Animals we share our lives with

She was just old and had many things wrong with her. This morning she could not stand up. I would pick her up and she would fall down. By the time I got her to the vet she was better in that she could stand and walk a little. The vet said well time in between visits was getting shorter. It was a matter of quality of life. I asked if he would put her down and he said yes. I agreed. I still have the cat but he is old also and has a few health issues. It's just hard.
Great photos. The dog in the photo that I put up a week or so ago has been put down this morning and I'm a wreck...

I'm so sorry to hear this. I understand your pain since DH and I had our beloved cat put down last Saturday. Take care of yourself and remember the joy you two shared.
Great photos. The dog in the photo that I put up a week or so ago has been put down this morning and I'm a wreck...

mountaintosea, I'm so sorry for your loss. From her photo she looked like a dog with a lot of sweetness in her.
mountaintosea and purron
You have my great sympathy. This too shall pass but no without pain and sadness.
According to your thermometer, it is about 70 but then they are lying in the shade on a tile floor with a breeze. The readings are about 26-29 deg C with 75%-80% humidlty. Love it!
Two years ago yesterday we brought her home from the Humane Society. It was completely unexpected -- we were there for other business and there she was, perfect and waiting. It was like gold from heaven, like bringing home Old Yeller and Lassie combined. I've never seen a dog so gentle, calm and kind. We totally lucked out.


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Two years ago yesterday we brought her home from the Humane Society. It was completely unexpected -- we were there for other business and there she was, perfect and waiting. It was like gold from heaven, like bringing home Old Yeller and Lassie combined. I've never seen a dog so gentle, calm and kind. We totally lucked out.

A beauty! Post some more pics of her.
Tomorrow marks one week since I lost my beloved cat. Today I cleaned the house for the first time since he died. It was a heartbreaking experience. Signs of him everywhere. Here's the last picture I took of him while he was still himself. After this, he declined very quickly.


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She's beautiful Urchina! How wonderful you gave her the home she was looking for. So many great animals out there looking for someone to love them.
Two years ago yesterday we brought her home from the Humane Society. It was completely unexpected -- we were there for other business and there she was, perfect and waiting. It was like gold from heaven, like bringing home Old Yeller and Lassie combined. I've never seen a dog so gentle, calm and kind. We totally lucked out.

Dawg, since you twisted my arm, here are three! I'm sorry to say the drool is authentic, as is the utterly enormous tongue. :flowers:

A really good looking dog! I can't go to a humane society for fear of bringing home another one. One is really all I can handle right now. Down the road in a different house, might get another. But that would also hamper traveling, so there you go. Always something.:-\

Did you have another pet when you got her?
Did you have another pet when you got her?

Yes, we had (and still have) two indoor-only cats, both also shelter rescues.
Right now, the one dog is the best choice for us, as we get all the benefits of a dog with a more intense one-on-one relationship with her. She's also easier to walk, feed, exercise, etc. than two dogs would be, and we don't have room for another crate in the house (~980 sq ft condo)! We're not into yard dogs. Truthfully, there's not much excess floor space anyway, after she's stretched out on it!

Thanks for the nice comments -- we think she's the Most Amazing Dog Ever, as well as utterly beautiful. So nice when it works out that way!
Tomorrow marks one week since I lost my beloved cat. Today I cleaned the house for the first time since he died. It was a heartbreaking experience. Signs of him everywhere. Here's the last picture I took of him while he was still himself. After this, he declined very quickly.

Yup, signs of the past - our princess of the house, Little, has been gone a couple years and I noticed this morning a dull spot on a stair newel post where she used to always rub her chin... It's not bad to remember them - kind of cherish that little pain..
Here are two photos photo I took out our window five minutes ago of a fox (kit fox?) that we see around here now and then. She's the size of a large cat. I'll keep the camera handy and try to get some better shots next time.

Yesterday she was carrying one of her offspring (I think -- it may have been another animal) in her mouth.


This is a picture of newest grand-critter, Cricket. She zonked out on the way to her new home. We get to meet her in a couple of weeks when we visit with our kids. She's making her home with two old schnauzers and one curious lab.
Mountaintosea, so sorry for your loss. It will get better and you have so many memories to make you smile. Hugs to you.
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