36 Activities Ranked WRT COVID-19 Risk

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I don't get tennis because you can't play it alone and have to share some of the equipment with another person. I'll try to refrain from comments about [-]]sweaty[/-]hairy balls....

World number one in tennis just tested positive for the virus

I believe that you mean Schweddy....
Thanks for the list. I’m not risky according to the list, but we were in Las Vegas and went to a fairly large concert back in mid March.

Since then, the riskiest things that I’ve done are grocery shopping and shopping at the home improvement store with a mask on.

A mid July dentist appointment has me concerned. But the list doesn’t claim a dental appt. to be as risky as I see it.
Today we got an invitation for a friends 50th wedding anniversary in a couple of weeks. It is going to be at a swanky local restaurant (indoors!) with a 3 course meal, drinks, etc. The invitation says there will be social distancing and precautions. I think around 50 people have been invited. Most everyone in attendance will be age 70 plus. We are going to decline and we understand several other couples are declining. We also understand that the couple's children have asked their parents to postpone this event since our area is a hot spot with increasing numbers of cases, hospitalizations and deaths and inside gatherings are suppose to be limited to 25 people or less under our Governor's order. This sounds like a super spreader event to us. We have not even eaten at a restaurant yet (either inside or outside) and we cannot imagine attending a party like this at this time.
That dinner is a really bad idea. Choosing just immediate family to eat at a restaurant outside would be a much safer way to celebrate.
That dinner is a really bad idea. Choosing just immediate family to eat at a restaurant outside would be a much safer way to celebrate.
I totally agree Teacher Terry but this couple is hell bent to have this party on their 50th anniversary. We will not be there. I just hope it does not turn into a tragedy. The strange thing is--this couple has been very conservative about the virus--they have not gone inside to restaurants or done any travel or seen their kids or anything until this. We were shocked to get the party invite. Maybe they have lost their minds.
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Today we got an invitation for a friends 50th wedding anniversary in a couple of weeks. It is going to be at a swanky local restaurant (indoors!) with a 3 course meal, drinks, etc. The invitation says there will be social distancing and precautions. I think around 50 people have been invited. Most everyone in attendance will be age 70 plus. We are going to decline and we understand several other couples are declining. We also understand that the couple's children have asked their parents to postpone this event since our area is a hot spot with increasing numbers of cases, hospitalizations and deaths and inside gatherings are suppose to be limited to 25 people or less under our Governor's order. This sounds like a super spreader event to us. We have not even eaten at a restaurant yet (either inside or outside) and we cannot imagine attending a party like this at this time.

Good decision.

Our version is being invited to a close friend's son's wedding in early Sept. It will be indoors with around 100 folks and a lot of younger people.
What could go wrong?:facepalm:

We will decline.
I believe we will be in the minority of declining folks, based on how I perceive how many in the group view the virus.
I totally agree Teacher Terry but this couple is hell bent to have this party on their 50th anniversary. We will not be there. I just hope it does not turn into a tragedy. The strange thing is--this couple has been very conservative about the virus--they have not gone inside to restaurants or done any travel or seen their kids or anything until this. We were shocked to get the party invite. Maybe they have lost their minds.

Our clueless neighbor invited 150 people three weeks ago to a Party for kids graduation. Our county was in the middle of a packing plant outbreak. AFIK no one attending had or spread the virus as of today...The neighbor is so clueless they won't realize how lucky they were and they will keep their heads buried in the sand...I did not go and did not help with the food prep or anything else to do with this fiasco ...
Two grocery stores in our town I feel safe shopping at....Trader Joes and Costco.

Our Trader Joes only lets 20 people in at a time. True you might have to stand in line a bit (the longest I have waited is 10 minutes). They have put up tents and have fans running under the tents to keep everyone cool. They have 6 ft. markers on the sidewalk to keep everyone spaced out. They clean the carts for you and have plenty of wipes and hand sanitizer around I'd say 99% of people are wearing a mask.

Costco also cleans off the carts for you. They require everyone to wear a mask. If you go midweek the store is not crowded at all and being such a big store everyone seems spread out, and they have lots of toilet paper!

Luckily my TJ and Costco are right next to each other so I can do both once a week.
Our church opened 5/31- we're not in a hot spot although I continue monitoring the numbers. We have a large, open sanctuary with (sadly) room for about 6 X the number of people we actually have on an average Sunday. Windows are open for air circulation. We all wear masks, no congregational singing. many other precautions. I feel that right now it's not a major risk. No cases among our members of clergy thus far.

Tomorrow I go back to the gym because I just put my bike in the shop for an overhaul. My rational brain tells me it will be OK. It never was crowded, they have giant overhead fans and I plan to use 2 machines, wiping down thoroughly before and after and avoiding the locker room. My "worrier" brain is fully engaged, though. Every time I try something new post-COVID, I feel like I have to wait 2 weeks to see if I develop any symptoms before trying something else new.
Since then, the riskiest things that I’ve done are grocery shopping and shopping at the home improvement store with a mask on.

A mid July dentist appointment has me concerned. But the list doesn’t claim a dental appt. to be as risky as I see it.

I decided to have my dental appt and my haircut about two weeks after things opend up, just a small crack opened, but if figured I might as well get this stuff done and not wait for another possible outbreak.

That was about two weeks ago, and so far so good. Everybody at the dental office and the barber shop was careful. Since that time, our 7 day average is going up, Up and UP according to my calculations. So I am glad I got it done.
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I had to go to the dentist yesterday--emergency tooth abscess! The dentist and all his staff were taking all safety precautions. But there were a couple of patients in the waiting room without masks. As a consequence I waited in my hot car and had them call me when it was my time. I complained about the patients with no masks and the dentist said there was nothing they could do since the county where the office is located had not put in a mask requirement. Our state has now imposed mandatory masks in the entire state starting tomorrow. I have to go for a follow up dental appt next week. If there are still patients in the lobby with no masks I will tell the dentist that I am not coming back and I will find a new dentist.
I complained about the patients with no masks and the dentist said there was nothing they could do since the county where the office is located had not put in a mask requirement.

What they told you sounds like pure BS to me. Any dentist in private practice is free to impose mask-wearing restrictions however they like, regardless of whether the government has decided to make mask wearing mandatory. I would have challenged them on that dubious statement, right then and there.

I have to go for a follow up dental appt next week. If there are still patients in the lobby with no masks I will tell the dentist that I am not coming back and I will find a new dentist.

Exactly what I would do.
What they told you sounds like pure BS to me. Any dentist in private practice is free to impose mask-wearing restrictions however they like, regardless of whether the government has decided to make mask wearing mandatory. I would have challenged them on that dubious statement, right then and there.

Exactly what I would do.

Our county has no mask requirements but I'm getting a broken crown started tomorrow and was told to be wearing a mask when I was called inside.

If my dentist was allowing people in without masks I'd get a new dentist too.
I saw this list posted online on 5/24/20, right before lots of things opened up around the country and the hordes descended over Memorial Day Weekend. It pretty much sums up how I felt then and how I still feel - but you can add "I'm not dying to get my teeth cleaned" to the list for me.

Do I need a haircut? Desperately, believe me. Thank goodness for hats, which cover a multitude of sins. :rolleyes:

Do I need my teeth cleaned? Maybe, but I won't be going to my biannual mid-August appointment. I will reschedule for next January and just take really, really good care of my teeth in the meantime.

This is just my personal preference; as always YMMV.

As a cancer survivor, and someone who will be retiring the last day of this year, I am not giving COVID even the tiniest of openings to take me out!! I'm going to have the retirement I've dreamed of for so long. Although it's quite possible the first six months to a year of retirement will be spent in semi-lockdown, I am fine with that. :D


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I did not want to go to the dentist--and would not have--except it was forced on me by a sudden tooth abscess that required a root canal and 3 dentist appointments---UGH! A lot of pain and an overall terrible experience. If I get Covid-19 I will know if was from the dentist office since I have not been anywhere else ( we do curbside groceries and restaurants) or in close contact with anyone but DH. DH stays home even more than I do.
I did not want to go to the dentist--and would not have--except it was forced on me by a sudden tooth abscess that required a root canal and 3 dentist appointments---UGH! A lot of pain and an overall terrible experience. If I get Covid-19 I will know if was from the dentist office since I have not been anywhere else ( we do curbside groceries and restaurants) or in close contact with anyone but DH. DH stays home even more than I do.

I assume enough time has passed to know you aren’t infected?
It has been a week and feeling fine but I have not been tested but maybe I should be

Most people come down with it within 5 days, so you’re probably in the clear, you can’t know for sure until 14, of course, but chances are slim.

No need to test now with no symptoms, IMO, unless the dentist lets you know there was someone COVID-19 positive in the office.
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We went out to eat once, but our table was more isolated than others.
I just found out a friend has tested positive from Covid 19 and was admitted to the hospital today. I had talked to her recently by telephone (before she started feeling sick) and she told me that due to her age (early 70s) she had stayed home--did grocery pick up, no restaurants, no Church, no meeting with friends, etc. HOWEVER, she had been keeping her grandchildren so her daughter could return to work. I bet that is how she contracted the virus--from interactions with her daughter/grandchildren.

What do people think about babysitting grandchildren? How risky?
I just found out a friend has tested positive from Covid 19 and was admitted to the hospital today. I had talked to her recently by telephone (before she started feeling sick) and she told me that due to her age (early 70s) she had stayed home--did grocery pick up, no restaurants, no Church, no meeting with friends, etc. HOWEVER, she had been keeping her grandchildren so her daughter could return to work. I bet that is how she contracted the virus--from interactions with her daughter/grandchildren.

What do people think about babysitting grandchildren? How risky?
Well, so much for children not infecting adults! I always wondered how such claims could have been made.

What good does it do to take all this care and then constantly interact with extended family that is working or otherwise cannot stay isolated?

Seems very risky to me.
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Well, so much for children not infecting adults! I always wondered how such claims could have been made.

What good does it do to take all this care and then constantly interact with extended family that is working or otherwise cannot stay isolated?

Seems very risky to me.

My thoughts exactly. Maybe she did not catch the virus from the grandchildren--she may have actually gotten it from her daughter. But the daughter/ GC have not been tested yet so who knows. I know that my friend felt like she needed to help her daughter by keeping the children since school was out and their normal summer daycare at the YMCA was not available.
I just found out a friend has tested positive from Covid 19 and was admitted to the hospital today. I had talked to her recently by telephone (before she started feeling sick) and she told me that due to her age (early 70s) she had stayed home--did grocery pick up, no restaurants, no Church, no meeting with friends, etc. HOWEVER, she had been keeping her grandchildren so her daughter could return to work. I bet that is how she contracted the virus--from interactions with her daughter/grandchildren.

What do people think about babysitting grandchildren? How risky?

Unfortunately it's just like everything else, it's not a problem until it's a problem.

I just found out my tax guy who I should probably see sometime before the 15th took a trip to Vegas. .Ticks me off because IMO it's not the way as professional in contact with the public should behave. I need to call his office and can't decide what to do.
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