Getting notified when someone quotes me


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jan 8, 2012
I think I know the answer to this, but want to ask just to be sure.

Is there no way to be notified (say, via e-mail) when someone quotes me in a thread?

I've found that, over the years, I've missed/overlooked replies where someone has quoted me, only to discover them days or weeks later. Generally, I always try to respond to comments where I've been quoted, but without some sort of notification system, it can be hard to do this consistently and in a timely manner.
I don't think so, but you can subscribe to the thread and get instant or daily/weekly email notifications if someone posts in the thread.
OK, thanks... thought so. It's the one significant "noticeably missing" feature of this forum compared to others I use, such as Reddit, Bogleheads, etc.
I also find that it would be a helpful feature. The work-around I use is to list all my posts (defaults to newest), open each somewhat recent thread and click 'last unread'. The good news is it keeps me involved in the threads I've commented in, but it's not very efficient if all you're trying to do is make sure you see when you're quoted.
I also find that it would be a helpful feature. The work-around I use is to list all my posts (defaults to newest), open each somewhat recent thread and click 'last unread'.

Hmm, interesting. That's a decent workaround, although not nearly as efficient as being notified.

The good news is it keeps me involved in the threads I've commented in, but it's not very efficient if all you're trying to do is make sure you see when you're quoted.

Just seeing when I'm quoted isn't my only concern, but it is something I always want to know about so I can reply (if appropriate) in a polite, timely manner.

Since it seems like this feature simply isn't available, I may just write a script that does this for me one day soon. Might be a fun challenge! :cool:
I also find that it would be a helpful feature.

I find it a somewhat helpful feature too, but not in the same way that you do. Given how efficient many social media platforms are at notifying you when someone is talking about you, I find it quite refreshing to be in a forum where, if someone else talks about me, I may or may not know. In that sense, it does a pretty good job of approximating real life :LOL:
I find it a somewhat helpful feature too, but not in the same way that you do. Given how efficient many social media platforms are at notifying you when someone is talking about you, I find it quite refreshing to be in a forum where, if someone else talks about me, I may or may not know. In that sense, it does a pretty good job of approximating real life :LOL:


The less notifications I get, the better.

The less notifications I get, the better.

I think it is configurable on most forums with the feature.

I appreciate it. Another forum I follow, but post only occasionally, has the feature. Sometimes a year later, someone has some insight, and I would have missed it otherwise.

Another forum I occasionally post to has, essentially, no features. No notifications that someone posted to a thread that I posted to, no way to 'follow/subscribe' to a thread. The downside is, threads pop up and just die out. People don't come back to follow up, as they were not alerted to a new post.

If a thread falls off the first page of 'recent posts', it usually just dies.

The positive is, the "new posts" page is almost always current events!

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