Flat Earther Dies in Home Made Rocket

I wonder if he got high enough to see the curvature of the earth? Nonetheless, sad? Sure, especially for his family. Stupid? Most definitely.
Look at the moon anytime between new moon and full moon and you can see the round shadow of the earth.

Just to be clear, that is not the shadow of the Earth that you are referring to. The sun only illuminates one hemisphere of the moon at any moment. The curved border you refer to is just the line between the illuminated hemisphere and the unilluminated hemisphere. Think of having a friend shine a flashlight onto a basketball, and then viewing that basketball from different viewing angles.

I suppose you could call it the shadow of the moon, in the same sense that, after sunset here on Earth, the Earth itself blocks us from seeing the light from the sun.
Well, at least it was a quick death at ground impact.

In fact, I wonder if he got knocked unconscious by the G-force at launch already. Manned rockets accelerate more gently unlike missiles, due to the consideration for the human body. :)
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FE would say it just is getting smaller and smaller until you cannot see it anymore.

And he would be wrong just on the observation. Anyone who has ever looked at a ship out of a submarine periscope, where your height of eye is only maybe 3 feet (making the horizon only about 2 miles away) has seen ships sink below the horizon without appearing appreciably smaller.
Just to be clear, that is not the shadow of the Earth that you are referring to. The sun only illuminates one hemisphere of the moon at any moment. The curved border you refer to is just the line between the illuminated hemisphere and the unilluminated hemisphere.

Right. That's a hard concept for many people until they really think about it.

The Moon is tidally locked to the Earth, meaning it always presents the same face to us (there is no "dark side" even if you are a Pink Floyd fan).

The easiest way to visualize it is by placing something in the middle of your dining table to represent the Earth. Then walk all the way around the table, always facing that object. You will have made one revolution around it while always presenting the same face, exactly like the Moon does every month. Since the Sun (over on the other side of the dining room) is illuminating both Earth and Moon, they each get illuminated on all sides. Since the Earth is rotating on its own axis every day, we get to see the phases of the Moon.
Like Rocky Balboa, at least he took a shot!

Who knows? Maybe he now has a ring-side seat to the Earth and will change his mind. YMMV
Look at the moon anytime between new moon and full moon and you can see the round shadow of the earth.

Actually, you're confusing moon phases and lunar eclipses. However, point taken.

I think the saddest thing is that we have people in the 21st Century who actually believe things like this flat earth stuff. But there's no point in trying to convince them. I guess it's more fun to believe in elaborate conspiracies than one's own experience.
The other thing that crosses my mind is... even if it was flat... so what? What difference would it make to my life? None.
Just to be clear, that is not the shadow of the Earth that you are referring to. The sun only illuminates one hemisphere of the moon at any moment. The curved border you refer to is just the line between the illuminated hemisphere and the unilluminated hemisphere. Think of having a friend shine a flashlight onto a basketball, and then viewing that basketball from different viewing angles.

I suppose you could call it the shadow of the moon, in the same sense that, after sunset here on Earth, the Earth itself blocks us from seeing the light from the sun.
Maybe look as a total lunar eclipse happens and one can see the curved edge of the sphere of the earth. Though I suppose that the flat earth could be plate shaped which was proposed in the past.

And yes agree that likely a shoe in for a Darwin award.
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Who packed the chutes!!!!!!!!!! Yup that’s the video, said the chutes deployed at launch.....
Yeah, in the video it looks like the chute lands before he does. Generally a bad sign.
The other thing that crosses my mind is... even if it was flat... so what? What difference would it make to my life? None.

Surely it would. You don't want to come too close to the edge lest you fall off it for one, if you are chicken.

Or if you are a daredevil, you may want to crawl carefully to the edge to look down. But be sure to wear a safety harness first. You may then try to see what the other side of the plate looks like.

Maybe look as a total lunar eclipse happens and one can see the curved edge of the sphere of the earth. Though I suppose that the flat earth could be plate shaped which was proposed in the past.

Well, perhaps, but mountainsoft clearly wasn't knowingly referring to lunar eclipses. Also, due to the large size of the sun, leading to the penumbral and umbral stages, the "edge of the shadow of the Earth" is not actually all that clear in a lunar eclipse. Certainly not clear enough to convince a flat-earther who does not WANT to believe the truth.

netflix or prime has a documentary about this guy - sad he passed away :(
netflix or prime has a documentary about this guy - sad he passed away :(
I think sometimes there is a fine line between adventurous and suicidal.

Skip to about 1:30
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I am very surprised there was anyone left in this day and age that still thinks the Earth is flat. I thought it was an established fact that the Earth is round, if even imperfect, but certainly not flat.
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Good lord, think I’d rather take a rocket ride.....

I think the worst thing that could happen if you "miss" the hole a bit is that you tear off an arm and leg as you pass through.

Hitting the rock directly would probably be a painless death but tearing off 1/2 your limbs would be a real future issue for you.
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