Colonoscopy prep / Miralax or Suprep

Exactly. The extra $5 I paid was for four chewable simethicone tablets that I had to take (with just a glass of water) in between the two Sutab doses. That was to eliminate gas buildup in the intestine (which is why some of those preps cause a bloated feeling).

Very happy with the whole process, and even happier that this was, in all likelihood, my very last colonoscopy ever!

Hmm maybe I should ask about simethicone. I generally feel like my insides my burst but I always thought it was too much liquid. I *definitely* do not care if the cost is covered if it can keep me relatively gag free.
BTW, I did the procedure with NO sedation and despite having a colon which is extra long and with an extra turn, had no problems or discomfort and will definitely repeat in ten years.

I'm impressed. I asked once if I could skip the sedation and thankfully, they said no. I woke up part where through the procedure in pain from what felt like gale force winds being blown up my colon. They must have upped the sedative because I don't remember much after that.
I've mentioned this before, I chug down the prep and then drink light beer. Meaning lighter color, although actual light beer is ok. Helps the prep aftertaste. Also makes you feel a little better, even though the prep does it's job. Stay away from dark beers. I'd rather drink beer than non-red energy drinks or similar. Had great results on my last colonoscopy, cleaned out, plus my previous 12 hours was a little better.
I’m having a colonoscopy today. I asked the doctor to prescribe Suprep. About $150 at the pharmacy, as my insurance didn’t cover it.
The pharmacy manager said she’d look for a coupon. With GoodRx, it was $40. Well worth it.
I find putting the bottles in the refrigerator and adding cold water helps, as does drinking from a straw. I was able to have the straw farther back in my mouth, so it seemed like I didn’t taste it as much.
Hi all,

Not a pleasant thing to take about but my procedure is scheduled in 3 weeks. I am in my early 50s. I went to two GI doctors and consulted with both. One doc advised use the Miralax day before for bowel prep. The other doc advised use the Suprep day before for bowel prep. Has anyone used either of these bowel preps or both and what were your reactions and reviews of them. I appreciate any advice in the matter. Thank you.

I just went through this fun process just today, in fact (I'm 39 and was having some symptoms that weren't super bad but my GI said let's just check it out to be sure). First time having any medical procedure, was nervous as I'll get. I did the Nulytely per my GI doc (basically the same as Golytely). I didn't do miralax. Instructions were to put 2 gallons of water in this large container with powder, then drink half in the evening and then half in the morning, 5 hours before your procedure. I followed the instructions from the clinic and started drinking this salty tasting stuff at 6pm and drank more every 15 minutes until 8pm. I put the kids to bed at 8, fell asleep until 1230, then basically was on the porcelain throne off and on for 4 hours. Drank some more from 3-5, and stopped. Had propofol sedation for the procedure, all I remember was being rolled into the suite and then next thing I was in recovery. Really not terrible but I'm glad I won't have to repeat until I'm 50. Good luck to you! I think you'll breathe a sigh of relief once they tell you everything is normal and you're set for 10 years!

Insurance covered cost of the Nulytely, no copay.
Not to throw shade but the best rest I got is under sedation for scopes and the like. I could totally go for a sedation session right ago it now. You remind me and make me nostalgic for my problem free upper endiscopy with no findings except a comfortable nap.
Not to throw shade but the best rest I got is under sedation for scopes and the like. I could totally go for a sedation session right ago it now. You remind me and make me nostalgic for my problem free upper endiscopy with no findings except a comfortable nap.

IIRC The King of Pop had become habituated to sedation for sleep. Good as sedation sounds, it has a sinister side. It's wise that such sedation is not readily available to the masses because it is seductive - especially to those with sleep issues.

Sleep well!:flowers:
I had the pills years ago and got extremely sick from them and they were worried that my kidneys were shutting down so I wouldn’t take any pills ever again. I have had 3 colonoscopies.

A friend told me after the first one that on the morning of the day before the procedure even though they tell you not to eat that you can eat 2 fried eggs and a piece of toast and it will move through you fine and you will feel much better. I have done it twice and it works great. That way you are only starved for a little over 24 hours versus 48.
Today is colonoscopy #4. I had suprep for the last two but today’s doc instructed me to use the miralax routine. I must say it hasn’t been bad at all and I much prefer it to suprep. Cheaper than the new sutab pills, too. The miralax powder didn’t affect the taste of the Gatorade much and I was able to drink the stuff without problems. The worst part was getting up at 4:00 AM to start the second round after being up late, well, doing what must be done.
I had the pills years ago and got extremely sick from them and they were worried that my kidneys were shutting down so I wouldn’t take any pills ever again. I have had 3 colonoscopies.

That sounds like the old pills from 20 years ago which are no longer used.

A friend told me after the first one that on the morning of the day before the procedure even though they tell you not to eat that you can eat 2 fried eggs and a piece of toast and it will move through you fine and you will feel much better. I have done it twice and it works great. That way you are only starved for a little over 24 hours versus 48.

The instructions I was given said the same thing. We’ll see. I wasn’t told to follow a low fiber diet for a couple of days beforehand but I did, using the guidelines I found here under the heading “three days before your procedure.” Not sure if it made a difference but I figured it wouldn’t hurt.

https://healthy.kaiserpermanente.or...efore your colonoscopy,on a clear-liquid diet.
Happy to report good results from today. Regarding the prep, doc said my cleanliness rated 9 out of 9, good job! And that included the two fried eggs and a piece of toast (not wheat) before 9:00am the day before the procedure.
Glad it went well and you got to eat. Ever since my friend told me that I could do that it’s been easier not to be so hungry.
Happy to report good results from today. Regarding the prep, doc said my cleanliness rated 9 out of 9, good job! And that included the two fried eggs and a piece of toast (not wheat) before 9:00am the day before the procedure.

I guess NO one is a perfect 10 - not even inside - no matter what they say.:cool:

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