Post-flu shot illness


Recycles dryer sheets
Jun 1, 2018
I always get a flu shot and normally have one day of feeling a bit fatigued afterwards. This year I ran a low grade fever and was very achy for a few days. Now, about a week later, I had a sinus headache (now better) for 4 days, a low grade fever, spots on my legs that are crusted over and inflamed and I basically feel like I was hit by a bus.

Of course I don't think I have the flu but I do feel like my immune system didn't react the same as in the past from the shot allowing all these other issues to crop up. My doctor is treating me symptom by symptom right now and is most worried about cellulitis developing on my legs (it looks like I'm halfway there already). Also, oddly I have had a low positive ANA test for two years but last week the ANA test was turned negative. No other medical conditions at all. Healthy as can be at least until last week.

Just wondering if anyone else got other illnesses immediately after the flu shot (again, I know it's not the flu).
Had ours two days ago.

Me...nothing. Everything normal as it has been for the last eight or nine years of flu shots.

DW had a sore arm. Nothing else. Could be down the the way the injection was administered.
I had my senior flu shot about 10 days ago. Usually makes me feel bad for a day or so, but this year, only a sore arm for a day. Otherwise I felt fine. Surprised me.
I had my flu shot on 09/29 and DH had his on 09/30. They were both the high dose shots. We were both fine. I hope that you recover quickly.
OP - where did you get the flu shot ?

I often wonder at non-medical places, that they are not as careful or even think like a doctor/medical location, leading to contamination or spoilage of shots.

Other possibilities are shingles ? , or some other random illness (covid) just happening at the same time.
Never had one before till two days ago, no side effects or even a sore arm. I have no history built up to compare with, but feel like any other day, great.
DH got the senior flu shot and the pneumonia shot at the same time. His arm was super sore for 2 days. (He did the shots in the same arm) He was definitely under the weather the next day - sleeping most of the day and complaining of feeling achey. He was back to about 80% the next day.

I'll be getting my flu shot tomorrow... Hope my experience is better than his. I've had sore arms in the past - but that's it.
DH got the senior flu shot and the pneumonia shot at the same time. His arm was super sore for 2 days. (He did the shots in the same arm)

Exactly the same thing happened with me two years ago. That just seems to be a bad combination in one arm. I was fine on the third day though.
Got the flu shot at Kaiser. That’s the only place I’ve been in the last week. Maybe I picked up something there despite only getting near a nurse and lab tech and everyone with masks on or maybe a very mild case of shingles? Ironic but I was scheduled to get a Shingrex vaccine tomorrow but I’ve canceled that appointment for now.
Flu shot 6 days ago, no soreness or anything.

Shingrix was different. Chills and fever.
I always get a flu shot and normally have one day of feeling a bit fatigued afterwards. This year I ran a low grade fever and was very achy for a few days. Now, about a week later, I had a sinus headache (now better) for 4 days, a low grade fever, spots on my legs that are crusted over and inflamed and I basically feel like I was hit by a bus.

Of course I don't think I have the flu but I do feel like my immune system didn't react the same as in the past from the shot allowing all these other issues to crop up. My doctor is treating me symptom by symptom right now and is most worried about cellulitis developing on my legs (it looks like I'm halfway there already). Also, oddly I have had a low positive ANA test for two years but last week the ANA test was turned negative. No other medical conditions at all. Healthy as can be at least until last week.

Just wondering if anyone else got other illnesses immediately after the flu shot (again, I know it's not the flu).

First off I suggest you be tested for Covid 19 to make sure you do not have that--that virus has all sorts strange symptoms. Assuming it is not Covid your situation is somewhat similar to what happened to me --A few years ago when I turned 65 I had the high dose senior shot and it made me sick--102 fever for several days, chills, body aches (no breaking out on legs). Doctor said I had a reaction to the high dose shot (which he said was fairly common) and suggested I never get the high dose again. Since then I get the regular dose flu shot and have no issues.
....Of course I don't think I have the flu but I do feel like my immune system didn't react the same as in the past from the shot allowing all these other issues to crop up. My doctor is treating me symptom by symptom right now and is most worried about cellulitis developing on my legs (it looks like I'm halfway there already). Also, oddly I have had a low positive ANA test for two years but last week the ANA test was turned negative. No other medical conditions at all. Healthy as can be at least until last week.

Just wondering if anyone else got other illnesses immediately after the flu shot (again, I know it's not the flu).
No, never. And never any reaction of any sort to a flu shot.

An ANA test, repeatedly tested for years to know the results... why? Have you had/been suspected of any sort of auto-immune disease before?
No reaction at all this year.
OP--have you checked with your PCP? The rash does not sound like any kind of influenza vaccine side effect.
No reaction at all, as usual. However, last year I had flu and pneumonia shots at the same time, different arms, and felt rough for a few days plus a very sore arm.
No reaction at all, as usual. However, last year I had flu and pneumonia shots at the same time, different arms, and felt rough for a few days plus a very sore arm.

Yes, when I had flu and pneumonia in the same arm, two years ago, that whole arm turned bright red for two days and was very sore. OK again on the third day, but I always like to warn people against doing that. It was just the regular flu shot, so I imagine it would have been even worse if I had gotten the high dose senior flu shot.
An ANA test, repeatedly tested for years to know the results... why?

Yes, two different PCP’s and an ophthalmologist have said they think I may have an autoimmune disease but nothing specific shows up in testing.
Pacergal asked if I talked to my PCP and I have. She has no idea what caused the crusty inflamed spots and is treating me with a topical antibiotic for a few days to see if they clear up

Maybe I got the high dose shot by accident. Oh, well. Glad it’s just me. I feel “special” in a not very special way.
I've always gotten a bit of a sore spot at point of injection. I've been getting flu shots since they were offered. Other than that, no untoward effects. I hope goingtotravel heals quickly and fully.

Unfortunately there will always be side effects (some rather severe) when we give the same drug to enough folks. It always boils down to risk vs benefit - just like driving to the mall. YMMV
An ANA test, repeatedly tested for years to know the results... why? Have you had/been suspected of any sort of auto-immune disease before?

Yes, two different PCP’s and an ophthalmologist have said they think I may have an autoimmune disease but nothing specific shows up in testing.

Well that doesn't sound too good. In particular, due to the very specific area an Ophthalmologist covers in great depth, surely there must be certain indications as to why an Ophthalmologist thinks that. And those indications could narrow down the possible realm of auto-immune syndromes/diseases to consider. Maybe it's time for a specialist, an Immunologist, to see you and your history. Where they can come up with different ideas to figure out what is going on, not just running the same test over and over and coming up with a big question mark. I think you need real thinkers, not plug and chuggers, where it's "next patient, please".

I know it sounds like I'm lecturing here, but with your experiences over years now, it sounds like it's time to figure out and get on top of whatever it is, while you are not in a crisis!

And this is coming from a person who is really very healthy, on no prescription drugs, and sees doctors rarely! If I had your indications, I would be worried that sometime, maybe soon, no way to tell, that something would go kaboom immune-system-wise, and I would be in a real serious health crisis, and not even at square one to figure out how to pull a save. Sort of like fix the airplane while it's in the hanger, not in the air after takeoff. Just my opinion :)
DW has had a reaction the past two years to the senior dose shot. Slight fever, body ache, fatigue and soreness in her shoulder. This lasted a few days.

OP poster here. Thought I'd give a quick update. My symptoms continued to progress and I developed cellulitis. Topical and oral antibiotics didn't work and the infection became severe. I was then put on a 7 day course of IV antibiotics which I just finished. I was also tested for COVID (negative) and DVT (also negative). The DVT test was due to severe muscle pain in my calf. Plus somehow they blew out a vein and then I developed a compressed nerve in that area.

Ironically despite the severity of my illness my blood work continued to look great even with a fever, unrelenting headaches, and patches of cellulitis on multiple locations on my legs. We had more discussions on why my blood work looks so good but how my body reacts to things (I get very sick, quickly) and of course, nothing was resolved.

One good thing came out of all of that 'fun'. I am 100% sure I am ready to retire. I have about 30 weeks left before I can FIRE with full benefits. It's time to focus on me and my health. It's amazing how quickly things can get serious and scary and I'd like to know I can focus on being healthy without worrying about returning to a j*b, how much PTO I have left to take, etc.
I got flu shot-sore arm.

DW got flu and shingles 1st dose at same time. She was very uncomfortable for 1-2 days

I'm not rushing to get shingles vaccine. Having already had shingles my risk is reduced.
I got flu shot-sore arm.

DW got flu and shingles 1st dose at same time. She was very uncomfortable for 1-2 days

I'm not rushing to get shingles vaccine. Having already had shingles my risk is reduced.

If you had Shingles you can still get it over and over again. I had Shingles 3 times, finally got the 2 Shingrix shots and I have not had Shingles since. You need to get the Shingrix shot even if you had Shingles before.
I'm not rushing to get shingles vaccine. Having already had shingles my risk is reduced.

My wife had shingles ~20 years ago. That's as close as I want to ever get. I didn't hesitate to get the shingles shot. And my flu shot is scheduled for tomorrow morning.
If you had Shingles you can still get it over and over again. I had Shingles 3 times, finally got the 2 Shingrix shots and I have not had Shingles since. You need to get the Shingrix shot even if you had Shingles before.

Timely subject here. I can't imagine what my outbreaks would be like if I didn't have the shingles vaccines.

I'm having a tiny nascent shingle occurrence as I type. I first had Shingles the same month I turned 60 (now 67). I had the old shingles shot immediately after that outbreak subsided. I was shingles free the next year, but each year after that there were tiny little shingles trying to pop into the world on my shins and feet. But they never were full blown. Each year they were a little stronger. Year 5 my doctor said the original vaccine only lasted 5 years but there was a new vaccine. So I have both of the new shots. But this weekend the tiny little attempted shingles dots are back, and itchy. Yikes.

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