A Photo of Your Christmas Tree

Wow! Lots of trees and look at all those gifts.

I have not put up a tree in perhaps 10 years. We used to give our children gifts, but they can buy their own now. I don't need anything either. Yes, I know, we are a bunch of "bah humbug"'s.

However, tomorrow, we will host a Xmas party for some relatives. Just coming back from a grocery shopping outing with my wife.
Ah, come on, mine is a small freebie being decorated the “Fluffy Way”: put one unbreakable ornament on, play with Fluffy, put another ornament on, distract Fluffy. Gifts are in a glassed-in bookcase. I’ve asked friends to put one of their own ornaments on to be returned after New Year’s. Here’s the tree and favored gifts so far, unfinished oils by SO.

I love the oils! A lot!

Mine, with hoarfrost:

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Ah, come on, mine is a small freebie being decorated the “Fluffy Way”: put one unbreakable ornament on, play with Fluffy, put another ornament on, distract Fluffy. Gifts are in a glassed-in bookcase. I’ve asked friends to put one of their own ornaments on to be returned after New Year’s. Here’s the tree and favored gifts so far, unfinished oils by SO.

Love this CuppaJoe:D
No tree at all for me (is that too Scrooge-McDuck-ish?). Haven't had a tree since 1995, though lately I have had the money for one.
I have not put up a tree in perhaps 10 years. We used to give our children gifts, but they can buy their own now. I don't need anything either. Yes, I know, we are a bunch of "bah humbug"'s.
We have a menorah and a (fake) poinsettia out. Our newly-sophisticated college student claims she's already decorated enough Christmas trees on the campus this year, so we aren't bothering either.

Especially not at $85 for a 6-7 foot fir. We've been using an artificial tree for nearly two decades now.

For its sentimental value, I suppose.
You're going to have to start building the 2011 edition when, the day after tomorrow?
Not quite the level of Braumeister who has a beer tree - I have beer under our tree in wooden 6-pack holders that I've been building.

Sorry for the crummy pic quality, taken with my BB camera (too lazy to get out the Nikon). A convenient LBYM sized 4 footer that goes in the basement fully decorated with a sheet covering it Jan thru Nov.

Merry Christmas everyone!


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Leonidas, that is sooooo precious.

T-Al, now we have a new definition of "growing your own" for your county. Great project.
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Hey Midpack, is that a TV I saw in your fireplace?

My fireplace has been cold for more than 10 years, but then I am in the country of the "dry heat". Temperature of 73F today and absolute blue clear sky.
After packages.... The tree has the star on top. Progeny in foreground.


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^ Is that the new Brass Sax controller for COD Black Ops?

I took a semester of slide rule in high school. We had to be careful the end of the stick didn't end up in a candle flame and start a fire...

I took a semester of slide rule in high school. We had to be careful the end of the stick didn't end up in a candle flame and start a fire...

Is that a slide rule or are you just happy to see me:cool:
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