what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Are you going to follow in Capt Kirk's footsteps? ;)
USATODAY.com - William Shatner sells kidney stone

Glad to hear you're rid of that little gem. :flowers:

Selling it? No way! It's a keeper.:D

Well, if I can get just 1/10 of what Capt. Kirk got, I might be persuaded. Any less, I'd rather keep it for framing. :cool: Two weeks of suffering, plus the anguish of fear of chronic prostatitis or perhaps some kind of cancer, as the pain this time was so different than earlier when the stones were stuck in the ureters.

I have had kidney stones on and off all my life. It usually happened when I forgot to drink a lot of water daily. Never had any treatments, other than the advice to drink a lot of water and tough it out. No pain killer needed either!

This is only the 2nd time I catch the stones. I happened to catch this stone using a strainer that I still kept from 15 years ago. The earlier stone was much smaller but had sharp edges that sliced the ureter (between the kidney and bladder) on its way down, bad enough to cause a trip to the ER, followed by visits to a urologist. When caught for analysis 2 weeks later (it's calcium oxalate), it was flatish and looked like a small corn flake.

The stone this time got stuck around the prostate. The onset was sudden, causing me to think I got a case of acute prostatitis. It then subsided. My primary care doctor suspected a kidney stone, but still recommended a visit to a urologist to be sure. Before I could do that, I felt the stone moving a couple of days later and was able to use the saved strainer to catch it, after drinking lemonade as a diuretic to flush it out.

I was shocked to see how big it was. Thought about posting a picture of it, but did not want to gross anyone out. Amazingly, it caused less pain than the other smaller stone that I caught 15 years ago.

This post is no good without a picture (of the kidney stone!) :LOL:

I may take a picture and post it for "bragging rights".
Rainy day...so I spent a lot of time online today in between doing some small mundane tasks. Checked my portfolio :D, did some news and investment reading, fixed a pair of flipflops with MarineGoop, laundry, dishes, blabbed here. :LOL:
Time for zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Rainy day...so I spent a lot of time online today in between doing some small mundane tasks. Checked my portfolio :D, did some news and investment reading, fixed a pair of flipflops with MarineGoop, laundry, dishes, blabbed here. :LOL:
Time for zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
What? You're quitting for the day with only 28 posts? :D
I am now retired and I am proud to say I do nothing all day long !
I' LL bet no one else can say this ever !
A touch of fall in the air today. Low humidity and clear skies. Took the mutt on a 1.5 hour walk this morning, relaxed most of the day and mowed my back yard late this afternoon. A simple day.......but an enjoyable day. More of the same tomorrow. :)
I went to a Tomato Festival today in a rural community to the south of where I live. Learned lots about heirloom tomatoes and bought a couple of pounds for snacking. There was a museum on the property as this farm used to have a rye whiskey distillery that closed when Prohibition was enacted. The distillery had four floors of antique country furnishings, glassware, tools, guns, photos, etc. The museum was started, and funded, by a daughter of Henry Clay Frick as he was born in a stone spring house on the property(he was the grandson of the distillery founder). The local cat rescue ladies were serving lemonade and cookies to benefit the cause. Lots of these homey festivals around here this time of year.
REW, that is just WRONG. Ick.

Martha, you may know this already, but try some Neal Stephenson. I'm particularly fond of Snow Crash, but any of his series books are going to suck some mighty enjoyable time from your life. My husband is particularly fond of his Baroque Cycle: The Baroque Cycle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

As for today, I saved a life (gave blood.) DH says I go because I'm a good person, but really I go because at the end of it you get to sit and eat little packets of munchies, and they have Chex Mix, which I love and only let myself eat after I've given blood (otherwise, I would eat it all the time and would be even more "statuesque" than I already am.) They also have CranApple juice, from Ocean Spray, which I also love.

Being a bit loopy afterward, I decided to take the munchkins to Costco for our weekly trip. They fell asleep on the drive there and I decided to nap with them in the parking lot. ZZZzzzz...

Once awake and inside the store (about a hour and a half later) I remembered: Oh, right, it's the week before school starts and the week the University comes back. There were NO carts to be found outside the store -- luckily we snagged the one we found in the parking lot. Our Costco at 2 p.m. on a Saturday the weekend before school starts is a miracle of mass consumption, but also of efficient throughput. It was packed. The checker said it had been like that since the doors opened this morning, with no let-up. They had two people in each cooler, slamming food onto the shelves, and I counted six guys running empty boxes from the shelving to the front of the store, and every checkstand going at full throttle, and three (not just the usual two) exit lines. It was amazing.

Came home, hung out, made chili and cornbread, and snuggled the munchkins to sleep. Nice day, all told.
well finally got thru this thread and have to admit for those of us yearning to be FIREd this has to be the best thread ever of what most of us have to look forward too...
Today's exciting lineup includes going to WalMart for a new toilet seat and Metamucil. :whistle:
No I didn't break the seat. Somebody else's derrier did the deed. :LOL:
Forecast is rain, rain, rain. I'm starting to look seriously at airline deals to dry hot places. Knossos here I come! :greetings10:
Sunday bike ride...


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This post is no good without a picture (of the kidney stone!) :LOL:

I want to see the kidney stone.

OK, you dames twisted my arm. Besides, this site is not for kids. :D

What an ordeal! Sheesh! :nonono:
The pic of the 9 mm one here may make you feel better.
Kidney stone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Er, in taking the following picture, I saw that mine is of the same "caliber". Remember that no pain killer was used while expelling this gem. There is nothing like pain to build character and to sharpen the mind. About this time last year, a stone started to hurt me right before a 2-week vacation in Seattle/Victoria/Vancouver, and lasted the entire trip. I left it somewhere in Vancouver, but not before losing a bit of blood along the trip. :angel: No pain killer either.

Told ya this is not for kids. :whistle:

Hey HFWR...I went on a bike ride too! :) But I don't have any pics.

Left at 7:30 a.m. and met up with a biker buddy, rode for a while, ate breakfast and rode some more. Put about 200 miles on the motorcycle. My fanny is numb, but I'm still alive! Nappy time...
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