50 Eggs


Recycles dryer sheets
Mar 21, 2007
Sitting here watching Cool Hand Luke---Is it possible to eat 50 eggs? and live? Al
Sitting here watching Cool Hand Luke---Is it possible to eat 50 eggs? and live? Al

I noticed that was on today, so I'm recording it to watch later. I love that movie.
65 in less than 7 minutes. wow

When I was a teenager, I pigged out on deviled eggs one time. Must have ate a dozen or more. For the next week, every time I burped it smelled like a...um... very sulfurous release of air. It was horrible. It sure ruined my social life for awhile :sick:

65 of them? May as well go find a cave to live in :LOL:
Add a 6 pack of beer to the 50 eggs and the next day you'd better be living alone.
Great movie. I love the line " what we have here is a failure to communicate" i think I heard that little guy died recently? One of my high school buddies liked the movie so much he changed his name to Luke. Still called that today.
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