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Nice of the treasury department to do the PR for the film. Cheap, too.
once again they play into Michael Moore's can't BUY this kind of publicity for a film.....and if they send him off to jail, in a few years we'll have an expose of our prison funny.
loosechickens said:
once again they play into Michael Moore's can't BUY this kind of publicity for a film.....and if they send him off to jail, in a few years we'll have an expose of our prison funny.

I'd vote for him to go to a Cuban jail. I'd like to see an expose on their prison system! :D
justin said:
I'd vote for him to go to a Cuban jail. I'd like to see an expose on their prison system! :D

Or maybe Turkish jail system.
I didn't even know (or care) that Michael Moore was making a new film. Now I do. If I were him, I would have called in a tip on myself.
I just saw this film today and thought MM did a very good job. He wasn't his normal, obnoxious self. Comparing other countries' health systems with ours resurrected my interest in getting dual Irish citizenship - I qualify under their grandfather clause.
For the record, when I started this thread I had not seen the movie, just heard it was coming out. I figured it was just another left wing propaganda piece. After seeing it, I thought Moore did a good job because he picked such an easy target.

Most Americans know our health system is imploding. Did Moore idealize the Canadian, French, and English systems? Probably. Did he highlight extreme US cases to make a point? Probably. Did he close his eyes about the misery imposed by the Cuban government on its own people? Most definitely. But did he hit the mark in pointing out our own problems? In my opinion, yes.
Yes, then we can be just like Cuba.

Ok, you've convinced me to take you off my ignore list. Four billion people in the united states yesterday, today changing our health care strategy to a better version converts us to a communist dictatorship run 3rd world country with good cigars.

This is every bit as good as hocomania, and a lot less verbose.
Ok, you've convinced me to take you off my ignore list. Four billion people in the united states yesterday, today changing our health care strategy to a better version converts us to a communist dictatorship run 3rd world country with good cigars.
The thing that I found shocking about Sicko was the number of people who had an HMO and were still dying because some insurance company claims clerk decided to deny them care.

Like the person with a brain tumor (now deceased) who was denied because "it must have been a pre-existing condition"!

I would never trust my health to an insurance company claims clerk.
Yes, then we can be just like Cuba.


I guess you are of the I GOT MINE. Sorry the american health insurance system is going down the tubes. When a doctor cannot make a decision on treating a patient because he must call an insurance company something is wrong.

But many here are so blinded by capitalism that god forbid we treat each other as equals when it comes to getting health care. I don't care if you are a bazillionaire or a poor homeless person you both should be treated equally in the health care system. That means treated as equals. I have a feeling that is not so popular here on the forum.
The thing that I found shocking about Sicko was the number of people who had an HMO and were still dying because some insurance company claims clerk decided to deny them care.

Like the person with a brain tumor (now deceased) who was denied because "it must have been a pre-existing condition"!

I would never trust my health to an insurance company claims clerk.

Just out of curiosity, I wonder if the family tried to appeal the decision. If that really happened without the "clerk" using actual medical records to base his/her decision off of, then it is a travesty. However, in my experience, if a claim like that were denied, the first thing I would do as the client's broker is expedite copies of medical records to the insurance carrier and walk them through the system to upper management to "prove" that the condition was not pre-existing. If that doesn't resolve the problem within a day or so, I would go straight to the division of insurance to file an appeal. In the case of a very serious health condition and an access to care problem, I can usually get a final decision within a very short period in time. (probably less than a day or two.). The division of insurance has the final say. If they tell the insurance company to pay the claim, the insurance company must pay. The division uses an un-biased third party examiner consisting of a staff of physicians to make the final decision.

I hope that most people know they don't have to take some "clerk's" cockamamee decision as the final answer. Always appeal to the division of insurance immediately if you are not getting results. The division of insurance is a department of consumer advocacy. They are generally "on your side" until the unbiased third party team of physicians makes their final decision. Call a broker for help if you don't know what to do!
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I guess you are of the I GOT MINE.

Not really....I was more or less being sarcastic here. It really irritates me that Michael Moore glamorizes the Cuban Medical system when, in fact, Cuban doctors are all but being held hostage by their system and paid barely enough to survive for all they do. It's no wonder many Cuban doctors are now trying to defect to America. Is that what Michael Moore wants to do to American healthcare providers? It's one thing to show one side of the story, but what about the other side? He has a real talent for leaving out the negative consequences of the single-payor system. The average American doesn't dig into detailed information...if you show them only the negatives, that's the picture left in their minds. For every negative story, I've got a great positive one. As an average American voter, I like to know both sides of the story. Why can't we see both sides? Why won't the media give any attention to the other side of the story? Let's see the negatives on BOTH sides of the fence.
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