Sadly, my ex-wife's mother started taking that #22 attitude, of "The Lord will look out for me". She had something like 33 years of service in at her job as a government contractor for NASA. Not making huge money, but it was sufficient, and she had job security. Had a decent townhouse and a paid-for Buick.
Well, one day, she just up and quits her job, decided to start her own business, doing customer service training or something like that. Never really got it off the ground, but kept saying God would take care of her. Blew through her savings and retirement. Then she was about to start missing the mortgage payment, but got her father to help her out. He made one or two payments for her, but then realized he was only delaying the inevitable, so he stopped the economic outpatient care. Sure enough, she lost the house. She and my ex-wife ended up moving in with him.
I don't think it lasted long, and both of them probably got on his nerves, because they ended up in public housing. I think something major finally broke on the Buick and they didn't have the money to fix it, so they lost the car. And then, the mother got sick and died, and was only in her mid-50's.
So, I guess you could look at it, in a sad sort of way, that maybe God did look after her. He just happened to bring her home prematurely. Really quite a shame, as she was a nice lady. She had her issues, but was a good person. Shame that she just gave up though, and started thinking that "God will provide" crap. I was always tought that God helps those who help themselves...something that tended to cause clashes with the ex and me. And as far as I know, the ex is still living in public housing, herself.