40 maps that will help you make sense of the world

Interesting, thanks for posting!

My favourite is the tattoo at the end.
Loved it!

Especially the map of the most common surnames by country. That was fascinating.

Also, the map showing countries with paid maternal leave. Canada apparently has a much better deal for new mothers than we do.

The earthquake map was no surprise.

Most people in the US drink a lot more coffee than I do, but then that is no surprise either since I drink very weak coffee and only 2 cups of it per day.

Thanks, I didn't know we drove on the right. Seriously very interesting.

Very fun! It lists that Iceland has no McDonald's, but also has one of the highest Big Mac prices. It must be so expensive because they have to fly it in
Did you catch the campaign promise of the newly elected Australian PM?
Six months maternity leave at full pay for any woman making under $150K per year.

If that actually goes into effect it will be interesting to see!
40 maps! For me it's like being in a candy store.

I liked #3 (hey, what's up with those Brits?) and #20 the bribe map. They should show bribes per state and see where NJ ends up.
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