diagnosed with lymphoma

one half step forward

It is truely humbling to see how many of you have been touched by cancer in your personal lives and your sharing of personal experiences is very helpful to me. It reminds me of how routine cancer is treated. I will never lose that mental image of 12 lazy boys all filled with people getting different degrees of chemo. It all seemed so routine. Someone getting infused while watching Jeopardy. It just seemed bizarre. I often feel my life has gone into a slow motion phase where I can just sit and watch the world go by. Not totally a bad thing but can't stay here forever.

In that regard I have submitted my retirement papers electronically and have a confirmed receipt in hand. I'm committed. I am very glad to have returned , if only for a short time as I would have missed out on some great moments with some very good people. Through many conversations I have learned that at this point in my life time is more valuable than money. The scales have tipped for me personally. I have to move forward, like it or not the next stage of my life is about to begin. As of May 15th I'm officially retired in one of the worst economic times in history. How ironic that in 1982 we were facing the same crisis when I was hired. 23 years old, just out of the Army, ready to take on the world and scared of nothing. How life has changed! They say that "Hope springs eternal" and I'm just going with that thought for the moment. One half step forward today. Perhaps bigger shoes will get me further.
As of May 15th I'm officially retired in one of the worst economic times in history.
RF, I'd amend that statement to say "...I'm officially retired after we survived one of the worst economic scares in history."

My thinking is, just like your situation, the worst is over and we're well into the recovery phase. Yeah, there are things we need to be concerned about but it is likely we (you) have seen the worst and we need to keep moving forward.:)
IT WAS the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way- in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only. --Charles Dickens

Or the Chinese Curse -- "May you live in interesting times."
23 years old, just out of the Army, ready to take on the world and scared of nothing.
I missed your first mention of the Army.

I understand your thoughts about how this cancer occurred, but if you haven't already done so then I'd strongly suggest that you contact the VA for a screening to see if your cancer could in any way be considered a service-connected disability.

Another option would be to go to one of the veteran's boards like Military.com,
Physical Evaluation Board Forum,
Veterans Benefits Network - Message Board Yuku, or even
Grunt's Military Site - Your Online Resource for Military Info
You'd have to share the history of where you were and what you did, but it's possible that you'll find another veteran with more info.

I know it seems highly unlikely that a service-connected cancer could take 25 years to show up, but it happens. Even military families have been unwittingly exposed to carcinogens while living in military housing.
RF, I'd amend that statement to say "...I'm officially retired after we survived one of the worst economic scares in history."

My thinking is, just like your situation, the worst is over and we're well into the recovery phase. Yeah, there are things we need to be concerned about but it is likely we (you) have seen the worst and we need to keep moving forward.:)

I agree wholeheartedly with this statement. I RE'ed this year, but it could easily have happened 2 or 3 years ago - just before, or just into the "The Great Recession".

Is it officially called The Great Recession" or did I just hear someone call it that on TV or radio? Reminds me of this discussion back in '94

The Great Storm
CT scans and retirement

Wow what a week. Monday had my six month CT scans. Wednesday signed my retirement papers. Some things in life go together, peanut butter and jelly, warm fires and snowy evenings, but CT scans and retirement in most instances should never be contemplated in the same week. I suppose I need to back up to Tuesday. I was having counter tops cut and installed in the kitchen and they cut the sink opening 13 inches off. What a great day it was. My Ct scans once again show no cancer in the head, neck, and abdomen area. Those pesky lung spots continue to be pesky but showed no change in size, no new spots, and stable. Fantastic news!!! Stable no change when it comes to cancer is all that I hoped for and received. My oncologist was so impressed that he is moving my next scan back a month. Now instead of every three months I go every four months. I'm estactic. It seems like such an insignificant step but it's progress. One foot forward again. If the cancer was spreading I have to admit this would have been one very bad week. Funny how one day can make a huge difference in your life. I have never felt better physically and almost feel reborn mentally. So I'm changing the old acronym of R&R (Rest and relaxation to retired and reborn at least for the next four months!

This sums it up....let's DANCE!

YouTube - VAN HALEN - dancing in the street (live 1983)
Great news!

I am relieved to hear that you are retiring also. Nobody should have to deal with cancer and a job at the same time.
"Retired and reborn"--what a wonderful slogan! So glad to read your good report.
Great news on both the excellent results on the scan, and on your retirement! Congratulations, so glad to hear it!
That's wonderful Ratface! You truly deserve this.
Never mind the kitchen sink.
I think we all know what's really important!
Splendid news Ratface - and I love the phrase "reborn and retired" :)
Wonderful news. Get out there and have some fun! Treat yourself to something you've always wanted!

Congratulations on your retirement. You've earned it.

Happiness is a clean CT scan. My next one is in Aug.

Great news indeed! And congratulations on your retirement!
latest scans and retirement

Well it was this time last year that I was undergoing radiation treatment with the surgery still to come. Received my latest test results and the Oncology doctor said they looked, "Pristine". Those pesky lung nodules have been reclassified as calcified "Granulomas" , nothing changing there or anywhere. "No evidense of Disease". Next scans 4 months out again, but a little confidence builder going my way. Retirement has been busy with neglected home repairs to catch up on but what a joy to have the option at a time like this. Spend several hours a day, just doing things as I can on my own schedule, with a high priority on exercise and time to do it. It's the laundry and the cooking that gets in the way.
Well it was this time last year that I was undergoing radiation treatment with the surgery still to come. Received my latest test results and the Oncology doctor said they looked, "Pristine". Those pesky lung nodules have been reclassified as calcified "Granulomas" , nothing changing there or anywhere. "No evidense of Disease". Next scans 4 months out again, but a little confidence builder going my way. Retirement has been busy with neglected home repairs to catch up on but what a joy to have the option at a time like this. Spend several hours a day, just doing things as I can on my own schedule, with a high priority on exercise and time to do it. It's the laundry and the cooking that gets in the way.

Outstanding news!


You had to know the lady in the pink outfit would have to do her dance!

Now, get in the kitchen and make me a sandwich. :D
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