$5m is the new $1m

:D:D:D - some days you just get an offer you can't refuse:

Jan 1993 - layed off, canned, made redundant, right sized, whatever.

300k or so - his and hers. unemployed.

A little time passes, a little being a cheap bastard, get a webtv and surf the net - ER forum and sha-zam magically transformed into a Frugal ER(first class mind you).

And Mr Market does the 1 mil thing - now the new/old 300k as it were.

heh heh heh heh heh heh - so if I don't croak for a long time and slip back into el cheapo and frugal ways - 10 mil becomes becomes the new/old 5mil by the time I get there:confused: :cool: Party on!

30 yrs at 7.65% - 1 mil goes to 10. Go for gold - age and party wise.
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