Coronavirus - Travel impact

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Agreed. I wonder how many more cruise ships will become floating Wuhans?

Anyone shorting CCL?

Actually yes, in my IRA today I bought 30 CCL April 17, 2020 puts at a $42.50 strike for $2.45 each.

I really don't see how CCL doesn't drop below $40 in the next month as people avoid ships like...well, the plague.
Our non-refundable Delta flights to Japan will cost us $600 and our Celebrity cruise deposit lost $200. There goes $800-wasn’t sure to post to this thread or the blow that dough.

Still thinking about going. There is flu everywhere right?
Do you get credit for the airfare that you can use towards another flight within a year or something?

You can still get a vaccine for flu, even though it is not always that effective.

I would worry about being stuck on a cruise ship. Is the trip a long way off?
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It should be easy enough to park the ship in international waters and send out tenders to refuel and resupply it for long enough that the people on board go through a quarantine period.

Wondering if 10 people are sick and then 2 weeks later 5 people are sick and 2 weeks later 10 more are sick, how do you ever get out of quarantine?
Wondering if 10 people are sick and then 2 weeks later 5 people are sick and 2 weeks later 10 more are sick, how do you ever get out of quarantine?

When they are all dead or all recovered, I guess.

Want to go on a cruise?
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Do you get credit for the airfare that you can use towards another flight within a year or something?

You can still get a vaccine for flu, even though it is not always that effective.

I would worry about being stuck on a cruise ship. Is the trip a long way off?

When I called them they said only $149 of the $449 per ticket we paid can be used later. That being the case I will wait to cancel (the flights) until later in case Japan gets in the no fly zone. We were planning on leaving April 26th for Japan and the cruise starts May 10th.

If we do go the cruise ends right near our home where we would have good doctors if needed. I’m not really worried about it but my wife listens to the news more.
When they are all dead or all recovered, I guess.

Want to go on a cruise?

Still cruising to the Caribbean islands at the beginning of June, but monitoring it for now.
Royal Caribbean has banned all passport holders from China, HK and Macau from their ships until further notice. Also anyone who has recently traveled to these places.
I'm hearing now from friends that are canceling trips that involve flying. I'm on the fence about my trip next week. Will look at the numbers then.
That is why we have decided to cruise out of LA NO airports. We are scheduled to go on a Hawaiian cruise next month, and the last time we did one, there were a lot of chinese on board. I posted a question about that on the cruise board, and the response I got was they are not letting anyone out of China.
Right now there are 2 ships in the Far East under quarantine. You are required to stay in your cabin. I really feel sorry for those that booked inside cabins. It must be like solitary confinement in "The Hole".
We are more worried about Norovirus and take a big spray can of Lysol with us. This time I am also taking some N95 masks to wear until we get to our suite after boarding.
No cases reported in Antarctica yet. So I guess I’ll keep my plans for that cruise in a couple weeks. I guess the logical conclusion is penguins are immune.
... penguins are immune.

Ugh, that's the wrong thing to say, considering that bats harbor viruses that do not cause them sickness. :cool:

But, you will not come in contact with any penguin, I don't think. Watching them from a distance will be safe. :)
But, you will not come in contact with any penguin, I don't think. Watching them from a distance will be safe. :)

The rules are that you have to stay 5 meters from them. But they do sometimes ignore the rules (even though we can't) and walk (waddle) closer to you.

Incidentally, I saw one report that says the virus jumped to humans from eating pangolins, which sounds almost like penguins.

Ugh, that's the wrong thing to say, considering that bats harbor viruses that do not cause them sickness. :cool:

But, you will not come in contact with any penguin, I don't think. Watching them from a distance will be safe. :)

You’re probably right, that it was the the wrong thing to say. I did read that Pangolins were the likely cause rather than bats though.
I never knew of the "pangolin", and it looks somewhat like an armadillo which carries leprosy.

Dunno why people like to eat exotic animals, compared to the benign KFC chicken and the McDonald's hamburger. :)
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Dunno why people like to eat exotic animals, compared to the benign KFC chicken and the McDonald's hamburger. :)
Because it's expensive and shows people what a macher you are.
Because it's expensive and shows people what a macher you are.
Well, when I was in Nairobi many years ago, there was a place called The Carnivore that grilled and served many different meats. I had wildebeest, ostrich, and zebra. Frankly, I would have settled for a good rack of my wife's pork ribs.
Some of our best trips to Europe have been in times of war and strife. Less people in such times. In 1992 before the first Iraq War, we were the only Americans in the Hofbrauhaus one Saturday night.

I doubt we will have much risk of the virus in rural Poland the end of next month. We avoid crowds whenever possible.
I bought tickets for Europe in May. My biggest concern is that this causes Norwegian Air to go into bankruptcy, leaving us stranded and having to buy expensive tickets to get us there or back.
Our plans for our first ever cruise are on hold for now. The thought of being in a confined space with many strangers for days in this current environment is not an attractive proposition. :)
Take the money you would have spent on a cruise and buy puts on any of the big cruise lines. By this time next year you can buy a small boat.

CCL has something like 10 billion of debt. That is going to be hard to pay with all their boats sitting empty plus probably a few lawsuits here and there.
Our plans for our first ever cruise are on hold for now. The thought of being in a confined space with many strangers for days in this current environment is not an attractive proposition. :)

In a quarantine as what done on the Diamond Princess, you will be kept inside your cabin, and will not be allowed to see the "strangers", let alone interact with them.

Thank goodness they are given free WiFi to connect with family and the outside world, plus there's TV in the cabin. Else, people would go bonkers in their isolation pod.

Hmm... Is it good to have balcony? Without it, you don't get to see daylight, but with it would you be tempted to jump overboard trying to escape?
They found 3 more cases on the Diamond Princess, bringing the total cases on the ship to 64. By Saturday, tests were conducted on a total of 279 passengers and crew members.

In France, 5 Britons were tested positive in a skiing village. They shared a chalet. One of them recently spent 3 days in Singapore, from Jan 20 to Jan 23. There are more Britons in contact with the above 5, and they are being watched.

One of the 5 Britons above is a child, who attends a local French school. This school will be shutdown next week along with another French school that the child visited for one day, as French authorities try to determine the impact.

The cases in France so far have been mild. Some of the earlier patients elsewhere in France are recovering.

Spain found one case in the remote island of La Gomera in the Canaries. This man was in contact with a German who tested positive. That's only 2 or 3 degrees of separation to the Chinese woman who came to Germany on a business trip.
In France, 5 Britons were tested positive in a skiing village. They shared a chalet. One of them recently spent 3 days in Singapore, from Jan 20 to Jan 23. There are more Britons in contact with the above 5, and they are being watched.

Wow, looking at the coronavirus infection history of Singapore, chances of this guy getting infected should have been extremely low (unless he was in close contact with someone from Wuhan when he was visiting Singapore), so him getting infected is as hard as winning a mega lotto, I imagine.

And this is a gift that keeps on giving...:-[

Hmm... Is it good to have balcony? Without it, you don't get to see daylight, but with it would you be tempted to jump overboard trying to escape?

It's pretty dangerous to jump from a balcony, as it's really high and then you end up in the cold rough water for a very long long swim. Boat traffic would be very dangerous.
Since most folks are not athletes, they couldn't do it.

I'm wishing we had picked a balcony for out next cruise, as to get locked in the interior room would be like being in the "shoe or hole" confinement. Like solitary confinement but with spouse. Which could get tense..
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