Poll: Desktop Users - Mouse or Trackpad?


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Jan 21, 2008
Somehow I hit send without setting up a poll… :blush:

Was wondering what everyone’s preference is between mouse v trackpad IF you had to choose just one. I’ve used both, but I’m most used to a mouse (on desktops). I was going to leave both and touchscreens out of the mix deliberately.
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Trackpad here. Had both for my first MacBook - eventually just used the trackpad all the time. Haven’t touched the mouse in a couple years.
In lieu of not having a mental telepathy or sledgehammer option, mouse.
My new Apple Trackpad 2 is being delivered today. Looking forward to trying it out - It is supposed to be leaps and bounds above older trackpads. Based on previous experience with trackpads, mice, trackballs, I expect that I will stick with the trackpad once I get the hang of it. Time will tell - if the thread stays active, I will update sometime in the future.
Wireless trackball, thumb type. I like not having to move the mouse.
Wireless trackball, thumb type. I like not having to move the mouse.
Interesting, I hadn’t considered that, never tried one. Seen them but it didn’t dawn on me that the mouse doesn’t have to move. Thought the track ball was additional for gaming for some reason.
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That's the one I've got. Works real good - :)
I've used a mouse since 1984.

Since my various Mac laptops have used trackpads for along time I've gotten use to them (I actually worked on the software for the original Apple trackpad back in the mid-90's - anyone remember the PowerBook 500, aka, Blackbird?), so I guess I've been using trackpad for as long as almost anyone.

Since the introduction of the Magic Trackpad (the one that doesn't move, but rather uses haptics to make you *think* it moves when you click) I stopped using the mouse on my iMacs. Now I find it easier to move back and forth from the iMac to MacBook always using a trackpad.
Mouse, I just can't stand using a trackpad for anything other than just coarse movements, like scrolling a page. Trying to select a word or a small area to copy/paste has me running for a mouse.

Wireless trackball, thumb type. I like not having to move the mouse.

I thought I would like a trackball, made sense to me to not have to physically move it, and drag it back when you hit the edge of something. A guy at work used one and liked it. But when I tried it, it just wasn't natural for me at all. Maybe I should have given it more time?

Trackball (Kensington corded). Been using 20 years after developing shoulder issues when using a mouse. Will never go back. I use the trackpad on my laptop when surfing the web or minor word processing, but otherwise find it tiring and awkward to use. Also I have small hands and it stretches my thumbs too much to use the trackpad without constantly move my hands from keyboard to trackpad.
Mouse all the way. In fact I disabled the trackpad on my Lenovo notebook because it interferes with typing. If for some reason I can't use the mouse, I use the "trackpoint" which is the red button between the G, H and B keys, and do the clicking with the buttons on top of the trackpad. All of which is no good beyond some quick emergency.
I guess I don't understand the question - I've never seen a trackpad on a desktop, only on laptops. And I hate them on laptops, I use a travel mouse on those.
I guess I don't understand the question - I've never seen a trackpad on a desktop, only on laptops. And I hate them on laptops, I use a travel mouse on those.

Trackpads are not integrated into the desktop, they attach, same as mice. See some herehttps://www.amazon.com/s?k=trackpad&rh=n%3A172456%2Cn%3A284719&dc&crid=2ZOICJSTW82FE&qid=1622147663&rnid=2941120011&sprefix=trackpad%2Caps%2C186&ref=sr_nr_n_2
Magic Mouse.

I do wish Apple made a vertical mouse. Palm down mice are tiring no matter who makes them, and a vertical mouse eliminates my Carpal Tunnel discomfort completely.

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