Granddaughter in ICU

Sending prayers for full recovery. God bless the little one.
Street my thoughts and prayers for your granddaughter and family. We had the exact thing happen last month. Our grand is a premie (1 month early) and at month 5 she developed RSV and spent 5 days in the hospital. Last week the ear infection arrived. Good news everyone is well today. I took a deep dive in understanding RSV and it is becoming unfortunately normal these days. Exposing them too early to day care seems to open them to exposure. It was a worrisome time but it all worked out. Children's Hospital has developed a lot of knowledge and history on the care for this relatively new issue. Take care.
Sorry to hear this Street, praying for a quick recovery.
Poor little squirt. I hope she recovers quickly. Positive healing vibes sent her way.
Having an infant in the hospital is so distressing.
Sorry to hear this... Hope for a quick recovery.
Best wishes for your little ones quick and complete recovery. I’m so glad she is in a Children’s hospital. My last 25 years were at a Childrens hospital, many of those in the PICU. So I know for sure they have a lot of experience treating this viral infection and your sweet baby is in the best of hands.
Sorry to hear. Prayers.
[FONT=&quot]A Prayer for Complete Healing[/FONT]
May the One who was a source of blessing for our ancestors, bring blessings of healing upon Street's granddaughter, a healing of body and a healing of spirit. May those in whose care they are entrusted, be gifted with wisdom and skill, and those who surround them, be gifted with love and trust, openness and support in their care. And may they be healed along with all those who are in need. Blessed are You, Source of healing. Amen.
She still needs oxygen when she sleeps. Congestion and light heartbeat when asleep she can't get enough oxygen. She is in great spirits and doesn't fuss or cry with all that she is up against.

Overall doing better, so thank God and prayer for that.

Thanks to everyone, again!
I am sorry to learn this. We all hope the precious will continue to recover.

Please keep us updated.

PS. A while back, my sister-in-law in San Diego said there was a bout of RSV hitting the area, and many kindergarteners landed in hospitals. It appears that the young are more susceptible to this virus.
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Yes, my understanding RSV and come on fast and being a viral thing really nothing to fight it with. If caught early can-do things to help child through it but not cure.

I sometimes wonder how we all survived those early years of life. Being born in a very rural area and born in an old two-story house by some country doctor. Like most here a lot of things have changed from the ways things are done and for the better.

Thank you again!!! Hoping for a better day tomorrow.
I was not familiar with RSV at all.

I can relate that the care provided in a NICU is really something special.

This week I've been thinking about the old days. For our parents, how did they survive those days?

I am also hoping for your better day.
Yes, my understanding RSV and come on fast and being a viral thing really nothing to fight it with. If caught early can-do things to help child through it but not cure.

I sometimes wonder how we all survived those early years of life. Being born in a very rural area and born in an old two-story house by some country doctor. Like most here a lot of things have changed from the ways things are done and for the better.

Thank you again!!! Hoping for a better day tomorrow.

Your granddaughter and family are still in our prayers!
Great news!!
After 4 days of hospitalization, she is going to be released shortly. Treated for pneumonia and ear infection. Still waiting on some culture tests but get to head home. Mom and dad stayed in same room with her for the duration. Mom had a trial this week, so timing wasn't the best, but family is more important. Son had some scheduled things as well, but life goes on and so glad things turned out good.

Thanks so much for the prayers and comments it was so kind of all of you.
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Great news!!

After 4 days of hospitalization, she is going to be released shortly. Treated for pneumonia and ear infection. Still waiting on some culture tests but get to head home. Mom and dad stayed in same room with her for the duration. Mom had a trial this week, so timing wasn't the best, but family is more important. Son had some scheduled things as well, but life goes on and so glad things turned out good.

Thanks so much for the prayers and comments it was so kind of all of you.

Wonderful news!
Great news!!
After 4 days of hospitalization, she is going to be released shortly. Treated for pneumonia and ear infection. Still waiting on some culture tests but get to head home. Mom and dad stayed in same room with her for the duration. Mom had a trial this week, so timing wasn't the best, but family is more important. Son had some scheduled things as well, but life goes on and so glad things turned out good.

Thanks so much for the prayers and comments it was so kind of all of you.

Great news!!
After 4 days of hospitalization, she is going to be released shortly. Treated for pneumonia and ear infection. Still waiting on some culture tests but get to head home. Mom and dad stayed in same room with her for the duration. Mom had a trial this week, so timing wasn't the best, but family is more important. Son had some scheduled things as well, but life goes on and so glad things turned out good.

Thanks so much for the prayers and comments it was so kind of all of you.

Very good news indeed, street, thanks for sharing.
I am relieved and happy for you and your family.

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