not sure what BMI is but a guess is ~20?
Target weight for 5/29/19 is 159.9

5/22 = 159.7

Made the cut a week early, and I didn't lose muscle. :D:dance:

Now if I can hold it off for the 15k in 9 days I should be set. Up to ~8mi runs.
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