Where were you conceived?


Moderator Emeritus
Jun 11, 2007
At The Cafe
If you were named after the place (or circumstances) of your conception, what might your name be? Paris Hilton?

I might be: "Lake Cottage Smith" or maybe "Dad's Early Leave Jones."
Ick, why would you want to know! that is gross.

I don't really care; just thought we might have some fun with names during these dog days of summer. If you want the thread pulled, contact the mods; I won't be offended. You are right, many people don't consider the idea of "a glint in his eye" as a sweet thing, as I do.
Do I dare ask my mother?

I Wouldn't!!!! :p:D:D:D

But Buckeye, maybe she already has?

There came a time when my dad told me about all the awful hardships he endured on the way home during that Army leave. It was sometime later that I realized what he was really saying. That talk was to be one of the few times he and I bonded. :D Ya takes what ya gits.
I was conceived in France. My dad was stationed in the army there and my mom had joined him once he knew where he would be.

By the time he was to get out of the army, they'd been married about three years. When they returned to the States, they came back on a long boat ride. Many got seasick, but not my mom. They landed in Washington, DC and stayed at the home of a cousin. The next day, my mom started throwing up with morning sickness :) and I've continued to be a joy to her ever since ... heh-heh.
According to what I heard long ago, I'm afraid my name might be BelAir Chevrolet.
backseatbum, lazydiningtable, good4theglasselevatorinthemall, librarystacksnothin, goodgolfgreen, bowbum, beachbum, highwaytolazy, oh, but wait, you meant where my parents typically had sex. some boring bed in fort lee, new jersey, likely. i guess that just makes me fort lazy when i'm feeling butch or when i get a bit too camp, lazylee.
In A Ranch House Near A Military Base in Texas, most likely.

My daughter could be referred to as "Oh My, What Day Is It Again? Whoops...."

Small house on small farm in Upstate New York.
WWII - shipyard lunchbreak - Rosie took a break from riveting.


heh heh heh - baby flat top? :cool:

CVE's Casablanca class.
I don't really care; just thought we might have some fun with names during these dog days of summer. If you want the thread pulled, contact the mods; I won't be offended. You are right, many people don't consider the idea of "a glint in his eye" as a sweet thing, as I do.

aw - didn't mean to hurt your feelings - nothing nearly even remotely worthy of moderator time! i'm sure i've discussed much more gross stuff -

but this topic for some reason gives me the heeby jeebies...but ya'll [-]flower children[/-] open minded people can freely share!!! O0
I'm pretty sure my name would be Bedroom Los Angeles or something boring like that.

On a side note, when we were pregnant with Tori we were chatting with friends in San Francisco and were doing the math on her due date to figure out when she was conceived.

"Hey, you spent that week up here in San Fran with us! You guys did the nasty on my living room floor:confused:??"

I guess she'd be named Pacifica Berber :p
Naughty boy.

Based on the situational logistics, I'm guessing my name would be related to some 1940's era cars back seat. Based on my recollection it was some 1938 something-or-other we affectionately called 'the clunker". So that would make me the clunker baby. Go ahead, make your own joke.

Gabes name would be "Sutter County Sams Club Mattress". His mom was throwing up for about 5 mornings in a row after a career of being nausea-proof before I took note.

By the way, "ha ha, I think I knocked you up!" doesnt work in any way, shape, or form for any purpose.

So...dont do that.
I'm guessing, mainly because there was nowhere else in that 89-person town where they could have possibly done the nasty:

Lonely Minnesota Parsonage
A gentleman never tells.
It was a dark and stormy night........

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