2 days in san antonio on business...what to see?

I went to a wedding there that was performed in the Shamu Stadium several years ago. With two orca's jumping out of the water at the "I pronounce you" signal. And the entire ceremony projected up on the big screen for all to see up close and personal.
How romantic... :LOL:
Comments like yours and Ron Boyd's do a disservice to others who might consider visiting or, God forbid, moving here.

Let me correct that impression right now: Texas is nowhere to be found on my list of places to move to... in fact, it may top the list of places not to. I am unsure of my qualifications (or ability) to discourage where people spend their money, however, so I have no comment on the "visiting" part.

On the other hand, I do [-]share[/-] understand your passion... I would prefer that people move to Texas than for them to immigrate to Colorado.

Bring your money,
bring your dope,
but we all sincerely hope,
that you don't forget
to leave here when you're done.
Although others have mentioned it, it has been a while since I pointed out that the state is infested with...
Comments like yours and Ron Boyd's do a disservice to others who might consider visiting or, God forbid, moving here.
Yeah, but San Antonio's traffic is a LOT better than Houston!
Drink where TR recruited the Rough Riders. The bar @ the Menger Hotel (right next to the Alamo) is sweet. Also take a stroll on the Riverwalk (museum reach, north of town) that is rather new. Along the way do not forget to stop at the VFW post (huge white house) for a Shiner Bock. (VFW membership not required).
Drink where TR recruited the Rough Riders. The bar @ the Menger Hotel (right next to the Alamo) is sweet. Also take a stroll on the Riverwalk (museum reach, north of town) that is rather new. Along the way do not forget to stop at the VFW post (huge white house) for a Shiner Bock. (VFW membership not required).
I think thefed is already on his way home...
Iwe will have from 5pm til?? next wed and from 8am til about 2pm thursday.
'Although others have mentioned it, it has been a while since I pointed out that the state is infested with scorpions, rattlesnakes, fire ants, crazy raspberry ants, cockroaches on steroids, killer bees, mosquitoes, ticks, chiggers, tarantulas, brown recluse spiders, love bugs, swarming crickets, copperheads, cottonmouths, rabid skunks, wild hogs, alligators, oppressive heat & humidity, bleak desolate scenery, dirty beaches, polluted air, dust storms, drought, wildfires, water shortages, recurring floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, rednecks, huge piles of flaming mulch, spontaneously combusting playgrounds, roads hot as flowing lava, the stench of natural and unnatural gasses, amoebic meningitis lurking in area lakes, recurring ebola virus outbreaks, flesh eating bacteria, staggering homeowner insurance rates, unbelievably high property taxes, mandatory death sentences for DUI convictions, polygamous religious sects, and, lest we forget, doesn't look kindly towards Yankees'

Sounds good, what are the negatives?

Next to the Mi Terra restaurant is the Mariachi Bar, under the white neon sign that says 'we never close'. By dumb luck we were in on mariachi band day - band after band, full outfits, trumpets, singers, the works.
REW forgot to update the list with Mexican pirates. Yes, pirates like one-eyed Caribbean pirates, not Chinese pirates who copy CDs.

Still Texas' mild climate makes it rank higher than Arizona in terms of desirability. Just look at the population density, particularly that of SA. People know what's good for them, and vote with their feet. Come on down!

Anyway, we were there once and did the river walk and the Alamo. Did not know about the other places.
...By dumb luck we were in on mariachi band day - band after band, full outfits, trumpets, singers, the works.
Were they this good?


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