What cheers you up...


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Nov 23, 2007
when you're feeling really blue?
If I am feeling down, usually it is because of something. So I usually try to resolve that thing that is the cause. Life for DW and I is good, and we just don't have time to be blue. I know it's coming, with friends getting older and family getting farther away, but for now life is good and has been since we retire 4 years ago.
Music, comfort food, cats... They all cheer me up.

And then there is that other thing which always makes me happy...:flowers:
Talking to a friend
Going for a long walk
Looking at really silly videos (e.g. cats or people doing silly things...cats AND people doing silly things is even better)
when you're feeling really blue?

Surprisingly, going to the gym and completing a strenuous weight training workout seems do the trick for me. The sadder I feel, the heavier the weights I choose, until all I can think about is accomplishing the lift.

Besides, afterwards when my body feels like it is made of rubber bands I can indulge in the ice cream that travelover suggests, without feeling quite as guilty. I suggest chocolate chunk and lots of it. Then listen to bbbamI's laughing baby video above, over and over. (That's so cool!)

If you are feeling blue, I hope it goes away. If you are feeling blue because of your sick cat, give him a hug and remember that in a sense he will never die, because your memories of him will live forever.
a movie and spicy fried chicken and red wine.
BIG COUNTRY - IN A BIG COUNTRY (Lyrics) - Bing Video

When this song came out, the lyrics seemed to describe the way I'd felt when my private life fell apart, I was alone and scared, and had to pull everything back together on my own. Since then, I've listened to this song again and again for the courage to get through to the "other side."

What cheers me up when I'm blue? Not sure - I'm rarely depressed.

Wait! Before any of you give thought to posting this, let me save you the effort:

"Proof once again that ignorance is bliss..." :D
"Quality time" with DW. That always works.

A motorcycle ride on a twisty road.

Drifting downstream in the boat.

An airplane ride in a small plane, preferably with some acrobatics thrown in.
Yes W2R, darling kitty is in a bad way. You've gotten to know me all too well. I'm trying not to talk about it too much here 'cause it's a bummer.

You guys have cheered me up. Kinda like that best buddy from my workin' days I could gripe to about the boss, the lousy commute, or how upset I was not to be selected for a promotion. Bet many of you had one of those.
Yes W2R, darling kitty is in a bad way. You've gotten to know me all too well. I'm trying not to talk about it too much here 'cause it's a bummer.

You guys have cheered me up. Kinda like that best buddy from my workin' days I could gripe to about the boss, the lousy commute, or how upset I was not to be selected for a promotion. Bet many of you had one of those.

Aw!! I am so sorry that kitty is doing poorly. I'm glad we could cheer you up a little bit. Yes, I had a best buddy at work like that! Margaret and I worked together very closely and became best friends. We could say anything to each other, and in that high stress work environment it really helped. So, I know what you mean. If/when you need a shoulder to lean on, I would be happy to lend you mine and I think many others on the board feel the same way. By the way, this thread is great! I love everyone's suggestions and really got a kick out of the laughing baby video. :LOL:
When I have been really blue in my life, the greatest gift I have received is, simply, the gift of a friend or relative being there for me and listening. Sometimes I just need be with the pain - and, gradually it works itself out. Time really does heal.

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