Ad Free TV - Is there or will there ever be an option for commercial free TV?

I have been trying to find a single streaming service that provides Ad/commercial free TV (Including Live TV) in HD, I would not mind paying for this either.

Currently we watch very few TV channels and have very reasonably priced cable & internet for what we have.

Here is what we watch, we obviously get all the usual crap also and do not watch it at all.

MSNBC, CNN, Bloomberg, HGTV, Motortrend, Discovery, NatGeo, BBC America, PBS, SyFy, The weather channel, Food, NBC & some local channels.

We would love to get them all Ad Free. I have checked virtually every service and no single one provides them. It is not cost effective for us to have multiple services as we get everything else we watch regularly from other sources.

Currently basic cable HD for ~$40 a month covers all these BUT with those pesky ads. We do pay extra for high speed 600 mbs Internet at extra cost but would move to T-Mobile 5G if we got rid of cable. We do not use a DVR as other than Jeopardy there is nothing we watch on a regular basis.

If a service could do all this with no ads, I think they would make a killing. Let others take care of past it and not so current movies and shows.

You probably won't like my suggestion :) . Just totally change your viewing habits and go to streaming plus do more reading. You can get PBS for $60/year. We get Netflix, Amazon Prime and others that we switch between like Britbox, Acorn, Hulu, etc. We do this through a Roku stick. We hardly ever see ads. I have an ad blocker on Firefox too.

We just pay about $55/mo for internet. But our viewing habits are probably more limited then others i.e. hardly any sports, no pop shows like Jeopardy.

BTW, our son is in the advertising business and that has made for a few lively conversations. :LOL:
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Currently basic cable HD for ~$40 a month covers all these BUT with those pesky ads. We do pay extra for high speed 600 mbs Internet at extra cost but would move to T-Mobile 5G if we got rid of cable. We do not use a DVR as other than Jeopardy there is nothing we watch on a regular basis.

It may be more involved than you are wanting, but I use a TV tuner in my computer and the free NextPVR app to record TV shows. It works with the subscription service "Schedules Direct" to provide TV listings making it easy to browse the shows coming up in the next couple weeks and choose what I want to record (or automatically record new episodes).

Then I use the free "Comskip" software and VideoRedo to detect and remove commercials from the recorded shows. Once the commercial free videos are on my hard drive, I stream them to my home TV using a Zidoo Z9X media streamer. Once it's all set up it's fully automatic.

I record free over the air channels using an outdoor TV antenna, but you could get a tuner adapter for cable TV if you need those channels.

I have used this setup for many years now and (with very few exceptions the software misses) I never have to watch commercials. The only time I see commercials these days is when I watch the live TV news.

Of course, if you don't need to see a show immediately when it first airs, you can usually watch episodes of shows without commercials on Netflix or Hulu (without ads option).
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