Do you wear a mask in stores?

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I went grocery shopping on Sunday. I checked on Google and it indicated that the traffic in the store was well below normal. When I got to the store it wasn't that crowded but noticed that people were wearing everything from homemade masks to scarfs around their face. Some were wearing safety glasses with their masks and some even had full face snorkeling masks on a filter wrapped around the snorkel tip. Good to see people are getting creative.
I rolled the window down in my car on the way home in an attempt to get some air, but still felt weak with a headache for at least an hour after that shopping trip. I was probably wearing the mask over an hour in the store. I know it wasn't hot in the store, but I was sweating by the time I left.

I have to admit, when I put the mask on in the car the first though that crossed my mind was "I'm gonna look stupid walking around the store with this thing on". :) Thankfully a few others were wearing masks so I didn't feel completely out of place, but I was still in the minority and people were still looking.

Unless I can find another mask option I can breathe through I'll just keep my distance and take my chances without a mask.

I'm sure you'll be fine with a regular mask. I felt like I could pass out wearing a N95 mask, but I have zero breathing issues with a regular mask.
And that is where we will probably get to, eventually, as a country. Prior to this event, we (Americans generically) thought it was odd that Asian countries (and a few folks here) would wear a face mask. But it was part of their culture. Now, it may become an accepted and perhaps expected sight here in the US when we have flu season or similar.
I disagree. I think once this is over most of us will go back to business as usual without wearing masks.
I made 4 masks this weekend. I modified an online design to put a removable pipe cleaner at the top for shaping around the nose. Two were sanitized and given to my neighbor, who works in a hospital. I’m making more today.

Yes, I wear a mask, and nitrile gloves when I shop. I had a supply of gloves already in place, so it was no big deal. I sanitize my groceries in the garage when I get home.

A little bird woke me this morning and told me to buy TP at our local BJs. Their supply was 80% replenished! Got some other significant sale items then bolted. I watched a lady who had her hospital grade paper mask over her chin, then moved it up partway over her nose, then down to talk with her friend and her 4 year old. Face touching all over the place. Yikes!

Then I was going to use the regular checkout when I saw the cashier with her hand scratching her face. Yikes again!

As I walked in the designated aisles toward the cash registers, I approached a very slowly walking man who had obviously had a stroke in the past. I asked which way he was going for navigation purposes. His reply “I’m going to meet my maker. COVID now!” Yikes x3!

I frequently forget the intelligence level of my circles, and realize there is a significant subset of the population that just doesn’t have it together.

Stay home.
I went grocery shopping today and wore a mask for the first time. It's an N95 dust mask I've had in the shop for years, brand new out of the pack. Overall it was a miserable experience. I have a large face, so it either pinched the airflow in my nose if pulled down, or poked me in the eyes if pulled up. The airflow was so restrictive and it got so hot I thought I was gonna pass out from lack of oxygen. I tried it once, but wouldn't repeat that experience, at least with that kind of mask. Now I know why it was in my shop unused. I stopped using those years ago for the vented type, or an actual respirator.
I can relate, I felt the same way. My mask is an N99 military mask, so very thick with a little round protected air hole. I've learned to walk slower and breath slower, take my time in the store.

Watching news reports and videos of people who've survived the virus or are in the middle of it convinced me it is worth it. Chris Cuomo describing his experience and he's a healthy young guy, was a bit shocking. The attitude "I could get through this" longer my attitude. Plus the videos of the ER rooms in Italy and New York. No thank you.
I suspect we're going to see a lot of mask testing going forward. Here's one I saw posted elsewhere, and I didn't see it here (although it might be).

I am sure some will find fault with the testing methods. But if there is some truth to this report, while the masks may limit the distance a cough or sneeze disseminates the virus away from the mask, the external side of the mask will very likely be contaminated. That leads to all sorts of issues about containing COVID-19 from an individual.

Far too many are touching their faces while the masks are on, and it's likely that any viruses on the external sides of the masks might be in higher concentrations than if expelled into the air (which also is not good).

Ummm...if you're not the carrier, isn't that what the mask is for?

Assuming you're not playing with the mask, as you note.

I take mine off after parking back home and hang it from the rear view mirror or place it on the dashboard so the outer side is in full sun...skeptical virus particles are going to remain viable for very long in full sunlight.
I have 1 (yes one) surgical mask that I was given to wear in ER last March. Forgot I had stuffed it in the glove compartment. So I wore it when shopping for just the essentials today: 2 bottles wine, ice cream, berries, whipping cream, ect. Putting on the Covid 19 (similar to freshman 15)
Don't know if this has been mention, but airline eye masks for sleeping, if turned upside down, cover mouth & nose. On small size for area, but could add a larger cloth.
Don't know if this has been mention, but airline eye masks for sleeping, if turned upside down, cover mouth & nose. On small size for area, but could add a larger cloth.

Yea, but you can't breathe through them, just around them.
I use a valved mask for my dust work. I can breathe better with that. However, I wonder if the valve invalidates the usefulness of me protecting others?

Yes, a valved mask gives protection to the wearer, but exhalation is easier and unfiltered. It does not give protection to others close by you. I wear a valved N95 mask in public because it's easier for me to tolerate.
I use a valved mask for my dust work. I can breathe better with that. However, I wonder if the valve invalidates the usefulness of me protecting others?

DH uses a dust mask for projects and pollen etc., but right - it won’t protect others from your coughs and sneezes, so he doesn’t wear it in public.
I am wearing my homemade mask to get used to it but it keeps fogging up my glasses. Amy suggestions to prevent fogging up glasses? Thanks

I have seen anti-fog surgical face masks and wish I had a picture of one to show you as the modification is a little difficult to describe. It's basically a narrow strip of clear plastic film (kinda like Saran Wrap except stickier) that is attached all across the inner upper part of the mask. The plastic film is folded upwards and lightly pressed against the skin under the eyes and across the nosebridge to prevent exhalation mist from fogging your glasses.
I have seen anti-fog surgical face masks and wish I had a picture of one to show you as the modification is a little difficult to describe. It's basically a narrow strip of clear plastic film (kinda like Saran Wrap except stickier) that is attached all across the inner upper part of the mask. The plastic film is folded upwards and lightly pressed against the skin under the eyes and across the nosebridge to prevent exhalation mist from fogging your glasses.

I am trying the suggestion someone made earlier--putting a kleenex along the top of the mask. This does seem to help prevent fogging.
Wore my mask to the store today for the first time. Just a cloth mask that I had for lawn mowing (allergies) but it fits well. Put on some glasses as well. Surprised that only about half the people in the store (not many) were wearing them. Most surprising was that the cashier wasn’t wearing mask or glove. It was a Walgreens, but I would have thought they’d be up to speed on protecting their employees.

I’m finding that going to the store just before closing (about the last hour) is working well for lowest number of people.
LA city mayor today ordered all store clerks to wear masks, cashier protection shields are installed and there are other measures.
Too bad these aren't available elsewhere because I am not registered on Etsy, and after streamlining and closing several online accounts last year, I really would prefer not opening yet another online account that has my personal information and may be storing our credit card/PayPal information.

I ordered some of these for DH and myself and now I need to figure out how to make them fit. They are huge. I'm hoping they'll shrink some in the wash. Supposed to be one size fits all. DH's is a bit loose and mine falls off my face :mad:. We're both average hight and weight. These are only meant for big people!!!
I now wear a mask. The same cheap paper one I've been wearing for a week now. Keep it in the car in the cup holder. It's just for show.
I now wear a mask. The same cheap paper one I've been wearing for a week now. Keep it in the car in the cup holder. It's just for show.
No worse than what I have observed. Many who are wearing masks are doing so with what looks to be little regard to how they are supposed to work effectively. Among the observations:

  • Taking off the mask walking to the store, while in line to get into the store, or while in the store. Some will take off the mask when back in their vehicle, placing it somewhere, and in some cases put on a different mask. I've seen some who put on their masks while in the waiting lines.
  • Constantly adjusting the mask. This entails touching the face along with the mask. It has been shown, according to a study out of South Korea, that the front of surgical and cloth masks are often contaminated. Touch the front of a mask, then an item in the store, and you are defeating the purpose of the mask.
  • Taking on a cell phone while wearing a mask. This will cause excessive breathing through the mask. Many tend to drop the mask below the nose so that they can breathe while talking through the mask. To a lesser degree, but still far too often, they'll lower the mask below the chin in order to talk on the cell phone.
I suppose I could have posted this under the Pet Peeves thread.
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No worse than what I have observed. Many who are wearing masks are doing so with what looks to be little regard to how they are supposed to work effectively. Among the observations:

  • Taking off the mask walking to the store, while in line to get into the store, or while in the store. Some will take off the mask when back in their vehicle, placing it somewhere, and in some cases put on a different mask. I've seen some who put on their masks while in the waiting lines.
  • Constantly adjusting the mask. This entails touching the face along with the mask. It has been shown, according to a study out of South Korea, that the front of surgical and cloth masks are often contaminated. Touch the front of a mask, then an item in the store, and you are defeating the purpose of the mask.
  • Taking on a cell phone while wearing a mask. This will cause excessive breathing through the mask. Many tend to drop the mask below the nose so that they can breath while talking through the mask. To a lesser degree, but still far too often, they'll lower the mask below the chin in order to talk on the cell phone.
I suppose I could have posted this under the Pet Peeves thread.

Yea. I wish someone could invent some kind of small portable UV device so I can scan any surface to see if COVID-19 virus is present. We can all free to go out with such device on hand and regularly scan our surrounding environment, so as to avoid the virus.
I will if I go to a store in the near future. It's been about a month since I left my block and gone shopping. I wear an N95 mask to the mailbox because I already had two for years before this virus. I didn't realize they were N95 until I looked yesterday after my building started requiring face coverings. What's someone like me who can't prove he's not a carrier supposed to do? The mask I've used for an unknown number of hours, with an unknown expiration date, was kept in the same plastic holder as the "unused" one. I'm glad the governor said NY hospitals now have enough PPE. I hope I don't encounter any N95 shamers.
I will if I go to a store in the near future. It's been about a month since I left my block and gone shopping. I wear an N95 mask to the mailbox because I already had two for years before this virus. I didn't realize they were N95 until I looked yesterday after my building started requiring face coverings. What's someone like me who can't prove he's not a carrier supposed to do? The mask I've used for an unknown number of hours, with an unknown expiration date, was kept in the same plastic holder as the "unused" one. I'm glad the governor said NY hospitals now have enough PPE. I hope I don't encounter any N95 shamers.

If you do, just give them the NY salute.
Maybe this is a joke, in which case it is funny, otherwise it does push my button.

I don't touch my phone at all when I leave the car and put on my gloves, often I don't even touch my phone during my entire trip.
I don't want to cross contaminate my phone.

I generally put my phone in my pocket and leave it there until I'm back home and clean.

I just don't get people's need to constantly look at their phone, if the President wants to talk to me, he can leave a message and I'll call back in a couple of hours.

If I need a list, I write it on paper, as I can toss that way when done with it in the trash.
Wrap your phone with a layer of plastic wrap before you leave home. Now you can use it. Then carefully unwrap it once you have showered after you get back. Wash your hands

DC and two counties in Maryland (Montgomery, Prince Georges) have made masks mandatory for shopping and public transportation.
Palm Beach county (FL) order effective 4/13, "strongly urges" masks/facial coverings for anyone in public places.
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