Did you feel the earth move this morning?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Apr 3, 2007
west bloomfield MI
Earthquake near Evansville, IN was a 5.4. Felt is 180 miles away in Cincinnati. Did you feel the earth move? Around 5:30 am EST.
Woke up when my dog barked and felt what seemed to be a truck driving by, but didn't think anything of it and went back to bed. We're in the South Bend, IN area.
There was just a 4.5 aftershock about 10 minutes ago. Some people in the office were freaking out, but it really wasn't more than a slight rumble.
Didn't feel anything this far south. Of course, maybe I'm desensitized from feeling very small tremors since I lived in California for nearly all of my life and I was about 6 miles from the epicenter of the '89 Loma Prieta quake...
Didn't feel anything this far south. Of course, maybe I'm desensitized from feeling very small tremors since I lived in California for nearly all of my life and I was about 6 miles from the epicenter of the '89 Loma Prieta quake...
What was that like? Must have been quite an experience.

I was in northern California during a 5.x earthquake back around 1970 (give or take a few). My boyfriend du jour and I were making out at the time, and I thought surely he was The One until I found out there had been an earthquake. :rolleyes:
There's a joke in here somewhere.........:)
What was that like? Must have been quite an experience.
Hard to describe. I had been a veteran of many earthquakes, the largest of which was something like a 6.2 near Morgan Hill back in '84 or so. (I was studying in my room for that one, being in college and living at home at the time.)

Anyway, for the '89 version I was sitting on the sofa ready to watch the A's and Giants play. Suddenly everything started moving, Al Michaels said "I think we're having an earth---" and then the feed was gone.

I had the patio door open, so I just moved the screen door and ducked under the doorway. Then the power went out (it was only off for about five minutes here). Pretty soon I look up and see the walls flexing and the where the walls meet each other and the ceiling, they were far from perpendicular to each other -- they were meeting at grotesque and changing angles.

Where I was standing, I was right next to a 27" TV on a rickety stand. It was wobbling back and forth like it was about to fall. So I reached back with my arm and pinned it to the wall and waited it out. It took a minute of so before the shaking really stopped. The chandelier over the dining room table was swinging around wildly in a circle at about a 45 degree angle from the ceiling at first. It didn't stop moving completely for a good 10-15 minutes.

The only "loss" in the place? A single plastic bowl dropped from the cabinets to the floor. I'm not sure how I got so lucky.
WOW!!! That was an experience to remember! :eek: It sounds like a really long earthquake, as well as really intense. Other earthquakes probably seem minor after that one. Thanks for the description.
Did you feel the earth move? Around 5:30 am EST.

Nope! Slept right through it! Normally, I wake up about that time and flip on the news, but after running all around Chicago yesterday, I slept like a dead man until about 9am today. But it was all the rage at the coffee shop this morning.

All that excitement......and I missed out on it. Dang! :D
I felt the earth move and heard the roar at about 5am in Louisville this morning. DW slept right through it!

By the way, I had been in SF for a meeting the week before and a long weekend just before the Loma Prieta quake; My airplane departed less than an hour before the quake - it was very unsettling to get off that airplane and see live tv showing the fires of SF.

I was back the next week and experienced the congestion from all of the changes in my typical traffic routes.


We lived in the Philippines and Taiwan. I slept through at least one 7.0. Everything small got knocked over on my dresser. I thought the cat did it but then realized the door was locked. Other quakes, I remember the chandaliers rattling like crazy.

Typhoons are worse than earthquakes usually. There was a 5.7 in Morocco in 1960 that killed 12000 people.
I heard on the radio that one of the on air guys felt the earthquake at 4:30 this morning in mpls.
The house moving woke me up when it happened from a dead sleep around 4ish a.m. It felt like someone was shaking the house from the bottom, which is just what it was. More of a rolling type of shake. Biggest earthquake at the Iowa-Illinois border in decades at 5.2 here.
Dog didn't even wake up. Some watchdog...pffffft.
There was just a 4.5 aftershock about 10 minutes ago. Some people in the office were freaking out, but it really wasn't more than a slight rumble.

5.4, that's just a baby ;)

I was reclined in my recliner this morning at 5:39 am checking my work email on my laptop. With my laptop open, I couldn't see what shelter kitty was doing at my feet. I thought she must be scratching or grooming because my chair was shaking. I was a bit surprised when I looked around my screen to see what she was up to and she was fast asleep. The shaking kept up for "awhile" and it became clear we were having an earthquake. I didn't see anything on the news right away so I called the local sheriff and confirmed there had just been an earthquake.

Located in NW Ohio, I am about 500 miles from the epicenter. Supposedly the earthquake was at 5:37 am so it took approximately 2 minutes to reach me. Interesting.

The last earthquake I experienced was the one in San Francisco during the World Series when I was living in Sacramento.

One of the news stations had a reporter who also thought her cat was the one doing the shaking until she realized the cat wasn't on her bed. I know the exact time because I purposely looked up at the time on the cable box to mark the time.
Didn't feel a thing but after watching all the news reports this morning my ten year old daughter recited her experience during the quake. Coincidentally it was the exact same experience the person they just interviewed on the news had. :)
Near beautiful Dayton, OH. I woke up, but didn't know why. I only found out later about the quake. Everyone else in the house snoozed through it.
I was raised in SoCal, I'm surprised I didn't scoot to the nearest doorframe this morning in a semi-conscious state just out of habit.
Didn't feel a thing but after watching all the news reports this morning my ten year old daughter recited her experience during the quake. Coincidentally it was the exact same experience the person they just interviewed on the news had. :)

Didn't feel the quake here in SE Michigan, but all three dogs stirred a bit before falling back asleep.

Your experience with your daughter reminded me of an episode with my then 4 year old daughter. I went to pick her up at her pre-school and was met by the head teacher who expressed her sympathy at my recent house fire and told me that the school was organizing a clothing drive for my family along with a fund raising dinner to be held the following weekend.

I was dumbstruck and didn't have a clue what she was talking about until I figured out that my daughter (who rarely if ever saw the nightly news) had seen a news story about a house fire on the TV the previous night and then relayed to her classmates that "there was a fire in our house last night." Well, yes, but it WAS only on the television!

She's 25 now and we still laugh about the "fire in our house". (Sorry for the hijack...back to the topic at hand -- the earthquake.....)

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