Old fartitudiness

I felt like an old fart a couple of months ago when I got an email from an old schoolmate asking me to be her Friend on Facebook.

I don't "do" Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc. Monumental waste of time IMHO (unlike this forum!)

And I just hate those people who start jabbering away on their Blackberries or iPhones as soon as the aircraft lands: "Newsflash: We Just Landed! See you in 20 minutes!" Waaay too self important.....

I feel that way too, because I don't text or twitter. I have no reason to do it, that I can tell. (I also only use my cell phone when I have a reason to call, not for entertainment).

But I suspect that at some point we are going to have to "come up to speed" and learn to text. Younger people are just crazy about it, though I don't really understand why.

I guess we are living antiques. But then, antiques are beautiful... :)
And I just hate those people who start jabbering away on their Blackberries or iPhones as soon as the aircraft lands: "Newsflash: We Just Landed! See you in 20 minutes!" Waaay too self important.....


I take that as a refusal to live in the here and now. They are elsewhere doing very important things, no waaaay!

But I suspect that at some point we are going to have to "come up to speed" and learn to text. Younger people are just crazy about it, though I don't really understand why.

... :)

SO is more backward than I, just learned about Facebook, is not wired at all. I resist going further than knowing about Facebook, if we become twits, the young whippersnappers will just come up with something else. Progress ain't what it used to be.:)
The act of trying to locate your own misplaced cell phone by calling yourself [from another phone].

That's a pretty clever re use of an old term, and is much simpler than saying, "hey can I borrow your cellphone to help find mind").

Maybe this should go in the retire your pool thread, but playing Marco Polo is one of the few reasons for having a pool. Of course, like all things involving a pool it is much better if somebody else cleans, maintains, and preferably owns the pool.
I had DW call mine the other day. Since um I couldn't find it. I found it after detecting a strange buzz in my pocket. :blush:

What can I say these shorts I have got lots of big pockets!
I had DW call mine the other day. Since um I couldn't find it. I found it after detecting a strange buzz in my pocket. :blush:

What can I say these shorts I have got lots of big pockets!

I do a certain amount of wiring repairs hot - almost without fail my honey manages to call me as I'm really focused on replacing an electrical receptacle or whatever. Nothing like getting a buzzzt! in my hip pocket while working with electricity! I do not shout Marco Polo when that happens.
I do a certain amount of wiring repairs hot - almost without fail my honey manages to call me as I'm really focused on replacing an electrical receptacle or whatever. Nothing like getting a buzzzt! in my hip pocket while working with electricity! I do not shout Marco Polo when that happens.

Can you hear me now?
No Facebook, no Twitter, no MySpace. I spend enough time driving you all crazy. :LOL:
I do use texting with cell phone with dh2b. It is a great way to re-remind him of his medical appts, or send him a short shop-on-the-way-home list. Or be thoroughly nauseating and send little cutsie notes or
...ahem...messages of the XXX kind. :whistle:
I try to time those when I know he's in a meeting or with the posse at lunch. His cell vibrates, not set for ringing.
I have heard a couple of times young people yelling "Marco" and "Polo" back and forth at each other. Where is this coming from? Does it mean anything?

Feel free to share your own aging experiences :)
I just heard a bit on Prairie Home Companion this morning about a guy who wanted to destroy the kids in the motel pool who were yelling Marco, Polo, Marco, Polo at 7:00 AM. First he would make them read the "Life of Marco Polo," then a history of China, then a history of Venice (Polo's birth place) then he would have drowned them.
I [] send little cutsie notes or
...ahem...messages of the XXX kind. :whistle:
I try to time those when I know he's in a meeting or with the posse at lunch. His cell vibrates, not set for ringing.

You devil! >:D
Or be thoroughly nauseating and send little cutsie notes or
...ahem...messages of the XXX kind. :whistle:
I try to time those when I know he's in a meeting or with the posse at lunch. His cell vibrates, not set for ringing.

You're good when you're good, but you're better when you're bad;)
Hey, this guy is waiting a total of 8 years (since we met) to be able to marry me.

Why don't you put him out of his misery and let him make an honest woman of you? :flowers:
Why don't you put him out of his misery and let him make an honest woman of you? :flowers:

I'm still kicking the tires.

All kidding aside, there's the sticky issue of remarriage before age 55 causing a total loss of pension/health benefits :nonono: standing in my way. It's always the fine print...
The act of trying to locate your own misplaced cell phone by calling yourself [from another phone].

Now if we could just get a version of this manufactured for misplaced eyeglasses and keys, we'd be golden. :LOL:

I'm still kicking the tires.

All kidding aside, there's the sticky issue of remarriage before age 55 causing a total loss of pension/health benefits :nonono: standing in my way. It's always the fine print...

I had that same problem and then I hit 55 and decided to keep on kicking the tires .:LOL:
The act of trying to locate your own misplaced cell phone by calling yourself [from another phone].

Now if we could just get a version of this manufactured for misplaced eyeglasses and keys, we'd be golden. :LOL:
Well, well, well...someone beat me to it.
ADD Consults Store : Now You Can Find It: Find Your Stuff!

Isn't technology grand? :cool: It has a 30 foot range.
You only get 4 locator tags...1 each for eyeglasses, keys, SO, and yourself. ;)

I just got done searching the entire house, garage and vehicles for dh2b's eyeglasses. :rolleyes:
I did find some other things I had been looking for, so it was not wasted time.

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