Debt ceiling strategy

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So theoretically CDs at big US money center banks & big Canadian banks are potentially safer than US treasuries? If that were true shouldn’t treasury yield be spiking above CDs with of the same duration? Isn’t the market supposed to price the risk of default & wouldn’t that be reflected by yields by now? Or is this thing so screwy there’s no such thing as a strategy? Isn’t this America looking at itself in the mirror & not liking what it sees? How do you strategize against yourself? I really don’t understand understand how anyone wins this game. It’s us against them. Except there is no them.

Ask yourself this question. If they were the same yield and there were no tax consequences, would you rather have a CD maturing in June or a T-Bill?

I know my answer would be CD, even though normally I would rather have a T-Bill w/equivalent yield as they are much more liquid.

As of yesterday close, my T-Bill maturing 6/15 (CUSIP 912796X53) has a YTM (from today) of 4.82%, my T-Bill maturing on 6/22 (CUSIP 912796ZQ5) has a YTM of 4.98%. These are higher than what I could earn on a 6-8 week CD. Compare that to a year out, where CD yields are higher than treasuries. So I think Mr. market is starting to price in more risk with those June-July treasury maturities. Is it enormous? No, because most think the issue will be resolved and the payments made.
If that were true shouldn’t treasury yield be spiking above CDs with of the same duration?
Yes. Which means this will turn out to be nothing. But it's quite entertaining to ponder the situation.
I also support ending the Debt Ceiling. Like many on this forum I have good credit. If I had a spending problem, I wouldn't think ruining my credit was a solution.
What about the President minting Trillion Dollar Coins or issuing special high priced high return bonds in quantities/amounts high enough to render the debt ceiling irrelevant. I realize these sound like gimmicks and there are caveats.
Perhaps that would force a discussion about abolishing the Debt Ceiling.

Doesn't the Constitution require the President to pay the debt?

"Fourteenth Amendment, Section 4: The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned."
Ask yourself this question. If they were the same yield and there were no tax consequences, would you rather have a CD maturing in June or a T-Bill?

I know my answer would be CD, even though normally I would rather have a T-Bill w/equivalent yield as they are much more liquid.

As of yesterday close, my T-Bill maturing 6/15 (CUSIP 912796X53) has a YTM (from today) of 4.82%, my T-Bill maturing on 6/22 (CUSIP 912796ZQ5) has a YTM of 4.98%. These are higher than what I could earn on a 6-8 week CD. Compare that to a year out, where CD yields are higher than treasuries. So I think Mr. market is starting to price in more risk with those June-July treasury maturities. Is it enormous? No, because most think the issue will be resolved and the payments made.
We actually do have options. Mattress stuffing foreign banks gold my 2015 Toyota Camry my record collection. I might go ahead & lean into some 12 month CDs paying 5.25% at one of my credit unions. If the the inflation data for April shows significant cooling that will make buying 24 month & longer CDs more palatable.
Lol, and I thought I was being smart having loads of cash in MMF earning good rates, and flexible to pounce on good deals. Watch the buck be broken! I'd be so pissed.

If the buck breaks due to delayed treasury payments, that might be the opportunity of the decade to buy low and sell high.
It seems that the majority view @ this thread is that CD's would be safer than treasury obligations in the event of a default. Is that view because of FDIC insurance? Isn't FDIC ability to pay claims impacted by a default?
I'm just not seeing it making a difference...the executive branch would ultimately ignore the limit and direct the Treasury to spend as normal, including any coupon payments, SS benefits, etc.

Note the explicit language in the 14th Amendment: "The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned."

So good luck trying to get any federal court to enforce legislation that seeks to impose a 'debt limit.'
It seems that the majority view @ this thread is that CD's would be safer than treasury obligations in the event of a default. Is that view because of FDIC insurance? Isn't FDIC ability to pay claims impacted by a default?

The banks pay for the FDIC the way I understand it.
...I'll throw one out

per the direction of the thread, wherein there's higher likelihood of (potential short term default), one comment was that the dollar strength would drop

If so, then perhaps putting some into a strong/somewhat safe Developed Markets ETF might make sense... if the dollar does weaken then the foreign market gets stronger/ETF gains. I'd definitely stay away from emerging markets entirely; one big risk is if the Russia/Ukraine does get into an even hotter with the presumed counteroffensive it could further destabilize the European market with further contagion elsewhere.

The other option is the Forex market.... but I personally wouldn't go there, too risky for me.
... If so, then perhaps putting some into a strong/somewhat safe Developed Markets ETF might make sense. ... ...
There's nothing special about ETFs. Almost any asset not denominated in dollars would benefit from a weakening. That’s one of several reasons that we hold the world on a cap-weighted basis (VTWAX), not just the US. There are many interests wanting the dollar to weaken.
I think there's two things we're talking about here:

1) Making investment decisions on what has definitely happened.
2) Making investment decisions on what might happen.

I'm a big fan of #1. It may seem "slow" or "out of touch", but is foolproof in being "correct at the time" based on all the known information.
I'm not a fan of #2. It is fun to think and talk about, and can be quite lucrative if you make the right moves, but more often than not we don't. More often than not, we'll make decisions that, looking back on, we'll regret. I can't count how many people I know moved into cash these last five or so years because "we're due for a bear market" or because of another perceived threat. Unfortunately most of us will see many more threats than actually exist, and if we act on all of them I think we'll experience a net worsening of our personal situations.

So to answer the question, no change for me. This is the same "threat" we've seen over and over and over again, and every time (with every threat it seems) I hear "this time is different". Maybe it is, but history is on the side of it not.
Doesn't the Constitution require the President to pay the debt?

"Fourteenth Amendment, Section 4: The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned."

I would give that a "maybe" given bolded language.
Sometimes there has to be a reset due to irreconcilable differences. This would not be the first nor the most consequential.
There's nothing special about ETFs. Almost any asset not denominated in dollars would benefit from a weakening. That’s one of several reasons that we hold the world on a cap-weighted basis (VTWAX), not just the US. There are many interests wanting the dollar to weaken.

I wasn't thinking "special", rather I was thinking that you can specify your purchase price (they either take it or not).... funds - - you put your order in and it happens at whatever price the market gives. Sometimes, if enough pile in, the price isn't good enough/too high; When I buy I virtually always have a limit order.
I would give that a "maybe" given bolded language.

Exactly! The debt is authorized by law, up to the ceiling. That’s the phrase it would turn on.

For me, I think 2008-9 with the Great Recession and 2020 with Covid were much bigger threats. The proven strategy there was to sit tight.
"The US has never defaulted on its debt"

I keep hearing "The US has never defaulted on its debt", but that is not true.

1. 1790 - The funding act of 1790 took over state obligation of war debt, but also deferred payment until 1801 (so technical default).
2. 1862 - Demand notes. In 1862 the US government created "Green Backs", which could be redeemed at a pre-specified rate into gold. However, in 1862 they refused and decided that green backs were "legal tender" and holders could not force redemption in gold. In result, the value of those notes fell against gold.
3. In 1918, the US issued "Liberty Bonds", which specified redemption in gold. This was reneged on in 1933.
4.In 1968 the US refused redemption of "Silver Certificates" in silver, even though the promise is explicitly stated on the certificates.
5. 1971 - prior to this, the US had guaranteed foreign government holders of US currency the ability to redeem in gold.
6. 1979 - The US Treasury failed to make payments (on time) to individual holders of debt maturing on April 26, May 3, May 10 (1979).
For the first time ever I am tempted to take about half of our tax protected assets into cash until it’s clear we can get through this one. Anybody else thinking that way?

My strategy going into retirement was to keep enough cash on hand for 3-5 years. to avoid being forced to withdraw from bonds or equities. A secondary benefit was the "dry powder" that could be used, should I choose to gamble on buying opportunities. So far so good. That strategy was meant for times like these :).
... This is the same "threat" we've seen over and over and over again, and every time (with every threat it seems) I hear "this time is different". Maybe it is, but history is on the side of it not.
Sir John Templeton: “The four most expensive words in the English language are 'This time it’s different.' ”
I would give that a "maybe" given bolded language.

Yea, there's that pesky Article 1, Section 8 in the Constitution.

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
No one gets hit by the bus they see coming. Only by the bus they don’t see coming. Debt ceiling is the bus everyone sees coming as its horn is honking its lights are flashing. It’s moving as lower than a float in a parade. So what should we be paying attention to?
I had a conversation with my dad something like this:

I was only 10 when the debt hit $1 trillion. But since that point...

The debt is $2 trillion. It can't go on like this. Can it?
The debt is $5 trillion. It can't go on like this. Can it?
The debt is $10 trillion. It can't go on like this. Can it?
The debt is $15 trillion. It can't go on like this. Can it?
The debt is $20 trillion. It can't go on like this. Can it?
The debt is $25 trillion. It can't go on like this. Can it?
The debt is $30 trillion. It can't go on like this. Can it?

They were funny/rhetorical conversations. It is outside of my individual scope of control, but the trend is not great.

I'm doing nothing. Whatever I do or don't do will probably be a mixed bag of right and wrong.
No one gets hit by the bus they see coming. Only by the bus they don’t see coming. Debt ceiling is the bus everyone sees coming as its horn is honking its lights are flashing. It’s moving as lower than a float in a parade. So what should we be paying attention to?

I am worried about what it will take to make this: from trending towards zero.

PacWest, which came out with decent results only a little over a week ago, is down 28% today, down 39% in the last 5 days, and down 72% YTD.

The regionals are acting very very badly, and the big guns (e.g. JPM) have already been used on the FRC takeover.

So far, treasury and the Fed have been "behind the curve" in terms of stabilizing the regionals, and it will likely take more action to get this contained. That more action is likely to be inflationary (at least in the longer term). That in turn might push more countries away from the US $ and if that spins out of control, good luck to us all.

I have some PM's / commodities and related equities, but feeling underinvested in those areas.
I am worried about what it will take to make this: from trending towards zero.

PacWest, which came out with decent results only a little over a week ago, is down 28% today, down 39% in the last 5 days, and down 72% YTD.

The regionals are acting very very badly, and the big guns (e.g. JPM) have already been used on the FRC takeover.

So far, treasury and the Fed have been "behind the curve" in terms of stabilizing the regionals, and it will likely take more action to get this contained. That more action is likely to be inflationary (at least in the longer term). That in turn might push more countries away from the US $ and if that spins out of control, good luck to us all.

I have some PM's / commodities and related equities, but feeling underinvested in those areas.

I read that $2 billion flowed into Apple's new Apple Savings account in the first week. Paying 4.15%.

My local regional bank is paying .3% on savings. Nearly 14x less. They don't want the money. Don't need the money. But, but if everyone takes their money out, it sure causes some issues.

Can regional banks not pay 3% in a 4.2% market? That will put them under? Or everyone taking out their cash will put them under.

Crazy place we are in. Moar interest rate increases coming.
I read that $2 billion flowed into Apple's new Apple Savings account in the first week. Paying 4.15%.

My local regional bank is paying .3% on savings. Nearly 14x less. They don't want the money. Don't need the money. But, but if everyone takes their money out, it sure causes some issues.

Can regional banks not pay 3% in a 4.2% market? That will put them under? Or everyone taking out their cash will put them under.

Crazy place we are in. Moar interest rate increases coming.

Their Net Interest Margins (NIM) are getting impacted. The bigger issue (I think, without having looked at a bunch of their balance sheets) is that they have deposits (already deposited in the past when cash was flush for a variety of reasons including stimmy checks and other stimulus) that they had to invest. So they invested in things like treasuries (at almost nothing), commercial real estate (some of which is pretty iffy now in terms of return), etc.

So now rates have gone up and their deposit base is leaving. If they raise rates dramatically, they have now borrowed high and lent low (not a good strategy to stay in business). As rates have gone up and STAYED up, more and more people are either moving funds or only staying if given significantly higher yields.
Their Net Interest Margins (NIM) are getting impacted. The bigger issue (I think, without having looked at a bunch of their balance sheets) is that they have deposits (already deposited in the past when cash was flush for a variety of reasons including stimmy checks and other stimulus) that they had to invest. So they invested in things like treasuries (at almost nothing), commercial real estate (some of which is pretty iffy now in terms of return), etc.

So now rates have gone up and their deposit base is leaving. If they raise rates dramatically, they have now borrowed high and lent low (not a good strategy to stay in business). As rates have gone up and STAYED up, more and more people are either moving funds or only staying if given significantly higher yields.

Yes. They would be OK if people leave their money. Taking the money out requires them to sell the investments at a big loss.

But, they won't pay competitive rates (for many) and there are better options which means people will move their money. #REF! error. Does not compute.
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