48-year old Super Athlete

Well, if it can be done then I guess she's the one. But this is nuts.

The guy providing weather support is a retired Navy METOC who my spouse used to work with.
I've subscribed to her blog, and she says Tuesday 11 AM HST.

“I have trained for this and am ready. One of the reporters asked me why I failed in my earlier attempt. I didn’t fail [in April]. I swam 58K in a little over 12 hours and just hit too many jellyfish. I knew when to call it because you always have to know when you have gone too far. [The jellyfish stings] hurt so much. I was even feeling jolts of shock days afterwards and I still have scars. I was shocked by an electric current when I was 15 and this was so much worse.”
We asked Mike Miller, a Triple Crown swimmer who has also done the 26-mile Molokai Channel, to put Penny’s attempt in perspective. “You can’t. You can put swims in perspective that have been done before. But you just can’t with the Kaieiewaho Channel.”
The plans are to start around 11 am Honolulu time on Tuesday. “One problem may be finding a safe place to take off from on Oahu. We’ll be patient and find a place that is a safe jump-off point, but we are all ready to go.”

Heck, it's a two-hour drive just from Waikiki to Kaena Point, let alone finding a nice sandy spot to stroll into the shorebreak. Gonna be a long two days after that.
Yeah, that's crazy.

I just need to be able to paddle out on head high days, and try to stay out there for 2-3 hours-- that's about all I ask my body to do these days.....
I was thinking.... why not wear a full body suit.... until this...

"Had she worn a full wet suit, Palfrey would have violated channel-swimming rules, which generally allow only a standard swimsuit, goggles and cap."

So I guess IF you swim the channel and have on a body suit it just did not happen :nonono: :rolleyes:
I was thinking.... why not wear a full body suit.... until this...

"Had she worn a full wet suit, Palfrey would have violated channel-swimming rules, which generally allow only a standard swimsuit, goggles and cap."

So I guess IF you swim the channel and have on a body suit it just did not happen :nonono: :rolleyes:

Ya it is pretty humorous the rules they have for some of these extreme sports. I guess part of theory is that fighting the elements is a big part of the challenge, although for most of us the swimming 72 miles would be well crazy.
It should be [-]swam[/-] [-]swimmed[/-] swum naked, as god intended...

As if god really intended for a non-fishlike creature to swim 72 miles...
Wet suits substantially increase buoyancy, making swimming easier. I believe that's why they are not permitted in sanctioned open water swims
Wet suits substantially increase buoyancy, making swimming easier. I believe that's why they are not permitted in sanctioned open water swims
They also substantially support internal body temperature, too.

I think she's been given some pretty clear hints that she needs to rethink the whole idea. Even if she could shield her entire body, she'd still have to open her mouth to breathe. And who knows, maybe the jellyfish were so thick in the area because they were attracted by all the sharks that she wasn't aware of...
In the crazy 40 something Hawaii Athlete's department. My former coach is starting his second duo-deca triathlon today. A duo deca triathlon is a TWENTY Ironman triathlons back to back. Although he does sleep. So this is 48 miles swimming, followed by 2240 miles of biking,and than 524 miles of running. He is plan is to finish the final run at the Honolulu marathon. He previously did this about 12 years ago and is one of only three people to do it. At one point I was a better swimmer than he was, (not that I was that good just he was pretty bad) although the guy is a terrific biker.

Read more here.
He previously did this about 12 years ago and is one of only three [-]people[/-] idiot survivors to do it.
Somewhere CAPT Collins, USN is rolling over in his Ironman grave...
A group of six managed the channel swim last week, although they also experienced jellyfish soup:

Very impressive age group:

The idea to try the grueling channel with a team of six came from Maui swimmer Mike Spalding. Spalding, 63, invited Kaiser, 60, and Kauai swim coach Bill Brown, 32. To round out the team, he invited mainland swimmers Randy Brown, 62; Michelle Macy, 33; and Joel Swartz, 54.

In any event, it is, also, a very impressive feat. Even though a tag-team is not the same as a solo version.

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