A personal Covid Experience

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I am just hoping to hear of him complain about the food. ;)

Hospital friend of mine had a joke about hospital food. Went something like, “We did a survey and the thing most people wanted from the hospital was better food. Just goes to show you that they’re not getting fed well at home.” It was lame, but he always laughed.
I am just hoping to hear of him complain about the food. ;)

he has been on a feeding tube for quite a while so when he does start to eat and actually keep food down I’m sure he will complain about it. :)
Hospital friend of mine had a joke about hospital food. Went something like, “We did a survey and the thing most people wanted from the hospital was better food. Just goes to show you that they’re not getting fed well at home.” It was lame, but he always laughed.

I spent two days in hospital last year and was absolutely amazed that the food was excellent. Seriously!

Certainly the last thing I expected, but it's a good hospital and fortunately the one my doc was affiliated with.
He sat in a chair for 2 hours today. Only on CPAP an hour at a time now, including overnight. He texted at 4am my time asking advice on downloading podcasts and such and we chatted for an hour, at which point I told him that it was 9am in LA so I was transferring him to our US help desk (his sister). We had taken his good headphones into the hospital for him at 7:30 last night. He is now going to be moved back to the regular Covid ward later today.

It's all good news.
(emphasis mine)

Wonderful! Sounds like he has experienced some significant improvement, and what a relief that must be for you and your family.
I spent two days in hospital last year and was absolutely amazed that the food was excellent. Seriously!
I was surprised at how good the hospital food was, when I had my total knee replacement surgery back in 2019. They gave me some terrific gumbo right after I awakened from the anesthesia.
He FaceTimed this afternoon, wanted another iPhone charging cable if I had a spare. No problem, I nipped through and dropped one off.

He is back in the regular Covid ward, in a private room. The bed’s too short, it’s too hot and he’s lonely. Now that he is whining at warp factor 5 we can tell that he is definitely on the mend.

Oh, this is great! Whining is a wonderful sign! :D:LOL:
He FaceTimed this afternoon, wanted another iPhone charging cable if I had a spare. No problem, I nipped through and dropped one off.

He is back in the regular Covid ward, in a private room. The bed’s too short, it’s too hot and he’s lonely. Now that he is whining at warp factor 5 we can tell that he is definitely on the mend.

So happy to hear the good news! I bet whining never sounded so great:)).
So happy for you and your family Alan. You will all be in my prayers, especially Jeffrey. Such a relief to read all his ups and downs and hear that he is on the mend. Hugs to you and your family, you've all been through a lot.
I am laughing with happiness to hear the good news! If he is feeling bored and complaining, he is on the mend!!
We talked on the phone at 7am this morning and he actually sounded normal, no gasping for breath, which is the first time that has happened since he went in. He asked us to bring in a few supplies such as his own toothbrush and toothpaste, nail clippers etc.

Still on oxygen but can’t tell how much as he can’t see any displays like he could in ICU. Still too weak to get himself out of bed and across his room to one of his chairs, but he has managed to keep down water and some ice cream last night even though he still feels nauseous.
So good to hear! I didn’t realize Jeffrey had been gasping for breath when you talked to him. How awful!

And so weak!

This sure has been an eye opener even though I knew these symptoms could happen.

Sending healing thoughts!
Wonderful news, Alan!

I keep thinking he looks like the pic in your avatar. :)
Terrific Alan. I will cease checking this thread with trepidation and look forward expectantly to more good news.
Since that 7am phone call he is washed, shaved, and has seen the doctor who told him he is making REALLY good progress. As I said above it was the first time talking to him since he went in that he sounded normal, not out of breath or gasping so it's good to get confirmation from the doctor on his progress.

Hopefully it will only be a week or so before he is well enough to come home. He still can't get himself out of bed to sit in a chair yet.
Since he asked us to drop off some items so we drove over to his place, then to grocery store, hospital and onto the seaside a few miles away where we had a lovely walk along the seafront, coffee, then haddock and chips all while looking out to sea over a glorious beach and a cloudless sky.

Brilliant morning, really starting to relax some now.
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Something one doesn’t initially think about. A simple thing like cleaning up and shaving. I can’t imagine how good that felt. Glad you and your DW had a good morning. Nice to get back to some simple things with a little weight lifted from your thoughts.

Thanks for the update.
So happy to hear the very positive progress report, Alan. I’m sure you, Irene, your daughter, and all your family are very relieved that he’s on the mend.
Fantastic news. I love getting these uplifting updates. So happy for your family.
We talked on the phone at 7am this morning and he actually sounded normal, no gasping for breath, which is the first time that has happened since he went in. He asked us to bring in a few supplies such as his own toothbrush and toothpaste, nail clippers etc.

Still on oxygen but can’t tell how much as he can’t see any displays like he could in ICU. Still too weak to get himself out of bed and across his room to one of his chairs, but he has managed to keep down water and some ice cream last night even though he still feels nauseous.

ICE CREAM ! cool :)
Coffee in the AM is almost always my favorite part of the day, but reading your update today is currently my favorite part of the day.

I am so happy to hear the good news!!!
really starting to relax some now.
So glad to hear of his excellent progress! And good to hear that you and the rest of his loved ones can perhaps breathe some sighs of relief that the worst of this is hopefully behind him.
Great to hear the mention of getting to go home. Too bad the lingering GI thing, but ice cream is a good first step.
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