Why are older Americans drinking so much

And that’s why docs double what they’re told. :)
Some thoughtful reasons for excessive drinking at an advanced age:

1. You still are married for a long time, but don't *like* your spouse that much anymore (the feeling is suspected to be mutual).

2. It fills the day...and evening.

3. Your grandkids have forgotten who you are.

4. Your grandkids and kids don't visit anymore.

5. Your wife's spending habits have increased directly in proportion with her decrease in desire for sex.

6. Everything in your body hurts anymore.

7. Your circle of friends is getting smaller.

5. Everything is getting smaller.


(there were more resons, of course)

I laughed out loud at reading this and for the record, No.5 has a direct correlation to No.5.
How can we have our nightly Family Cocktail Hour without a Martini or Old Fashioned (and cashews)? TV off, Classical Music on.

And who says we're drinking too much anyway?! Mind your own damn business and get off my lawn!

Muy bueno!!!
Originally Posted by athena53 View Post
I think that's always been true. I read somewhere that docs typically double whatever amount of alcohol their patients claim to consume. That's why I tell mine, "I have 2 oz. of scotch every night and I measure it". That way they know I'm not filling a tumbler full of scotch, throwing in an ice cube and calling it "one drink".

Originally Posted by athena53 View Post

I have one ounce of scotch every night and I measure it. Honestly, I LIKE alcohol and I don't ever want a doctor to tell me I have to quit so I exercise moderation.

(Just having fun here—might want to edit one of these posts)

No contradiction there. She has 2 oz and measures it, then later, she has 1 oz and measures it.

She didn't tell the doc she only has 2 oz! :)

Reminds of a meme I saw - two young women in a Candle shop, one says "Mary, this candle smells just like Fireball!", The other says "Cindy, that's what us non-alcoholics call 'Cinnamon' ". :)

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We don't drink any alcohol at all because of severe alcoholism in both his family, and in mine. We have seen up close what it can do, and we don't want to be like that! We drink water or an occasional diet Coke or coffee.

Yet another reason why Frank and I were destined for each other. It's so nice to be on the same wavelength about this.

Isn't it great to be on the 'same page' as your SO?
I don't drink at all but I know one retired couple the husband no longer waits until 5 pm. . . or even until noon. They both always drank a lot but as his health has declined he is less able to do a lot and so seems bored and restless. And the wife of course gets rather stressed watching him drink and sit and sleep in the chair and well . . . it isn't a good deal.
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The headline, "Why are Older Americans Drinking So Much" is classic clickbait. It assumes a conclusion. Notice the title is not, "Are Older Americans Drinking So Much?"

Indeed, I read the article several times. Nowhere did I see statistics showing that older Americans were drinking so much. ....

Based purely on the title of the article and the facts it presented, I think this was a big fail. ...

Thanks. That's plenty to tell me not to waste my time.

It's incredible that some are defending the 'click bait' for generating hits and comments. That's pretty much the definition of 'click bait'.

If popularity was a sign of quality/substance, McDonald's would be winning Michelin stars.

... I expect more from the NY Times.

I guess we disagree there, unfortunately.

Surprised at the number of comments saying that non-alcoholic beers are pretty good. I’d like to know which ones are good. Personally, I always like a wheat beer. Wouldn’t mind trying one of them in NA form.

Look up Go Brewing. Some of the best NA beer I have ever had.
I view alcohol as just one of several potential health risks to seniors that can lead to a shortened lifespan or compromised retirement health situations.

Most are within the persons ability to control. The issue then becomes one's willingness to accept professional advice and one's willingness to follow that advice or to change.

Or make excuses and carry on as before and do absolutely nothing with the eventual negative outcome.
I find the hectoring, self righteous tone of some of these posts to be quite off-putting. Excuses to drink? I don't make excuses. The young wife and I drink wine with dinner most every night because that's what we enjoy doing. I'm quite aware of the risks of excessive alcohol consumption and I always tell my doctor exactly how much I drink.

If you don't want to drink anything, that's fine by me. I won't judge you or tell you that you should change your decision. All I ask is the reciprocal courtesy.
Reciprocal courtesy seems to be in short supply these days. . . in general.
I have a stiff glass of scotch or bourbon before bed to help me sleep. Other than that, I typically only drink when we go out to eat or on a cruise. I’ve been told alcohol causes sleep problems, but I often can’t sleep if I don’t have a drink. It relaxes me and helps with the chronic pain I deal with.
I find the hectoring, self righteous tone of some of these posts to be quite off-putting. Excuses to drink? I don't make excuses. The young wife and I drink wine with dinner most every night because that's what we enjoy doing. I'm quite aware of the risks of excessive alcohol consumption and I always tell my doctor exactly how much I drink.

If you don't want to drink anything, that's fine by me. I won't judge you or tell you that you should change your decision. All I ask is the reciprocal courtesy.

Cheers! :)

I find the hectoring, self righteous tone of some of these posts to be quite off-putting. Excuses to drink? I don't make excuses. The young wife and I drink wine with dinner most every night because that's what we enjoy doing. I'm quite aware of the risks of excessive alcohol consumption and I always tell my doctor exactly how much I drink.

If you don't want to drink anything, that's fine by me. I won't judge you or tell you that you should change your decision. All I ask is the reciprocal courtesy.

A tip of the hat to you Gumby! You expressed exactly what I was thinking but was afraid to post since I lack your great word crafting abilities. Well said!
I find the hectoring, self righteous tone of some of these posts to be quite off-putting. Excuses to drink? I don't make excuses. The young wife and I drink wine with dinner most every night because that's what we enjoy doing. I'm quite aware of the risks of excessive alcohol consumption and I always tell my doctor exactly how much I drink.

If you don't want to drink anything, that's fine by me. I won't judge you or tell you that you should change your decision. All I ask is the reciprocal courtesy.

9PM reading this forum on my tablet. Halfway through my bedtime glass of Macallan. Cheers Gumby.
I find the hectoring, self righteous tone of some of these posts to be quite off-putting. Excuses to drink? I don't make excuses. The young wife and I drink wine with dinner most every night because that's what we enjoy doing. I'm quite aware of the risks of excessive alcohol consumption and I always tell my doctor exactly how much I drink.

If you don't want to drink anything, that's fine by me. I won't judge you or tell you that you should change your decision. All I ask is the reciprocal courtesy.

I actually am surprised at your reaction to the posts. I just see it as a discussion. When I see discussions on healthy eating or people that have given up meat because it’s unhealthy I don’t get offended. I think good for them for eating so healthy but I don’t want to do that.
I actually am surprised at your reaction to the posts. I just see it as a discussion. When I see discussions on healthy eating or people that have given up meat because it’s unhealthy I don’t get offended. I think good for them for eating so healthy but I don’t want to do that.

Who really has enough knowledge or information to say what is healthy? There are a million+ diets and opinions about diets. Blue zone, keto, organic, vegetarian, no alcohol, low alcohol, excessive alcohol. Everything in moderation, including moderation. Unless one is my PCP, don't tell me how to live. You can tell me how you live, and leave it go at that. I know of teetotalers who have died young and drunks that are like the EverReady Bunny.
Although I never studied logic or rhetoric, something tells me that most things have a direct correlation to themselves.

I laughed out loud at reading this and for the record, No.5 has a direct correlation to No.5.
Although I never studied logic or rhetoric, something tells me that most things have a direct correlation to themselves.

Look at the numbering on Aja's post, there are two Number 5s, different but correlated nonetheless! :LOL:
Well, alcohol abuse is a sensitive topic, one the U.S. has been dealing with for a long time (Prohibition, MADD etc).

However, alcohol abuse is one of those problems that can wreck the lives of everyone around the abuser, and some people on this board have had to deal with an alcoholic loved one. Some people, like you and me, can manage alcohol consumption quite well. Many others, who aren't as lucky, try to manage by making jokes about their dependency. It may be that jokes about excessive drinking don't go over quite as well as they did back in the day.

Then again, hectoring and lecturing people on an Internet forum never does much good and might lead to the grand entrance of La Pig. So, thanks for your observation.

I find the hectoring, self righteous tone of some of these posts to be quite off-putting. Excuses to drink? I don't make excuses. The young wife and I drink wine with dinner most every night because that's what we enjoy doing. I'm quite aware of the risks of excessive alcohol consumption and I always tell my doctor exactly how much I drink.

If you don't want to drink anything, that's fine by me. I won't judge you or tell you that you should change your decision. All I ask is the reciprocal courtesy.
Although I never studied logic or rhetoric, something tells me that most things have a direct correlation to themselves.

Look at the numbering on Aja's post, there are two Number 5s, different but correlated nonetheless! :LOL:
You guys crack me up sometimes. I missed the two number "5"s in his posting but yes, there sure could be "a cause and effect" correlation there. :ROFLMAO:. But when you start talking about number "5" in an alcohol related thread, I'm thinking about something entirely different. It made me go back and look at his post.

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My only excuse for pouring myself a glass of red wine is that I feel like it. And I enjoy it. Hardly and excuse though.

Ditto for a cold beer after a long hike in the summer. No excuse other than I am tired, thirsty, and desirous of an ice cold one.

People who seem to be inclined to make excuses would appear to me to have some sort of inner guilt about it. Not certain why this is.

I had two BIL's who professed to be TT. Well, at least at home in the view of their spouses. Outside, when traveling on business, on fishing trips it was a vary different story. Always felt sorry for those who have to live like that in their own homes and hide innocent activitly for their spouse or family members.
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